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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mymy

  1. mymy

    2/8/09 I Swear it's not a Hickey!

    lol you can really trll a story. I hope you at least enjoyed your dinner.
  2. mymy

    I can do this!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello, well I am happy to say that I am doing much better. I still have the gas but not half as bad as yesterday. I went to the store and just kept moving. I am still at my sisters house and I just helped her cook dinner some tacos hmm I really enjoyed the smell and for a minute I wished to just take a bite. I took some serious deep breaths and warmed up my brooth and excused myself from the kitchen. It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. I know what I have to do and what it takes to get there I am so very proud of myself. I am going to do this and I am going to beat this. I am really feeling good. I have been wanting to stop smoking for oh so long but everytime I would stop smoking I would gain weight like crazy, so my answer to that was go back to smoking. I have been smoke free for over a month now and I used the patch for a week or two but after that I was good. I am going to lose weight and be smoke free I am so greatful. I really feel as if I have a 2nd chance and I promise to make the best of it. I think I am ready to go home I love my sister and her kids but it can be a little too much at times. My sister is a great mom and I am so proud of the women she has become. Oh arent I just so positive today.lol
  3. Please lets compare notes I am bloated like crazy and this gas is kicking my ass:mad2:. lol I am walking I have tried beno gas, gas stipes, gas x chewables, pepermint tea. I woke up feeling better then I did yesterday. I cant wait to I feel better I really want to work out. My 1st apointment to see my Dr. is the 18th of Feb.
  4. mymy

    Two days post surgery

    GOOD FOR YOU. I HAD MY SURGERY ON THE 5TH AND MY Dr. said my liver was big as well he said it could be the weight but I should not drink OMG does he think I am a dam drunk? I have had my party days but that was some time ago way b4 I got fat. He also found a lymph node on my stomach and removed it he said it looked normal and sent it to the lab just in case with all that I went home that same morning. Yes I showed up at 0615 and was back on the freeway by 12n I just couldnt bare being in the hospital. You should report those nurses and I would have gave them a piece of my mind. How are you doing with the gas? Take care I hope all is well and good luck, Michelle
  5. mymy


    Its been 3 . days and i am so full of gass and i and my stomach looks twice as big as it did before surgery I am greatful for the surgery but i cant wait to get past this part oh please let me hurry up and get past this part
  6. mymy

    Second Guessing

    I agree with my friend BG this is the best investment for your family your health. We all have second thoughts trust its not so much about the money its alot to do deal with a big change but it will all be worth it. Good Luck
  7. mymy

    I love this site!

    Good Luck, you seem to be doing so well. Yes this is a great site It has carried me all the way through it. I AM NOW DEALING WITH THE GAS I JUST WAS BANDED ON THE 5TH AND BOY THIS GASS IS KICKING MY BUTT. TAKE CARE, MICHELLE
  8. hey Jensa yes girl i came home and jumped right on hell i was still druged up. I had the choice of staying over i choose to come home i never thought it would be sooo quick i have one of the top surgeons in L.A HE COULD HAVE DONE THIS IN HIS SLEEP. Its nice to hear your doing better. Good Luck, Michelle

  9. mymy

    The day after

    Hello well its done and I am so thrilled dont get me wrong but OMG this gas is a MF I cant believe just how painful trap gas is. I found out that durning surgery the pump air inside to get a better look at your stomach. I just wish some smart ass some where could figur out how to release that air before closing you up. U THINK LOL. I cant complain enough trust when i say pain i mean crazy pain. I should have over dosed on gas x sripes and the chewable ones I have been poping the 90 going north . I hope this passes soon I dont know how much i can take. I am pretty good in tolarating pain but this shit is something else. I spoke to my Dr. and he assured me it would pass and i ask about the lymph node that he romoved he again assured me that everything is fine that the lymph note looked normal I am so concerned because that is the type ofcancer my mother has. He will call when he hears from the Lab. I have heard from my Ex and just to mess with me thats cool as long as he doesnt try to come back he was my biggeest mistake:eek: OK I HOPE TO FEEL BETTER TOMMORROW. I LOVE MY BAND THIS GAS WONT MAKE ME HATE MY BAND.
  10. Hey Vickie I hope your feeling better. Why did your Dr. say not to use gas x ? I FOUND OUT THAT THE NAUSEA MED. HELPS WITH THE GAS. I have been walking as much as I can. Good luck Vickie KIT

  11. mymy

    Weight Check-In

    good luck. great attitude
  12. mymy

    2/24/09 dr. Rumbaut

    RYSMOM, Why would you get a bypass? Have you reserched the lap band. The bypass is much more dangerous. I have seen people that weight 600 plus pounds and get the lap band. With the lap band you dont loose a quick as you would with the lap band but it also is much harder on your body too loose that much weight. Please do alot of research remember alot of Dr. press for the by pass because its more expensive. Please think it through. What ever you choose Good luck. Michelle
  13. mymy

    The day after

    Hello well its done and I am so thrilled dont get me wrong but OMG this gas is a MF I cant believe just how painful trap gas is. I found out that durning surgery the pump air inside to get a better look at your stomach. I just wish some smart ass some where could figur out how to release that air before closing you up. U THINK LOL. I cant complain enough trust when i say pain i mean crazy pain. I should have over dosed on gas x sripes and the chewable ones I have been poping the 90 going north . I hope this passes soon I dont know how much i can take. I am pretty good in tolarating pain but this shit is something else. I spoke to my Dr. and he assured me it would pass and i ask about the lymph node that he romoved he again assured me that everything is fine that the lymph note looked normal I am so concerned because that is the type ofcancer my mother has. He will call when he hears from the Lab. I have heard from my Ex and just to mess with me thats cool as long as he doesnt try to come back he was my biggeest mistake:eek: OK I HOPE TO FEEL BETTER TOMMORROW. I LOVE MY BAND THIS GAS WONT MAKE ME HATE MY BAND.
  14. OK I made it. I went in at 6am and on the freeway home by 11am. This Gas is killing me and the x strips just wouls cut it no pun intended. I am only sipping on water ans ice chips. I dont want to even think about eating. I have that bloated feeling. The surgery went pretty smooth except thrDr. found a limp note (spelled wrong) on the lining part of my stomach and sent in to the lab. OMG more shit for me to stress about. My
  15. mymy

    Meds Taken, time for breakfast

    oh Sarah yes you need at leasr 45 grams of protien and slimfast is a nono with my Dr. he said it has too much calories and they make alot of people gasy i can confim the gasy part
  16. mymy

    I have my band. Yeah

    OK I made it. I went in at 6am and on the freeway home by 11am. This Gas is killing me and the x strips just wouls cut it no pun intended. I am only sipping on water ans ice chips. I dont want to even think about eating. I have that bloated feeling. The surgery went pretty smooth except thrDr. found a limp note (spelled wrong) on the lining part of my stomach and sent in to the lab. OMG more shit for me to stress about. My
  17. :toetap05::confused::frown::eek: OK I am ready I will be leaving for the surgery center in 1 hour. I am nevous and cant wait untill this all behind me. I welcome the day that I will sit here nervously awaiting my 1st fill. I THANK EVERYONR FOR THEIR SUPPORT I JUST LOVE THIS SITE. SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE. Oh here I go getting all emotional lol let me go. I hope to past a blog later this evening
  18. mymy

    less then 5 hours

    :scared2::crying::sleep::w00t: OK I am ready I will be leaving for the surgery center in 1 hour. I am nevous and cant wait untill this all behind me. I welcome the day that I will sit here nervously awaiting my 1st fill. I THANK EVERYONR FOR THEIR SUPPORT I JUST LOVE THIS SITE. SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE. Oh here I go getting all emotional lol let me go. I hope to past a blog later this evening
  19. mymy

    Mock Mashed Potatoes, Deluxe and Turnip Versions

    when you say heavey cream what is that duh
  20. mymy

    If you cant fight....use harsh language and dirty looks

    WELL CALM DOWN THE WORLD IS FULL OF MEAN SPIRITED PEOPLE JUST DONT LET THAT ANGER YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE LETTING THAAT EVIL INTO YOUR SPACE. You did right when you b friended the guy and you should continue to be you. Just like you can be fat their are people that can be just evil. Dont let the actions of others effect you. At the rate you are going you will go off sooner then later. Deal with your issues see someone express these over whelming feeling. I wish you all the luck and next time you are caught in that situation (and you will be) pity those people that dont have a clue. Much love, Michelle
  21. I am happy to hear that what it was lol yes we are a like girl i would have been in the er swearing i had a surgical tool left inside me lol. I am ready tomorrow at this time i will be banded God willing. Talk to you soon


  22. Hello my name is Michelle and I am in Southern Ca. and I am sed. for 5th of Feb to get my band . YEAH YEAH
  23. mymy

    Mushies-- Rules before Recipes

    i realy like you and your blogs. thank you and i will be here waiting Michelle
  24. I just cant sleep really I am sitting here at 230am and I am a wake like its noon. I dont have to go to work today, tomorrow is my big day and I am so excited. I havent been this excited since I was a child the night b4 xmas the day b 4 school. I just hope this is the answer to my dreams. I have been walking on my tredmil but my lower back hurts like crazy and now that I know I dont have kidney failure I know its all this junk in my trunk (BIG BUTT) LOL. I am going to walk this ass off literaly . Wait not all of it. lol My mind just wont shut down I lay here close my eyes and then I go over the things I need for surgery and I know I have everything. I wonder where my low life ex is laying (not to much thought on that) better her then me oh sure its good now but wait untill the nut case unravels lol. I had a pretty decent conversation with my son he wants me to help buy him a car haha this from the kid that put a huge dumb tatoo on his neck. Yeah he can hold his breath on that one. Well I am staying with my sister for a couple of days after surgery my nieces and nephew are excited to nurse me back to health. I just love those kids they are the best I am so lucky to be auntie Shell. Well I guess I will lay here flip the channels and let my mind run wild untill my eyes defeat my mind and close. Just think 1 more night and God willing I will be banded.
  25. I just cant sleep really I am sitting here at 230am and I am a wake like its noon. I dont have to go to work today, tomorrow is my big day and I am so excited. I havent been this excited since I was a child the night b4 xmas the day b 4 school. I just hope this is the answer to my dreams. I have been walking on my tredmil but my lower back hurts like crazy and now that I know I dont have kidney failure I know its all this junk in my trunk (BIG BUTT) LOL. I am going to walk this ass off literaly . Wait not all of it. lol My mind just wont shut down I lay here close my eyes and then I go over the things I need for surgery and I know I have everything. I wonder where my low life ex is laying (not to much thought on that) better her then me oh sure its good now but wait untill the nut case unravels lol. I had a pretty decent conversation with my son he wants me to help buy him a car haha this from the kid that put a huge dumb tatoo on his neck. Yeah he can hold his breath on that one. Well I am staying with my sister for a couple of days after surgery my nieces and nephew are excited to nurse me back to health. I just love those kids they are the best I am so lucky to be auntie Shell. Well I guess I will lay here flip the channels and let my mind run wild untill my eyes defeat my mind and close. Just think 1 more night and God willing I will be banded.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
