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Everything posted by Barbara12375
Well, tomorrow will be my four year bandiversary. Seems to me that I have always been restricted. I am down 90 from surgery date. I still have occasional issues but that is why I had the band in the first place...something to remind me that I am eating too much, too fast or just the wrong stuff. I have never had any regrets about this procedure. It's the best thing I have done for my overall health. All of my labs are near normal range, also blood pressure, joint pains are pretty much gone (all that extra weight was taking it's toll on the joints), and I just feel better in general. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis over a year ago and I take meds for that but that is not weight related. My husband passed away in November '08 and after almost a year of struggling with his business, I closed up shop and moved "home" to WV. It has been good to be back near family. My life here is so different than it was in Houston and I'm not sure this is my last stop but it is the right stop for this point in my life. I'm looking forward to posts from all you old Junebees! Let's hear from all of you. It was good to see that Poodles finally found her answer. We all have to do whatever it is we have to do for ourselves.
Wow, seems we've all quit thinking about our bands. Hopefully that means that our surgeries were all that we hoped they would be and it's no longer a huge issue in our lives. I still have my moments, like today when I tried to eat an Arby's roast beef (without the bread) and was sent running to the bathroom. But times like that are good reminders. I am down 90 pounds since surgery and would like to drop that other 10. I am seriously considering plastic surgery so if anyone has recommendations for physicians in the Houston area I would love to hear from you. Mostly tummy tuck, inner thighs and flappy arm stuff. HELP!
Thought I'd say a quick hello to everyone. I had another .3 fill and it is working. Of course, I'm not able to eat many things and I'm struggling to eat anything healthy. But on a happier note, I've lost five pounds in the last two weeks. Hope to be back below 200 next week. Feels great to be losing again. I've been down with low back strain for a few days and I'm looking forward to getting back to my Yoga classes. They are so good for me mentally as well as physically. good luck everyone!
Hi Junebie Bandsters, Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I still get updates when anyone posts to this thread and they have been few and far between. Just a little update: Last May I finally gave up and had 1.0cc removed from my band. I knew I had been overfilled for quite some time. Well, since then I have gained 19 pounds, yes, that put me seven pounds back into the 200s, where I swore I would never be again. 8 of those pounds have been in the last month. I have been on steroids for my newly diagnoised rheumatoid arthritis. Anyway, I went in this past Wednesday and had .5cc replaced. I have felt nothing. No pbs, nothing. So now what? Do I get the other .5 replaced and go back to being miserable everytime I try to eat? I am back to being uncomfortable in my own skin. I've had to buy some new clothes and everytime I need to get dressed to go out I stand in my closet and am sick about all the things I cannot wear. I guess the thing that bothers me most is that I was so confident that when I got this band I would never have to worry about this again. I know I am still a long way from my high of 265 but 207 seems worse. It's a new week and a new day. Why do we always come to our friends when we are miserable and ignore you all when things are going good? Love and good wishes to you all.
Two years today. So much has changed in those two years. I have no regrets! It hasn't been as easy as I imagined it would be and right now I am in a bad place with my band, but it is a tool that is there and I am so thankful that I have it. I am on a gaining kick right now. I am visiting my daughter in Atlanta right now and as soon as I get home I will be having a fill. I have proven to myself that I have no willpower (why am I surprised?). I had an unfill so I could eat more healthy foods and instead I am just eating all the stuff that I haven't been able to eat in two years and lots of it. BUT, I have this tool and I can stop this behavior. Congratulations to all celebrating this anniversary and a special congrats to those at or near goal.
Socalgal, you look awesome. I would love to give you a big hug! Congratulations!!!! I am enjoying my unfill. I have been eating things that I haven't been able to eat in amost two years............and no, they aren't all healthy things but I'm allowing myself to enjoy food again. My weight went up a couple pounds but today it is back to where it was when I went to the doctor. I am still six pounds up from my lowest. Hope everyone has a fun holiday weekend.
Hello to all! First, let me say to SoCal Mary: You rock girl! You look great in that swimsuit. You motivated me to see if I can do something to get back ontrack. I have been overfilled for over a year. I've known it and those around me have known it. I've been living on ice cream and junk food. Today I went to see Dr. Spivak. First time I've laid eyes on him since the morning before my surgery. He had me drink the white crap while he watched and guess what........he said I was overfilled. Imagine that. He took out a full cc and advised me to be careful as I would definitely be able to eat things I've not been able to eat all year. I came home and ate some good roasted chicken without event. It was great. Then I had to do a little test and I ate a bagel with cream cheese. It was awesome. First real bread product I have eaten in well over a year. I promised myself that I would start eating healthy and I hope and pray I have the willpower to do so. I am going out of town for the weekend and I think I will just enjoy myself and start a serious program on Monday. Pinkylee, let us know how the personal trainer goes. I tried that several months ago and thought I was going to die. She really just didn't understand how out of shape I was and pushed me way beyond where I should have gone...........now I am afraid to try it again. I saw her twice and never went back to the gym. I wish I lived closer to some of you gals so we could work out together. I can hardly believe we are coming up on our second bandaversary but how great it is that we are all still together encouraging each other and still working toward our goals. Good continued success to all.
Good morning to all. I know I've been among the missing lately. I am on a road trip, currently just west of Phoenix heading toward Las Vegas. I left Houston last Monday and arrived in Sedona on Wednesday. What a great place, it was my first visit. I did some rock climbing and meditating high up on some of the most beautiful mountains in this country. I attended a lecture by Gregg Braden on Friday night and went to Phoenix on Saturday for a workshop with Esther Hicks (Abraham). For any of you who know these speakers you will know what a great time I've had. Last night I received a call that a dear friend from years ago was killed in a snowmobile accident so, Mary, I do feel the pain you are suffering. One of the subjects discussed in my workshop yesterday was suicide and death in general. We were told that no one passes until they are ready to go. You make the choice and that the experience is a beautiful thing. People who suffer to the point of suicide find the only peace there is for them. It's those of us left behind who feel the pain. So if possible we should give thanks that are friends are finally at peace and celebrate their lives. My friend, Kathy, was one of the most fun people I have ever known, so I intend to hit the Vegas strip later today and celebrate her life. I plan to laugh and drink and remember how much I loved her and how much joy she brought to this world. Soooooooo.............my eating on this trip has been horrid. I'm living on snack foods in the car. I've only tried two "real" meals and both brought on pbs.....BAD. I'm wondering if the elevation is causing things to tighten??? Any thoughts??? I am surviving on cashews, Ritz Bitz and V8 juice. I feel fine but I know it's not healthy. Barb465, hang in there. Give yourself a break. Remember my mantra, "thoughts become things". We dwell too much on our failures instead of thinking about how great we feel and how good we look. Do you think I could have climbed those rocks two years ago?? Fly out to Vegas and join me for a couple days! We'll forget all our problems! Love and good wishes to you all..........
Socalgal.............can you recommend hypnosis cds?
Good Morning, As long as it stays in my "subscribed threads" under "quick links", I'll find ya! I have been out of town for a few days and I lost a couple pounds. Sad that I do so much better when I am away from my house and my refrigerator. I just get all the bad stuff cleaned out of my house and then I find an excuse to load up again. "my grandkids come over and there's never any snack food in the house for them".............."I just need some ice cream in the freezer for those nights when I just absolutely have to have something sweet".............."I'll just buy these Dove chocolates for emergencies"...I know you all know them. Life is good. Enjoy each day. I just lost a friend in Florida. She went to work Wednesday morning, sat laughing and having coffee with everyone, went into her office to begin work and an hour later they found her dead. She was very overweight with all the problems that go with it. But she was a very happy woman who laughed and loved telling her joke of the day. Everyday is precious. Tell those you care about that you love them, say you're sorry to those you may have hurt and forgive those who may have hurt you. Life is too short to be wasted on trival things. Enjoy today.
I don't know why but I'm not getting an e-mail to tell me when there are new posts on Junbies so I haven't checked in for a few days and I was pleasantly surprised to see all of the posts the last few days. Put me on the list of those who has gained a few pounds as of late. My eating habits have changed with changes in my personal life and obviously my new habits are not so good. The only good thing is I am eating better food and not just junk, but the bad thing is with less stress in my life my band seems to be more relaxed and I am eating MORE food. It will all balance out I am sure and I'm not concerned. I have great faith in my band and in my own ability to conquer this weight thing. I just refuse to feel pressured to do it all "today". Early morning eating has always been an issue with me and I am making a real effort to put something solid in my stomach before 9 a.m. each day. Fruit juice and cereal is about all that I've been able to handle and I'm talking only a few spoonsful of Cheerios..........but it's more than before and I do find that eating in the morning helps me be more balanced all day long. Don't feel the need to consume large amounts of food later in the day. Large amounts! What a joke compared to LARGE amounts of food two years ago. Vegas? Did someone say, Vegas? I'm up for another anniversary trip. It doesn't have to be Vegas, but it is one of my favorite vacation spots. The Rio suites are pretty nice but remember it is not on the strip and to go anywhere else you need transportation. It's much too far to walk to Margaritaville. I am very flexible and happy to go anywhere. Any other Junbies out there interested?????
Hope there aren't too many hang overs out there. None here. Almost didn't stay awake to see the new year. I haven't been a New Year's Eve celebrator for several years. Socalgal, how wonderful. I'm sure you are disappointed that you aren't feeling the big WOW but it is great that you have done what has been such a challenge for many of us. You should take great pride in your accomplishment. I am sure you look fabulous since you looked great when I saw you last June. Sounds like many of us are dealing with our own "head" issues. Barb465 is so right when she said, "Weight loss doesn't make us happy. That comes from how we decide to live our life. Happiness comes from our attitudes". I continue to struggle to get my attitude right and more importantly to keep it right. But everyday is a new day to start over and we don't have to wait for a new year to begin to get it right. Barb465, I'm anxious to hear about your visit to the doctor and fill. I am confident that you have found the fix for the problems you have had in the past with your fills. Keep us updated! While it's not necessarily a new year resolution, I do intend to focus on getting more exercise. I have been redecorating a room in my house and while moving furniture and painting walls I've managed to strain or pull something in my back. So right now walking is about all I am going to do for exercise. I got the new book from Rhonda Byrne, the gal who wrote "The Secret". There's not much in the book except pages for you to write the things you are grateful for. I have been doing this since the day after Christmas and it really is amazing how it improves your attitude to take time each day to write down the things that you are thankful for. I am thankful for my band and for the 80 pounds that are gone. I am also thankful for my ability to exercise and make better food choices as I continue to take off the final 20 pounds. Sorry for babbling. Let's hear from some of the rest of you Junebies out there. We know you are lurking.............try posting, we miss you.
Barbara........great news. I know this is going to solve all your problems and you will be on the road to your goals in 2008. Have a wonderful cruise, relax, eat and enjoy yourself.
Hi Guys, I've been on the road the last couple days driving home to Houston from Atlanta so I just spent the last few minutes catching up on the posts here and I'm lovin it! The board had gone dead for so long and it's great that it's active again. I've missed you guys and who cares if we get catty with each other...........we're women, we're allowed! I too have issues going on in my life, big issues, and I won't burden you all with the details but I am turning a big corner and I see bright skies ahead. I've been in a dark tunnel for sometime now but I know 2008 is going to be a great year for me and I hope and pray it will be wonderful for all my friends here. Please, even if we don't always agree or even really like each other, let's continue to support one another. It's like your relatives..........you don't really chose them but you wouldn't trade them even if you could. We have a bond and we need to be there for each other. SoCalGal, I am green with envy. You are my role model. I mean that sincerely, I am so proud of you and so happy for your success. Please keep us updated on your health and your progress. You are an inspiration. The holidays can be rough for some people. If it's not all the food it's depression or both..........let's keep posting and venting and griping and supporting and whatever else we want to do here. It's good therapy! Love to all.
Wow! and this is the season of love, peace and good will to man. We all have our own issues and that's why we are on here. Come on guys. Let's be allowed to voice our opinions and others not take it personally. I've lost 80 some pounds and damn proud of it. I feel badly for those who continue to struggle with small losses. I am a firm believer in "thoughts become things" and if we continue to dwell on our problems we will only attract more problems. Easier said than done but lets look for the good in life and while I may not agree with your opinions I respect your right to them and your right to post them..........that's why I live in America! I live in Texas but I have also lived in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Pennsylvania and West Virginia and I can tell you that it's not where you live that makes you who you are, it is what you carry in your heart. I happen to have a very big heart with lots of love and compassion for my fellow man and I wish you all the very best that life has to offer. But life only "offers" it, you have to accept it and being bitchy and hateful to one another will only get you the same. Off my soap box for now..............I don't usually go down this road but you guys really pushed my buttons this morning.
Boy it's been awhile since I've checked in here but it seems I haven't missed too much. It appears that everyone is either really busy or have gotten on with their lives and their band is just part of life. My band is just part of my everyday life now but I can't say that I am happy with it. Like Barbara465 mentioned before her unfill, all I do is eat the junk/easy foods. I know that I have been overfilled for several months and I am considering getting an unfill. I am not losing anymore and I truly fear that my health is suffering. I am staying at my daughter's house in Atlanta while she looks for a new house in West Virginia. I am pet sitting two dogs and three cats and numerous fish. This house was built back in the 60s and it has mirrors everywhere. Small bathrooms are mirrored on three walls, all the closet doors are mirrors, one wall in the living room is mirrored..........I am everywhere I look! and I don't like what I am seeing. My appearance has aged about 20 years since my band. I don't like what looks back at me in these mirrors. I know I am 61 years old and my body is aging but the rapid decline I blame on poor nutrition. My skin, my hair, everything just lacks any luster or vitality. I have tried taking vitamins but it doesn't seem to help and the big honkin things are hard to get down most of the time. Am I the only one who is experiencing these things. I know most of you are younger but I was just wondering if anyone has suggestions for my problems. Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. Blessings to you all.
Socalgal, you look awesome. You are an inspiration to us all, especially the Vegas group, since we can see the continued progress you are making. I have "finally" dropped below 180. I saw 178 once but I'm staying around 179. I have set a personal goal to be below 175 for Christmas. I am actually considering an unfill. I know I would eat more healthy if I wasn't so tight. Melissa, did you get another fill while you were in Houston? How are you doing? I have been doing some traveling again. We bought a new car three weeks ago and have put over 4K miles on it so far. I am enjoying being home right now and loving the fall weather. My brother passed away last week from diabetes and heart disease. I am hoping his passing will motivate me and others in my family to take better care of the bodies we were given. Happy weekend to everyone.
SoCalGal3..........please keep us updated. The fires are so terrible.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. My birthday isn't until Friday. Once you've had 60 birthdays you don't get too excited about them anymore. Of course I'm just glad to have another one and when I think about how much better I feel today than I did when I was 59 it reminds me how greatful I am for this band. Socalgal, you are having such continued success, do you credit this to the hypnotism? You must think it's helping since you are continuing. Give us some updates on how you feel about it. I am stuck at 182. I am very thankful to be stuck there considering how I eat and "don't" exercise. I just want something to motivate me to move on from here. Now that the season is changing I know I have no excuse not to get outside and move. My sister died very unexpectedly when she was 61. She went to bed with a headache and never woke up (brain aneursym). I have to admit that this birthday reminds me of her and reminds me how quickly life can be taken from us. I've made so much progress in improving my health by losing 80+ pounds, now I just need to keep going. I appreciate this thread and the continued support we give each other.
Has anyone tried the Special K Protein water? I don't usually like those kinds of drinks but I have got to find a way to get more protein.
Don't beat yourself up, Aimee. Seems to be lots of struggles going on with many of us. I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and I know that the more we focus on the bad things the more the bad things will come to us. I am sitting here trying to come up with encouraging words for you and all I can think of is how rotten I feel about my own situation. I have been drowning in sweets and junk food. I have no idea why I am not gaining pounds because I am definitely gaining inches in my midsection. Let's try to think about the new season, the cooler weather that is coming and try to motivate each other to get outside and exercise. I don't think there is anything better than fresh air to clear our heads. I don't get near the rush when I go to the gym as I do when I take a brisk walk around my neighborhood. Hang in there and keep posting. We all care about each others progress.
I know I have been among the missing lately. I just returned from a visit "home" in West Virginia. I have two brothers that live there. It was a great visit. One brother is very ill and I wasn't sure I would get there in time, it was good to get to see him. I was pleased to step on the scale and find that I had not gained and actually may have lost a pound or two. I bounce around about 3-4 pounds so it's hard to say when I've lost. I still haven't seen the 170's. I ate like a tied up hound while I was in WV. Great home cooking and fresh veggies out of the gardens........it was awesome. I was concerned that I would gain but guess it proves that good real food, even if too much of it, is better than the junk food I tend to eat when I'm home. It was nice to go home and have everyone complimenting me on my weight loss. It made me realize that I really do want to lose this last 20 or so pounds. Maybe the fall season will get us all recommitted. I'm looking forward to the cooler weather. I walked through the Atlanta airport today.........over a mile. I had the time and decided not to take the tram, it was my first step in starting to exercise again. I am paying for that darn gym membership every month and I haven't been there in August at all................grrrrrrr. I hadn't eaten anything when I got home today so my hubby took me out for some good mexican food. Then I came home and started right where I left off last week............a BIG bowl of ice cream and then a bowl of popcorn with lots of butter. Getting on here and reading how you guys are doing some of the same things makes me more determined than ever to get this crap under control. When I was a visitor in someone elses house I didn't eat this junk and I did just fine...........I can do it in my own home too. Please keep posting your problems and successes. It really helps to read everyones challenges. Pinkylee and Barb465...........I think we need to do a lunch or something to get remotivated.
Lisa, how wonderful. Your words and experiences are so encouraging. I can hear from your tone that you are in a much better place both mentally and physically. I am so happy for you. Keep up the good work and keep encouraging the rest of us. I just keep bouncing around the same 3 or 4 pounds. I am so grateful for this band because without it I would be back up to 265 or beyond. I know that getting back to basics is the right answer to continue losing, but thanks for the reminder. Keep up the good work. I can't tell you how good you made me feel today. Thank you!
We will never find a time that is good for everyone so please don't try to work around my schedule as I'm sure no one will understand this. As of Sept. 1st until the second week in December I make no plans on Saturdays that doesn't involve a big screen t.v. I know! I told you no one would understand. I am a die hard Auburn football fan and if I'm not in the stands at the game I am in front of a t.v. My husband is not a fan so we try to find a casino hotel that will televise the games. I never claimed to be normal.............you just have to accept me as I am.
I would be a maybe for the 25th and a no for Labor Day. I had my first day with personal trainer today. Oh my Gosh! I am so outta shape. My leg muscles are like mush, I can hardly stand. She was really very easy on me, considering my age and condition. She thinks that I am going to need more protein if I'm going to work these muscles (or lack of muscles). I will work with the trainer two days a week for awhile to get me started. I really have to do this thing, what a mess I am...........but I'm better today than I was yesterday and I will be better tomorrow than I am today. I can do this.