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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by KarenE

  1. " I still follow all the band rules and I have been for over a year and no longer have head hungry issues does that start over again with the sleeve?? "

    I was sleeved 2 weeks ago. I was un-banded a few months ago and fell right back into old habits. I don't honestly feel like I have any more head hunger than when I started. In fact my recovery over the band is far better. This time though I take my pain meds very regularly and even if I don't feel like walikng outside I'll pace my house for 15-20 mins.

    All the best tommorrow. Just do what your DR says and you'll fare fine.

  2. Ok I have abit of a different take. My hubby doesn't want me to have the sleeve because he is worried. He was all for the band because it removable,which I found out is was{WINK WINK}. He wants me to have a new band,but the sleeve is what I really always wanted. Now that there is a chance to get the insurance to pay for it is what I want. I respect his feelings he also went through alot when things didn't work out with my band( a story for a different time),but it is after all my body.

    So your friend might just be scared for you. I would say to her that the therapy is a good idea and you respect her opnion but ultimately it is your body and you hope that she can support you in this. I have had to say this to my hubby.

    It might be all that the others have said but I hope since you said she is your best friend that her motives are pure even though they might not be.

    All the best

  3. I have to agree with Jacqui ...Nothing is perfect. I was loving my band when I finally healed and before my first fill. It took me longer than usual to heal, but thought that would be it. I had to have mine removed because my body rejected the permanent stitches.

    I too have been considering and actually wanting the sleeve. Waiting 4 the new year to see what can be done with my insurance.

    These 6 weeks without the band have definitely proved to me that I need a tool to help with my weight and health goals.-

    Thanks for the discussion this it helps-

  4. Becca-

    2 thoughts came t mind when I read this:

    1st.- You son is 2. By the time you are better and able to make dinner ,your boy will be what 2 yrs & 3-4 months older. You will make all the necessary changes long b-4 anything become irreversible as far as his diet.

    2nd-.All the above suggestions are great and don't forget to just buy some canned vegs. Most kids love em-they are easy for everyone and keeps the vegetable in his life and in his taste buds.

    I have 4 kids ....all over the age of 10 and even through my completely terrible relationship with food...keeping simple things like easy vegs. and fruits have helped keep them healthy.

    Your better health you are working towards will benefit your whole family so soon try and be patient with yourself….sometimes you have to just take care of yourself.

  5. When you first get hit with all the tests most of us were like..."Are you kidding?!?" ,but with more thought it all makes sence for the best health outcome from such invasive surgury. You may feel a bit put off by her gang busters approach but it was all the tests they told me about at my DR's orientation. I have to 2nd katwmn63 thought that maybe she is more in touch than you feel-think. Hope you find the peace you need to get started.

    .....On the note of self over insurance pay...my DR insisted on the same tests regardless...for safe outcome.

  6. Kat and Bette-

    I join you tomorrow as well!!!! I know it is kinda of late for this Kat but Dr.head RN who had bypass 6 yrs ago,told me not to get too much in advance because you never know what you will tolerate or want after surgury. She did say make sure to get and use you pain meds and the anti-nausa meds.

    All the beat to us ALLL..

    By the way I am so freaked right now-

  7. Wow,I thought I was the only one with this concern. My 11yr old is 5' and weighs 133lbs. She is my most active kid but boy does she like to eat. Her 3 older brothers never had any big weight problems. She's pretty self confident but notices that she is bigger than her friends.

    I worry for her. I am hoping that they'll let me take her to the nutrition part of my program. I am hoping tp be banded in May.

  8. Hi -

    I know there was a thread started a while ago on this subject.An update on the subject would be great. I am going to be banded @Cleveland clinic. I started the preliminary stuff for the Drs. requirements and my Aetna Ins. I would love to hear from any who have been banded there and your experiences. How are they about fills...I do love the staff so far. That is great since I travel over 2 hours to get there.

    Any input would be so very much appreciated.

    By and By if anyone lives in the fort Myers area I would love to get together locally for support.

    Karen E:w00t:

  9. Hi Friends!

    I have been lurking for awhile and decided to come out of the wood work. I am starting my lap band journey. I have seen my DR,from Weston Cleveland Clinic-Dr.Raul Rosenthal. I am beginning the insurance required 3 month nutrition program. In a few weeks I see the pulmonary dr. ,phych and nutritionist again. I am very excited and nervous. When I look at different foods I am sad about missing them.

    The Cleveland Clinic here in Fl is 2 hours 15 mins from my home. All the centers that my Aetna covers are. I chose this one after research and the fact of Cleveland clinic reputation.

    Initially my DR wanted to have gastric bypass because of my high BMI-50-but I went there for the band and the more I thought about it-the more that this is most comfortable for me. No judgment on anyone else's choice this is just mine.

    I would love to hear from any one but especially those like me who have a lot to lose.

    I look forward to being part of this community-

    Karen E

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