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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by TexasGram

  1. Thank you for your opinion. I really do want to the band for all the reason you mentioned, especially it is safer and not as major surgery as the other. I am just so afraid I will not lose on it. But, I have some some really great loses here and I know it can work so positive thinking! Congratulations on your weight loss and thanks for the reply. It helps me make a decision.

  2. I am thinking about the lap band but my doctor is advising bypass as I lose weight very slowly. I have tried many diets like wieght watchers and still couldn't lose. Have had thyroid checked and all that. I really don't know what to do. I have about 90 lbs to lose total, not young, and I am at a loss as to what surgery to do. Has anyone else had problems before the band not losing and lost after? Appreciate your comments. :scared2:

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