Hello! I have been lurking on this site for weeks now and figured it was time to post. I am 30 years old and my BMI is 47. I have always been on the heavy side, although I've lost a substantial amount of weight twice in my life. The first time was in college, I lost about 50 lbs and was down to just being a little overweight. I kept that off for less than a year and ended up gaining it all back plus a lot more. Then about 3 years ago I lost about 140 lbs which brought me down to a healthy weight of about 145 lbs. I felt great. I was HEALTHY. I was eating right and exercising. I started running, even ran a half marathon. Don't ask me what happened, but I GAINED it all back plus more. So basically, my deal is, I can lose the weight. I know how to do it, I know how to eat healthy, but for some reason I can't keep it off. It has to do with emotional eating - I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad. It's something I haven't been able to sucessfully control.
So, I made the decision that my next step is weight loss surgery. I have had my initial consultation with the surgeon and have started my 3 month multi-disciplinary program (Aetna insurance). But here's the problem. I literally change my mind every day regarding whether I am going to do the bypass or the band. I know people who have had both and hear the pros and cons of both. Like I said, my mind goes back and forth daily, but here are my thoughts as of now. I just want to get opinion and hear what others have to say.
Bypass - I will lose weight and will lose it quick starting from right after I have the surgery. Weight loss is pretty much a given. But boy are there side effects and complications. And major complications, where you end up back in the hospital, more surgeries, sometimes even shortening the life you were trying to lengthen. It just seems like there are much more serious complications that can occur. And that's short term. No one knows what the long term effects are. My guess is they are not good. You are taking your digestive system and re-routing it. But, the weight loss is so tempting. I think the bypass has greater rewards, but it comes with greater risk.
Band - I am much less scared of the band. But, from what I've read the initial success rate is no where near as what it is with the band. I mean, some people get the band and lose like 30 - 50 lbs. That just wouldn't cut it for me. I also might have a hard time with the healing process, you have surgery, but don't get your first fill for quite a while, so instead of having surgery and immediately losing, you have to wait. That could be hard mentally. But with the band, though there are complications and some of them are major, you haven't screwed with your whole system. If something horrible happens, you can get it taken out and most likely there would be no permanent damage. That is the selling point for me.
So, my newest thought process if that I will get the band and if it doesn't work I could always get it taken out and then get the bypass. Either way, there is risk involved and it is so hard to come to a decision. I am afraid that no matter what decision I make, I am not going to be ok with it and will always wonder if I should have chosen the other.
This is a hard decision. Any words of wisdom would be so appreciated! I have been reading through this forum for a while and you are all so amazing!!