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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mlonginotti

  1. mlonginotti

    100 lbs down

    From the album: Ericca

  2. mlonginotti

    100 lbs down

    From the album: Ericca

  3. mlonginotti


    Before and After
  4. mlonginotti

    9 months post op, Nov. 2009, 160 lbs.

    Thanks to both of you. yes I still love my band. I have my ups and downs but the ups out-weight the downs by a long shot. I have had two fills since my surgery, and I believe i am done. I wanted to lose down to 150 lbs and I am at 153 lbs now. the BMI chart shows that my weight should be between 113 and 135, but considering what i weighed before, who cares what the BMI chart "shows". I figure that I will keep exercising and see how much more i can get off on my own. Later on if i need a little nudge, then i may get a slight fill. I am actually comfortable where i am at now, but am trying to tone some areas (tummy, thighs, etc.) so I figure whatever i lose now will just be a bonus. Thanks again.
  5. mlonginotti

    No caption

    u look GREAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!! What was your jean size before surgery and what is it now? I was a 20/22 in Feb. 09, and now am in a 9/10. Best thing i ever done, if i had to go back the only thing i would change is i would have done it earlier.
  6. mlonginotti

    Before surgery, 246 lbs, April 2008

    From the album: Ericca

  7. mlonginotti

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Anal sex is one of those things that you have to want to do because otherwise, you are not going to be relaxed enough to get to the point you are suppose to. Too much of it can weaken the sphincter muscles (anus muscle). These are the muscles that tell you that you have to go #2 and they also help you have control over your bowel movements. I have been told by a doctor that too much of this can make a younger woman have as little control over their bowels as an "old" woman.
  8. mlonginotti

    Woman problem

    Thank you everyone for the posts. I FINALLY got rid of it. I knew that it wasn't anything else but this, because I am current on my pap's, blood tests, etc. The doc tested for UTI, kidney and bladder infection. On the 3rd day of the 3 day dose of Diflucan, I decided to try the vinegar bath again, and sleep without underwear, the next day I felt 80 to 90 percent better. I sleep without underwear for 2 nights and it seemed to work. I was so greatful...........then I started my &*^$% period AGAIN. ERRRRRRRRRRRR.....I can't win for nothing these last few months. I am sure it will straighten out in a few months. My body still has to adjust to the dramatic weightloss (58 lbs. in 5 months). Thanks again to all that replied to me. It's nice to know that others know what I am going through and are now scared to share it. Erika
  9. mlonginotti

    Woman problem

    Last month (June) I had 2 periods. I am contributing it to my weight loss. The other problem that has recently popped up is a yeast infection that I cant seem to get rid of. I have done OTC meds., all the home remedies that i can think of, and recently took a 3 day dose of Diflucan. It feels like it is better but not completely gone. I have NEVER had this much trouble getting rid of a yeast infection. Is anyone else having or had this problem? Does anyone have any suggestions? Erika
  10. mlonginotti

    $700 fills in Oxford, MS!

    You may want to reconfirm that. I am not self-pay so I only have to pay my specialist co-pay. BUT, I don't have to pay ANYTHING for the first year. It is all included in the initial price. If this is the case for you ($700), I would find a different doc. to go to, even for you have to travel a little. The fills here (Little Rock, AR) are $150 after the first year if self-pay. I have NEVER heard of it being that high anywhere. Don't get discouraged, keep moving on with it and do some more research on other docs, in or around your area.
  11. mlonginotti

    Back Pain

    I have had severe menstral cramps since first day I started mine (at 12). Every month, it never fails. I have been to the doc. of it and they say oh there is nothing wrong, la de da de da. That may be the case, but should I and others that have these have to suffer. Mine are so bad that it makes me physically sick. They say that women shouldn't have a hysteroctomy until it is medically necessary b/c it can cause other problems, but as you have experienced and now know why a lot of us "wish" we could have one, just to make the pain go away. About the back pain, I have been having severe back pain a couple of times a week since my surgery. I am only 4 weeks post-op so I hope that it is just a pulled muscle or gas or something like that. I have read a few posts on here that said the tubing of the lapband was laying on a nerve and their doc. just stitched it up to hold it away from the problems area. I hope this is not the case for me. I really don't want any more surgery that is not necessary.
  12. mlonginotti

    I Must Have My Band Removed!

    When they say it is mental, it doesn't mean that you are crazy. It sounds like you may be having panic attacks. These can come on all of a sudden, with no warning. My grandmother was 69 years old when she had her first panic attack, they kept saying it is all in your head. Eventually the attacks passed, but it took about a year. It is just the way some of our brains work. Have you tried anti depressants or anti anxiety meds? I hate to see that the band may not be giving its full effect because there may be other problems. Just a thought, Erika
  13. mlonginotti


    Hello all, I have been completing my requirements for the lapband put forth by Aetna. During this process I have been reading the posts on lapbandtalk.com regarding Aetna, their process, denials, appeals, etc. The posts were about 50/50 on who was approved and who wasn't, who had to got through a lot to get the approval and so on. I was slightly worried, but still keep the hope that I would be approved the first time, even if it took a year. I have to say that I am very impressed by Aetna now that my surgery has been approved. I started the 6 month supervised diet in June, the last appt. was Nov. 26th. I went in to my lapband doctor on Dec. 2nd, turned in my records for the six month diet (yes, i handed it to them (doctor's staff) myself), talked to the doctor about what would come next, etc. The clinic turned all my paper work in, along with my dictation from the lapband, recomendation from my PCP, etc. on Dec. 10th. I called Aetna every Friday to get an update on my case. On Dec. 30th, about noon, an Aetna rep. called me and informed me that I had been approved. A few days later, a got my approval letter from Aetna. The main purpose of the post is to encourage those going through the process with an Ins. company to keep pushing and have hope. If you get denied, try again. I truly believe that what really helped me get the approval the first time is the fact that I have a really good, experienced lapband doctor, and I completed everything required by the Ins. company BEFORE anything was submitted. The only thing Aetna did not have me complete is the Psy. Eval., because I don't have a history of mental illness....but, my lapband doctor requires it before surgery to make sure that the patient is prepared to go through with the surgery and to understand what is all involved post surgery. Don't give up, if it is meant to be, it will happen. Erika:thumbup:
  14. Hey Julie, I see your going on 2 weeks post surgery in a couple of days, How much weight have you lost? I will be 2 weeks post surgery this coming monday, I have lost 14 lbs so far.



  15. mlonginotti


    Hi Maria, I am sorry to hear that you were denied. DO NOT give up. Get a list of what they want you to have and have it resubmitted. It may be fustrating, but it will be worth it in the end. My fingers are crossed. Erika
  16. Hey julie, nice to hear that everything went smoothly with the surgery and that your feeling better. I had surgery yesterday and still feeling a little pain at the port area. No nausea yet, but I don't get nauseated easily either. Keep me posted on your progress and I'll do the same.



  17. Julie,


    Have you had surgery yet? I know it is close.



  18. mlonginotti


    Hey Ait, The precertification # to Aetna is: 1-800-654-4602. This is the number I called every other day after submission of my paperwork. When you call, select option 3. Have your Ins. card handy because they will ask for the ID # off of it. I always told them that I was calling to check the status of a precertification for an out-patient surgery. Some of the Rep.'s will ask what type of surgery, others won't. Most of them are really helpful. If they have recieved all your paperwork, they should tell you who your "nurse" there at Aetna is going to be, and give you all their info for you to contact them. They may also tell you to give the nurse "X" amount of days to get the paperwork looked over. I called on a Tuesday and the Rep. told me to call the nurse on that Fri. to get a status. I forgot to call, and the following Wed. (8 days later) an Aetna Rep. called me and told me I was approved. Hope this helps. Erika
  19. i created a weight loss ticker and want to know how to post it to my profile if that is possible. thanks,
  20. mlonginotti

    Weight loss tickers

    Thank you Erika
  21. mlonginotti


    Thanks. So since u were just banded today, how do u feel? Keep us updated. Erika
  22. mlonginotti


    Julie, we were approved within a few weeks for each other, maybe we will be banded about the same time too. we should keep in touch with how each of us is doing. After i get my surgery, i am going get one of those giga (or whatever) counters on here to show my progress. If you dont mind telling, how much do u weight now, and how much do u plan or want to lose? I weight is 245ish right now (ht. 5'4" BMI 41 or 42) and my plan is to lose about 100 lbs. That should put me right at my healthy weight. Erika
  23. mlonginotti


    Happy to hear. :thumbup:I go in this wed. (1-21-09) to discuss a date for surgery. I too was skeptical, but i also know that everyone is different, so I figured why not, if I was denied, i wouldnt really lose anything, i would just be in the same situation (maybe a little disappointed). GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY. I will keep u and others informed on my journey. erika

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