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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Karihall

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  • Birthday 01/29/1974

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  1. Hi, I am writing you back in response to my pre-op weight. When I started the process I was 189lbs, but I was 209 at my highest. I am only 5 foot on a good day. I was banded Jan 2008 and I had reached my doctors goal of 125lbs that Oct. I really hadn't tried to lose any more weight after that but it just kept coming off. So I am now 102lbs and holding for the past 8 months. I too doubted if this was going to work for me since everything else had failed. But with a lot of hard work it paid off for me in the end. I know for a fact that if you work your band it will reward you. There has never been one regret this whole time. Even through all the bad days, this was simply the best thing for me. Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to know. I am pretty open about things on here since I chose not to tell friends or family about my surgery. Talk to you soon and I hope this helps some.

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