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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by suefwd

  1. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    hi, i had lapband in boston on 6/14/2006 and I lost 25 pounds after 60 days..I got 1 fill and that made me crazy...I was moving to another state , having financial issues, marital issues and I have not gone back to the dr. since. I have gained all of the 25 plus the 15 I lost pre-surgery and I am feeling depressed...Please help me.. I am living in the Jackson Tennessee area and trying to find a doctor who i could have my records transferred to so that I may have another fill and begin the process to lose again...
  2. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi, I have not been receiving the JUne band messages.. I was on the list and I don't know what happened... Who do I need to contact to put me back on the list? I also joined the challenge for Xmas time weight loss goals and I don;'t know why I have not received any messages...Please let me know who to contact.. thanks Susan
  3. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Randi, Hang in there....This too shall pass. I know I have been feeling like what was the sense of going through this surgery to lose only 20 poundss...but all I did prior to surgery was continue to gain...I am trying to focus on the positive even when I don't feel positive...I cannot forget how miserable I felt prior to the surgery.. I have my 8 week check up next week and I know the surgeon is not going to be happy with my weight loss, my lack of exercise,,,,but it is what it is.. I am going to keep on keeping on....I hope you feel better soon. Susan
  4. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi barbara, I know exactly what you mean... I didn't have this surgery to not see results...I am going to try and do the water challenge today....I would like to committ to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month but I am not sure that is realistic for me...At this point 5 or any amount above 5 would be significant.. I have no restriction at all...I have had no side effects, no nausea , nothing since the surgery.. I have not had a fill either.. I go back to the dr on 8/17 so perhaps I will get a fill...I have not been walking daily either...I do swim aerobics 2 x a week and had been walking 20 minutes daily during work week but then the heat came for 2 weeks and the walking stopped.. I have been feeling disappointed in my weight loss results and feeling depressed...I need to look at the positive stuff.. I have lost 20 pounds...and I am grateful...take care.
  5. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi, I too am feeling frustrated with my weight loss. I do not think I hav any restriction at all.. I have an appt for 8/17 for my 8 week post op...I have not had any problems physically.. Never nauseous or stuck.. I am down about 20 lbs but nothing in the past few weeks.. I think being able to have lots of food choices has messed me up psychologically... I was better on soft foods and liquids.. I didn't go through this surgery to just lose 20 lbs...I have started going to water aerobics 2 days a week.. I have not been walking 30 min a day like my dr. ordered.. My water is usally more than 64 oz daily...but my calorie intake I am sure is high...i don't write it down... As far as the reunion goes , sedona in June does not sound appealing to me.. a cruise would be ok ,,,,vegas would be good... Susan
  6. suefwd

    2006 January Chat

    Hi, Nice to hear from other banders in the Mass/Nh area...AS far as cold beverages go, I use sugar free popsicles, fudgicles, I also have added frozen strawberries and crushed ice to my Protein shakes and put it in a blender and serve over ice...very refreshing.. Talk to you soon. Susan
  7. suefwd

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Hi Christine, I too am in recovery from addiction.. I have 20 years of sobriety and I worked in the corporate world up until 8 years ago when I took a buyout and began working as a counselor helping others suffering from depression, mental illness and substance abuse.. I love what I do and I did not share about my lap band surgery with many people at work...Only the necessary people....I had been abstinent in OA for about 2 years and relapsed 10 years ago and did not share with anyone in AA of OA my lap band except a few close friends. I am really grateful for my lap band surgery. I am down 20 pounds since 6/14/06 and now I only have to take 1 pill for my diabetes instead of 3...I feel wonderful physically and mentally... Take care Susan
  8. suefwd

    2006 January Chat

    Hi, I live in Southern NH but work in Massachusetts in Leominster. I was banded at Beth Israel on 6/14/06 and I am down ab out 20 pounds. I feel awesome. I want the scale to move fast but it is slow...I am grateful that I feel good. I go back for my 8 week check on 8/17 and I am not sure whether or not I will get a fill at that time. My surgeon is Dr. Benjamin Schneider and he is awesome....No complications. Everything has healed beautifully. I am starting Water aerobics this evening and I cannot wait.... Susan
  9. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi, I will be 4 weeks post op on Wed. and I went to the Dr's last week and I lost 15 pounds...YEAH!!!! Now I have had some potatos, and other mushie foods added, also tuna fish, eggs, cheese and a few other things.. I will not get a fill until I am 8 weeks post op... I too have had no problems eating anything... I don't want to push it and have problems. So I am controlling what I eat and stopping when I am not full...because I know I have had enough.. I just started walking 15 minutes today and I will try and increase to 30 minutes a day by the weekend.... I am drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day and still having 1 protein shake every morning. It holds me..If I don't have the shake I get hungry .... I feel terrific and my PCP is going to run some labs because they need to decide whether I stay off my diabetes meds or they cut them way down...What a gift.. I did have Vitamin B-12 deficiency a month before my lap band surgery but received weekly injections.. I am going to have a shot this week because I am exhausted and tired and I think it is the B-12.. I am also making sure I eat the 60 - 70 grams of protein daily...LOts of work to follow the plan but I am staying with it... This support from the lap band talk site has been so helpful with information, questions answered. I am soo grateful today.. One day at a time I am recovering. Take care. Susan
  10. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Junebees, I feel terrific...I was banded 2 weeks ago.. I have lost 15 pounds. I had a lot of anxiety a week before the surgery...I felt miserable for about 2 - 3 days and then felt better and better. I return to work tomorrow and I will have to wear a bra all day and that is going to be uncomfortable.. Any suggestions... Thanks Susan. PS I cannot figure out how to get the ticker on my replies.
  11. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello june banders, I am feeling awesome. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Mentally I am sharper, physically I have more energy, and my mood is great. I am so grateful to have had the lap band done. I have hope for the first time in years. I have lost 15 pounds since June 14th surgery. What a miracle. Good luck to all the banders having surgery this week. Susan
  12. suefwd

    LBT Chat Room

    I would love to be able to chat ...but when I go to the chat room...no one is ever chatting.
  13. suefwd

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi, I too am a Juneband...I was banded 6/14/06 in Boston at Beth Israel Deaconnes Medical Center by Dr. Benjamin Schneider. I feel great. I have lost 12 pounds...
  14. suefwd

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Hi, I am a licensed mental health counselor and I work in the emergency department doing psychiatric crisis evaluations.
  15. Please remind me why I have done this to my body... I feel like I made a huge mistake. I am in a lot of pain and the pain meds make me sick so I cannot take them...I finally tried children's drinkable tylenol...that helped a little...Please tell me it is worth it and this will get better.
  16. Help...I know I made the right decision about having surgery.....I am having fear....I am scheduled for June 14 at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center. Dr. Ben Schneider will be my surgeon..I have a long way to go....I have been struggling with my weight for years and have not been successful with any diet or food plan....I have diabetes and weigh in at 260. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and I hate the way I look. I am exhausted all the time. I don't want to go out anywhere. My knees hurt, my ankles hurt. I get out of breath just walking...I hate living like this... So I know I made the right decision for the surgery, but the closer I get the more fear I have about the surgery and then the doubt comes.. I keep asking myself...Maybe this is too drastic...Maybe this will screw up my body...maybe I will never be able to eat again without discomfort...maybe the thought of the port inside my body and the band will drive me crazy...Please help me... I need to hear positive reinforcement.
  17. Thank you so much for your replies and support. I am glad to know I am not alone. It is reassuring to me to know that many of you felt the same way as I did... I am going for my pre-op tests Wed. June 7th,...I want to live....I don't want to have all kinds of complications from diabetes....I want to be able to go for a walk again...I will be reading and chatting as often as I can over the next 10 days prior to my surgery so I can focus on the hope and positive feedback. Thanks... I also need to set up a ticker counter.. Susan
  18. Thanks for the words of support.. I know it is the right decision.. I know that I will feel better after the surgery.. I am just having fear...I will continue to read the postings so I can hear hope ....Thanks Susan
  19. Hi, My name is Susan and I have been involved in the process for the past 2 months. I am scheduled to meet the surgeon next Thursday 5/25/06 and make my final decision and schedule my surgery...I hope I am doing the right thing.. I so want to be healthy. I have 110 pounds to lose. Susan

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