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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by inri09

  1. is it possible to train your spouse or another worker how to cover the most important tasks for a couple days? You should really develop some back-up anyway, sounds like a good time to start. At some point you may want a vacation or have an unexpected medical issue that keeps you from work. Would be helpful to have a back-up plan in the long run.

    more to your question, you'll probably be able to work on computer after the first or second day, but take it easy if you can...good luck.

  2. my surgery and recovery went much easier than I was expecting. I think it's because I'd read so many horror stories also. Was preparing to have pain for a few days, but it was much easier than expected. I was walking easily in the afternoon, had almost no port or incision pain. I did get some gas pain on day 2 and 3, but it was more of a discomfort than pain. I realized it was what I had read about, but I couldn't even really call it pain.

    Hope yours go as well, don't panic, I think more people tend to write about problems than all the success stories.

  3. you can try explaining to him that even though he does not see you as obese, health wise, statistically it is important you loose a lot of weight. You may not be "super obese", but you are obese and it causes many health problems. One doctor told me he'd rather see someone at your BMI range get a lapband while they're still young b/c you have a better chance to get close to your ultimate goal. Not only helps with heart problems, diabetes etc...but even the effect on your knees and other joints having to carry all the extra weight.

    He may not believe you still, but perhaps coming from a health approach will help. He may think you only want to do it for cosmetic reasons. Good luck, its worth it.

  4. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo

    *****:cool2:***********:thumbup:*************:tt2:***********:)* ********* :)***












































  5. it does get easier, the first couple days are the hardest to get used to the changes. Spread the Protein Drinks out during the day to help feel full.

    The headache may be from a lack of caffeine. If you were drinking much coffee or soda before, it can cause headache as you get off it. I felt a lot better by day 3. Good luck, it's worth it in the long run...

  6. I was banded yesterday. The recovery has been going easier than I expected. I had minor pain at incision sites, could tell they were there, but not hurting badly. Was more worried about gas pains after reading so much about them. Haven't had much of a problem yet. I walked shortly after surgery, talked with nurse about it it and she thought if I wasn't feeling much gas yet, it probably get much worse. A couple times it felt almost like hunger pangs, but I think it was gas, did feel a little in left shoulder at one point, but all in all it's been a lot easier than expected. I was even able to sleep on my side (away from port site). I did see someone else there who did have a lot of pain, so I'm thankful to be one of the lucky ones.

    I followed the pre-op diet closely, hoping it would help with recovery. Not sure if that's what did it, but to those soon to be banded; it really can go without much discomfort and it seems worth following the diet.

  7. It depends on your plan and your employer. I had Anthem (in CT) with my company, they did not agree to that rider when making the contract with Anthem. I switched to my wife's policy also with Anthem in CT. and it does cover.

    I'm getting banded tomorrow.

  8. Less than 2 days to go. How's your pre-op diet going? I'm on a two week pre-op, today and tomorrow are Clear Liquids only. Before I could have Protein Shakes and 1 Protein Bar. I've seen a wide range of diets, some only 1 week, some with only the last two days. Today I met someone going this week, who didn't have any pre-op diet at all.

    At this point is just getting through tomorrow, go to hospital in early a.m. Good luck.

  9. I'm on 6th day of liquids. It isn't as bad as I expected. It's not so much as feeling hungry, as dealing with the "head hunger". After working out on day 2, I realized that was usually my excuse to go eat a big lunch. You see how many times you'd normally go eat something. The toughest time for me is at night, I try to have a sugar free popsicle or Jello to hold me over.

    You'll get through the liquids okay, just need to Water or Clear Liquids allowed to help fill you up. I never realized how good a cup of beef broth tastes.

  10. I'm scheduled the 3rd also. Was originally scheduled 2/27, but doc office called yesterday to see if I could move it back to 3/3. My doc calls for a two week liquid pre-op, so it prolongs it a few days. Was day 5 of my diet, I took advantage and went to dinner last night. Re-starting the liquids today.

    When he called I was hoping it was to move it up a few days, not back. Take advantage and take the early date. Have fun,

  11. I think your analogy to alcoholics is close to the issue. He's probably reacting to the fear of how his life will change because of your lap band. He needs to learn how to adjust, eventually he'll realize that you can still go out to dinner and he can normally even though you will eat differently. He may feel "pressured" into dieting with you, but if he doesn't want to diet, he'll go back to his old eating patterns soon enough.

    Look at the bright side, if he's loosing weight, your band has worked for both of you. Would he have the initiative to loose weight if not for your decision?

    Stay positive and give time for him to see that you're only changing your own eating patterns, and I bet he'll calm down soon. i.e. ignore negative comments for a little while and hopefully he'll tire of making them. If that don't work... good luck.

  12. just under 2 yrs. My doctor recommended it, starting looking into it and decided I wanted to wait, give diet another try. At same time found out my ins would not cover. After the year, the diet had not worked, again, changed onto my wife's ins.

    My surgery is scheduled for the 27th. I start my pre-op diet this Friday. I think the wait has given time to learn a lot more about the surgery and the changes we need to commit to in order to be successful. even though I had chosen to wait initially, once I decided to go ahead, the further delays and wait for ins etc... seems long. I'm ready to get going.

  13. I'm scheduled the 27th. Seems we'll be the last to enter the Feb 09 bandsters...I doubt too many doctors schedule operations for Sat.

    Ready to begin the pre-op diet in less than two weeks. Anyone hitting favorite restaurants for a last "big meal", or are you being good and starting to cut down early?

  14. how long after surgery until you were able to do more vigorous workouts, with weights etc..? most info is on walking. I play racquetball regularly. I'm scheduled for banding on 2/27. I'm weight ~285 lbs, but play a couple times a week. There is a lot of twisting, reaching, I'm more worried about the affects on the stomach incisions than the cardio. Doctor originally said it'd probably be ~2 wks, but if you can't lift for 4-6, I think he may not know how strenuous it can be. I figure I can play it by ear, but would like an idea of how long I'll be out.

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