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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TexasGram

  1. Congratulations on your weight lose. There are great support groups in SA - I am considering the lap band, have had everything done but set the date. San Antonio is a great place to live - we live outisde of SA in Schertz - taxes aren't as high and it is a great place to live. Housing is very affordable and it is a great place. :wink2:

  2. Hi all - I am planning on getting banded also in a couple of months. I am very concerned because I lose slowly even when I follow a diet such as Weight Watchers. My doctor thinks for that reason maybe I should get bypass but I prefer the band. Has anyone had any sucess on not even losing weight before and been sucessful with the band. Appreciate any comments. Thanks.

  3. Congratulations Hipmom! Your doing great. I am thinking about the lap band but my doctor is advising bypass as I lose weight very slowly. I really don't know what to do. I have about 90 lbs to lose total (and that would be what I weighted 40 years ago). I am at a loss as to what surgery to do. But, you are doing great with the bad.

  4. Hi everyone - San Antonio here - went to the free seminar a couple of weeks ago on Stone Oak - thinking of lap band but haven't fully decided yet. Seems to be a lot of complications such as band slippage, infections etc. It concerns me. I envy those of you that have done it and are doing great. That is wonderful!

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