This is in response to the message about the Wellborn Clinic,.. I dont know where you got your information about that clinic but it is absolutely wrong, before you say anything bad about Dr Wellborn or Suzan you need to have your facts straight. you will not find a clinic that goes out of their way to take care of their patients, whether you are a pt that he did surgery on or one that came in from another dr, i should know i was one of those. Dr Wellborn and his wife have done unfills in the middle of their vacations or at their lake house in emergency situations because they are that way, does that sound like someone or do you hear of any other physician that will do that when they are not in clinic or out on days off?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! so you didnt like the prices that you were told about or that you had to pay, well let me tell you ...did you think you would get it for free?? do you get anything for free, how do you think they pay their bills or their staff,.. they dont work for free, if you dont like the results when you go into a clinic then just leave, or do your homework and find out before hand instead of showing yourself out. Any clinic is going to charge you a OV for seeing the dr, you are taking HIS time to look at you or any xrays you have or whatever the problem is that you are having and you dont think you should get billed for that,.... then your not very smart at all,.. as far as suzan treating you like dirt or the staff treating you like that i can honestly say YOUR WRONG in that aspect all together,.. its a shame you have to go on here and bash such a good clinic and the staff because you didnt like what you heard,.. well get over it and move on,.. but dont talk that talk if you have nothing to back it up. all these drs and staffs work hard and have to put up with people like you doesnt make it easy,.. you need to just move on and let it go,........ you have already shown what your made of,..... but dont talk about the wellborn clinic when he has saved so many lives and to have people like you down him or his wife and staff, i thought i would stick up for that clinic and let someone else that is reading this know YOUR WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE SAID!!!!! and i am sorry there are people out there like you that can go on and say what they want and not be true..... good thing you wont be back there i wouldnt want to see someone like you in the waiting room.........p.s .. probably voted for obama who thinks everyone should get something for free!!!!!!!!!!!