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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Marmite_crumpet

  1. Marmite_crumpet

    I've got to ask this ...

    Thank you RestlessMonkey. I think that is the kind of thing I wanted to hear. I suppose I was getting the impression that the band doesn't do that much in the way of directly affecting weight loss. I have a theory that the fact that someone has gone through the surgery - usually paid for it themselves, has a large effect on their resolve to lose weight this time. Is that the case do you think? Or does the band have that much of a physical effect that, with or without the right mindset, weight would be lost? Gawd, I do overthink things I know! But this is how I process things - obsessively - and I have to explore every question in my mind to reassure myself I am doing the right thing.
  2. Hi all Been reading through these forums and found lots of very useful/helpful information. I first saw my Consultant - Shaw Somers - June 2007, where he said I would be a good candidate for WLS. It has taken a further 6 months for me to decide that I want to go ahead. I phoned the unit in Chichester on Monday and yesterday they told me I could have the op on 31st Jan - 3 weeks away. They initially said I could have 17th if I wanted, but there is too much for me to sort out for that deadline - plus it seemed too rushed. Anyway, I have lots of reservations, still, about all this but think it is the right choice when I weigh everything up. Today, after the initial excitement yesterday, I feel depressed that it has come to this. That I am a failure and rather pathetic that I can't use will power and just stop stuffing my face! I am disgusted that I am electing to have surgery when I am healthy, because I choose to overeat. I see sick and dying people in my job who would give anything to be in my position. Yet here I am, choosing to go through a surgical procedure to "be normal". Sorry to be such a misery, but I thought I might as well be completely honest from the start. All comments, negative and positive, are very welcome. Did anyone else feel this way?
  3. Marmite_crumpet

    UK lady checking in

    Thank you ladies, I feel a lot better reading your posts. I will go back and re-read them when I am being hard on myself again. I spoke to a lovely lady from here this morning on the phone. She was banded by Shaw Somers and has put a lot of my doubts to rest. Thank you Wendy :thumbs_up:
  4. Marmite_crumpet

    Post-Op Reporting in!

    Quite. Good to hear things are going well for you though Lena
  5. Marmite_crumpet

    Post-Op Reporting in!

    A month on the liquid diet?! :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
