I just got unfilled today for the 2nd time in a week because i was TOO filled to the point that I couldn't even swallow my own saliva and was throwing up or PB'ing I guess all night, I lost 6 lbs in 5 days it was so bad, the weightloss part was great but I was uncomfortable all week, I feel better today and am just going to take my fills slow from now on, .2cc at the most....I was at 5 & then got filled .8, now am back down to 5cc's, where I can still eat more that I probably should, but will keep to the rules my dr & nutritionist gave me, pinky nail size bites, chew chew chew, take 20 to no more than 30 minutes to eat, put my fork down in between and wait an hour to drink...those are some of the things I do to keep myself in checj, as well as using www.Calorieking.com,,,,,good luck!!!!