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Everything posted by BetsyLynne

  1. While I am waiting for them to call me with my first appointment is there anything i can do? My PCP had me do blood work and i will be doing the 24 hour cortisol test monday. What else can i do in advance?
  2. "Hi Betsey--did not find my purse yet, but when I do it is yours! See, I remember you! good luck. Your a sweetie. I will probally be walking this weekend if the fiancee doesnt have to work. Poor guy works so much. I was told that i will get a call today to schedule my first appoiontment. I was told by other patients not to hold my breath! So im wondering if they dont call should i call them?? I dont want to be a pest but i want to get started!!
  3. grrr if this double post im sorry the page keeps timing out on me!! So i finally had my seminar last week and they said they will call me tuesday with my first appointment. im excited! it sems like i have been waiting forever. Linda i think we may have met! I walked at the park and the mall with you and my coworker that had her surgery the same day of yours if im not mistaken. now that im truely on my way i will be walking more often. Also where are the support meetings? And should my support person come with me or can he stay home?
  4. I am going to the seminar today. I have been waiting along time and am super excited :thumbs_up: I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Dr Hoffman. But My PCP knows Dr Posner and wants me to see him. How is Dr Posner?

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