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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by inri09

  1. while I haven't experienced the same, from what I've read on similar threads... it does sound like your stomach is inflamed from the amount of pb'ing. Most suggest doing fluids for a day to allow it to recover.

    Back to Protein Drinks for a day, then take it slow with soft foods to test it out. If problems persist, you can check with doc, but I bet a day or two of Fluid then soft food will have you back to normal. similar to right after a fill. Good luck, hope you're back to normal quickly.

  2. while infidelity may not be illegal (although it doesn't help in divorce court), and it does not necessarily interfere with work, for a leader, it doesn't say a lot for honesty and integrity.

    In this case I think it goes farther than can he hold down a normal job. Not only is he a governor, but his talking with the press shows he is not thinking clearly. Without typing all the ridiculous quotes, how can the legislature be convinced that he is worthy to be trusted and followed?

    I'm surprised at the number of people trying to defend this based on, a lot of people have affairs...

    Just a last comment, the Clinton problem was not of adultery, it was of perjury. That one always gets them going, no matter what side you're on....have fun.

  3. I had to reply since each time I checked, there was never a new post in the R.I. folder. I'd expect that since we lead the nation in doughnut shops / capita, and are home to the best clam cakes etc... there would be more of a lapband presence here.

    I wounldn't bother checking on ins again, the doctors offices are usually good at this and should tell you exactly what is covered etc...

    I work in CT and had mine done there in March. I haven't had any real problems, have gotten three fills and am down about 45 pounds. 20 of that was on pre-op, losing slowly since then, but in a way that's good. Also, I've learned how to cheat to often or I think I'd lose quicker. At times I wanted to prove I could still eat certain items so I could enjoy foods. Overall, I can eat most things but not nearly the qty as before. I'll still have a cheeseburger, but I don't eat the bun anymore. Almost no soft bread. It still comes down to what you eat, but keeps you from a really large meal.

    Good luck, feel free to ask questions as you go along. I waited for 1-2 years before deciding and looked at a number of options. Spent way too much time on this web site reading all the downsides also. It does help to prepare you and let you know what to watch for.

  4. I think he should step down and it has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative. Even if it was "just and affair", many have stayed in office after having affairs.

    However, the way he is talking to the press about it makes me question his ability to think straight. How can he ever regain credibility? It sounds like he's using the press as his counselor under the guise of being totally open and honest. To suggest he's going to try to fall back in love with his wife, even though his soul mate lives in another country, isn't going to help mend his marriage. The more he talks, the more he becomes an ongoing joke and he will not have the ability to lead in a meaningful way.

  5. there should be another option on the poll for; only a few times. I can't say I've never PB'd, especially right after a fill until I learned better. However, it's certainly not a few times per week. If anything near that often, it sounds like you need to take some action or do something differently. I hope I don't ever accept pb'ing daily...

  6. it's helpful when deciding, to read all the negative points of view. If nothing else so you're prepared for the possibilities. Check out the complications forum.

    On the other hand, your impression is correct. The majority are success stories and percentages bear that out. I held off for two years trying to diet and researching before I went though with it. So far, dropped over 40 pounds, off 2 med's and feel much better. some obvious changes required, but I feel it's been worth it so far...

  7. if it is a hernia, as opposed to delaying, you might be able to get it taken care of at the same time. Could help reduce costs if they'll do both at once.

    I had a gall bladder operation shortly after the lap band, doctor said at times he sees a hernia when he's operating, fixes it at the same time. Gall bladder cut is in a different location, but maybe they can fix it during your lap band.

  8. There's a reason ins companies will agree to pay for surgery w/ BMI of 35-40. They realize the benefit of dropping the excess weight. Most personal trainers are going to push for diet & exercise methods. It's worked for them and theoretically it's true. Many feel WLS should never be needed, but don't necessarily have experience with people who've tried numerous diets and always put the weight back on. Others aren't familiar with WLS or the statistics on what the most effective methods are. That's why it's good to study the options well so you know what's right for you. Good luck.

  9. Some doc's will do either Realize or the Allergan brands, many only use one type. The Allergan has two current sizes, 10cc or 14cc, the realize has one current size. I believe size used is the doc's decision during the operation depending what size is right for you.

    The new Realize is very similar to the Allergan and some feel there is no real (functional) difference, some have a slight preference to one over the other.

    There are older versions of each, one that only holds 4cc. I believe the new ones seem to have fewer problems statistically. Is worth it to make sure you get one of the newer versions (imo).

    I have a 14 cc Allergan. Good luck.

  10. banded 3/3/09. Surprised at how easy the surgery was. Not much pain at all, more of discomfort at most. I played racquetball 1 week post-op. took about 5 days to start to feel back to normal. able to eat normal foods so far, had 1 fill. Can eat quesidilla etc... but many report not able to eat bread etc... I did get stuck feeling after first fill from eating too fast. Wasn't terrible, but don't want to repeat if possible. Will learn to slow down and chew better, especially after a fill. Good luck.

  11. I had my first fill on Monday. I'd been able to eat normally and usually kept portions in control, but know a couple times I had more than I should have. After the fill, could tell what they mean by restriction. Back to normal today, can eat regular foods but do get full quicker. Looking forward to 2nd fill in two weeks.

    Overall, doing fine, down 39 pounds. 27 pre-op, 12 post op.

  12. I gave it up also and agree it not a good idea to back to. However, let's face it, even the gods gave up nectar in favor of diet coke years ago. It's truly a wonderful drink.

    I don't understand how some say they used to drink a lot of diet Pepsi. Not even close to the inherent goodness of DC.

    Obviously, I was bit addicted myself...

  13. I had my gall bladder removed yesterday. I was banded on 3/3 and they found the stones during the pre-op testing. My surgeon also suggested getting them out before a major attack, felt I would definitely have problems with them. Weight loss actually helps create new stones, small stones can move into the duct and cause more problems. Doctor said that it's better to take out now, if you wait until it's inflamed and painful, can be a harder surgery, more chance of infection. It was laparoscopic similar to the banding. 4 small cuts. Only difference is one is through the belly button so I can't lift for 3-4 weeks. Not much pain from surgery, can feel incisions a little more than the banding, but walking fine, sleeping on side... no major problems. Hopefully recovery will remain as easy as for the band. Good luck.

  14. I've read that some people get a slight un-fill before air travel due to the flight. You may want to ask Doc about that since it is a long flight. Even with an un-fill, you can probably compromise with being able to watch what you eat, without as much worry that you may get stuck in front of family/ friends who are unaware of your surgery. You've done well in the amount of time with the band so far, I'm sure it will work out in long run...

    have fun on your trip.

  15. I found out I had stones the same way. My doctor will not do both at once due to increase risk of infection. He said in some cases he has people take gall bladder out first, I was scheduled for band, so did that first. I was banded on 3/3 and am having gall bladder removed tomorrow. I'm hoping the gall bladder surgery goes as easily as the band, I really had an easy time with the recovery from band operation. Was back to normal 4-5 days later. Played racquetball one week out.

  16. he's just the front man for the PR campaign, might as well do all the shows. Even though I think it's ridiculous how upset people get with non-politically correct statements, can you imagine the different coverage if it was Cheney or Sarah Pailin who made a Special Olympics joke?....but then they wouldn't do that

  17. depends on your employer and the contract with Anthem. My employer had Anthem and it did not cover. I switched to my wife's plan this year, also through Anthem, but she works for a hospital, their plan did cover it. The hospital is pro- surgery since they know the benefits.

    There is a rider that each contract can either choose or decide not to cover. They see it as an option for an "elective" surgery. Good luck, hope your covers.

    my doctors office had a person who would verify insurance and give a quick answer on if you were covered or other options. They would know how to phrase it so if it is covered, they get the right answer. I've heard of some on here who were told it did not cover over the phone, later found out it was covered. I'd ask a surgeon's office to check.

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