1. Were You Named After Anyone? No
2. When was the Last time You Cried? 6/26/09 Grandaddy passed three months after GrandMother been a rough few months.
3. Do You like Your Handwriting? Chicken Scratch ugly
4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? Oscar Meyer Ham n' Cheese loaf
5. Do You have Kids? Yes, two
6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? Yes
7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? Me, no never :eek:
8. Do You still have Your Tonsils? No
9. Would You Bungee Jump? Depends what I'm jumping over.
10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? Peanut Butter Captain Crunch (RIP)
11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? Nope only wear Burks or sandals
12. Do You think You are Strong? Yes
13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? Coffee
14. What is the First thing You notice about People? Body language
15, Red or Pink? Pink
16. What is The least thing You like about Yourself? Quick Temper
17. Who do You Miss the Most? My 20's
18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? Blue jeans and brown sandals
19. What was the Last thing You Ate? Roasted Chicken with Golden Zucchini
20, What are You listening to now? Son yelling at video game (eye roll)
21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be? Sea Green
22. Favorite Smells? Patchouli and Sandal Wood
23. Favorite Sports to Watch? Basketball, Jiu Jitsu (whatever the kids are into)
24. Hair Color? Brunette
25. Do You Wear Contacts? No
26. Favorite Food? Potatoes
27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? Scary
28. Last Movie You saw? Hancock
29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing? Maroon Roswell tee
30. Summer or Winter? Fall
31. Favorite Dessert? Black Forest Cake
32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? Silver City, NM
33, Where would You like to Travel Next? Yellowstone
34. What Book are Reading now? The Watchers by Koontz
35, Where were You Born? In a hospital
36. Big Band or Rap? Both
37. Interesting Fact about Me? I just look innocent
38. What did You Watch on Television Last Night? Ace of Cakes
39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Both
40. Do You have a Special Talent? I'm me and that's enough :smile2: