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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TheCloudPainter

  1. TheCloudPainter

    Gastric Sleeve

    WASA, I'm not going to get into this further with you... All I can suggest is that you speak to this person directly and try to work this out. Have a great weekend, all...
  2. TheCloudPainter

    Gastric Sleeve

    MacM & wasa, I do understand about the complexity of revision VS virgin sleeve surgeries. I do think the comment about the coordinator wasn't necessary, though... that is purely subjective and not an objective statement. I don't feel that this is the appropriate place for comments like that. No offense intended...
  3. TheCloudPainter

    Gastric Sleeve

    WASA, Do you have anything nice to say about any other doctor than your own? Attacking coordinators & doctors on this forum is BS, and I'm getting tired of listening to it. I was very fortunate - everything turned out great. If you have a problem with someone, I'd suggest talking to that person face to face or taking it to them, PM or email. You mistakenly thought I was someone else, and didn't even apologize to me for that. Your opinion is just that... your opinion. An innocent question was asked, and answered by me about MY experience... PERIOD. It's because of this that I basically don't come to this forum often.
  4. TheCloudPainter

    Gastric Sleeve

    Hey there I had my sleeve done on Jan 13 in Tijuana, MX by Dr Lopez & Dr. Pompa. The total cost of mine was $8500, exc the plane tickets & the tips for the drivers. It was a wonderful experience. Up here in Washington state, to pay out of pocket would run about $23k, I believe. Hope that helps.
  5. TheCloudPainter

    Gastric Sleeve

    Not at all... Just that I didn't do it earlier!
  6. TheCloudPainter

    Wonderful site for Gastric Sleeve

    This is true... there's always a way to cheat... I personally wanted to LICK my fiance's piece of pizza tonight... LOL! That was hard... but instead, I made my chicken broth with protein powder in it and was quite full. Physically, I was full & fine... Mentally - it SUCKED! I guess therein lays the battle we all face. A friend of mine is interested in either the lap-band or the G-sleeve and I've directed her to this forum to learn about both. She asked a good question tonight that I've never seen asked here before - What about salads? How soon can I have a salad now? I know with limited space, it's better to use it for more nutritional food... right? Thanks for your help, MacMadame TheCloudPainter :huh2:
  7. TheCloudPainter

    Pills and supplements post op

    MY antibiotics tabs are huge and started taking them 4 days out of surgery. At first, my eyes went the size of saucers when I saw how big they were, but I just swallowed it with some Water and didn't have any adverse affects. I was waiting for something to happen, but nothing did... thank goodness! TheCloudPainter
  8. TheCloudPainter

    Wonderful site for Gastric Sleeve

    Hey all Wow! I didn't realize it was this easy to lose massive lbs so quick and then again, to go back to old eating patterns so quickly. I'm only 5 days out from my sleeve, and am getting a little nervous reading all this. I've joined www.gastricsleevesupport.com and find it a very good forum. Take care, all... TheCloudPainter
  9. TheCloudPainter

    Describe your post op recovery please?

    Heya NeverGoBack... I was just sleeved on 1/13/09 and I'm feeling great! The recovery was a cakewalk... I had one tiny burp that the nurse worked out of me the morning after surgery (that was odd), but never had problems with gas or gas pain. Immediately after surgery, they had me up walking and yeah - I kind of felt like I had been kicked in the gut by a horse. But hey - I'm a weinie! Take all pain meds they offer and sleep... Next day, they took out my foley and I was walking alot. Third day - they took out my drainage tube and that hurt quite a bit! I just gritted my teeth and it was over pretty quick. I was then taken to xray and drank some nasty stuff called Iodo - something. It's the stuff for a contrast xray to see if there are any leaks in your new sleeve. Just close your eyes and down it, it's gross but you'll live. They released me then to go to the hotel... (I had my sleeve done in Mexico) and I came back that night for my evening meds (IV). Next day, they took out my IV and I was released to go home. All in all, I'd say about a fairly painless procedure... probably about a 3-4 out of 10 on the pain scale. I've never had abdominal surgery before so I didn't know what to expect. That scared me more than anything else. For being 5 days out of surgery, I feel great with just a lil itching and discomfort around the incision sites. Of course, my tummy muscles are still a lil sore, but I'm walking straight and drinking well. I seem to have accumulated alot of gas last night... LOL! It's gone now... *blushing - gigglin* We DO need a place for us sleevers to go, don't we? I found one forum, www.gastricsleevesupport.com and it's fun because it's Aussie based... LOL! I have no idea what weetbix are or if I'd ever eat poached fish... but they are very welcoming. I'm finding that each WLS has their own following and can be quite elitist towards others... LOL! Another good forum is www.obesityhelp.com. Good luck and I hope this helps... TheCloudPainter
  10. Absolutely! MY email is TheCloudPainter@hotmail.com or she can send me a private message thru here. I hope she does it - Dr Pompa and her staff ROCK! I'm a paramedic and have been in hospitals all over the US and Canada. This place ranks with the best of them. Of course, right now, I'm sore, but I've been up and walking and feeling so much better by the hour. Thank you for the recovery wishes. *hugs*
  11. Hey all After doing my research, I opted for the G-sleeve and Dr Pompa in Mexico. BEAUTIFUL clinic, very wonderful and caring staff - top notch facility. Patty had everything arranged wonderfully. I'm one day out and of course, sore. Where'd the horse go that kicked me in the guts??? Will keep ya'll informed... *S* Take care TheCloudPainter
  12. Hey ya'll... I'm new & kind of lost... I want to get a lap-band, but I have no idea where to start. I'll be a self-pay, and don't have a clue where to go or how to start. I was hoping that ya'll could kind of point me down the right path... I'd really appreciate it. I've heard the nightmare stories about people having to wait forever and jump thru major hoops when dealing with insurance companies. I'm kind of hoping that some of that would be reduced when paying cash. What approximately is the timeline I'm looking at? (IE: initial consult thru surgery) I appreciate any insight ya'll may have for me... Thank you in advance. Take care! TheCloudPainter PS: Just glancing at the posts in this forum is AMAZING! Ya'll are incredible!!!
  13. TheCloudPainter

    Why WLS? Your personal top 10 list

    I'm just beginning my venture down this road to my *new life*, but these are the reasons I'm willing to shell out major bucks, blood, sweat & tears for my WLS... SO... 1. I can have & enjoy sex with my fiance~ again... with lights on! 2. I can wear sexy thongs again 3. I can actually get in/out of my lil Fiat Spider I restored without feeling/looking bad or silly 4. I can just slip on a lil sundress and feel like a million bucks... 5. I can stop hurting from back, knee & ankle pain & being winded all the time 6. I can ride the beautiful horses I breed and raise, not just talk about it 7. I can do more recreation activities with my fiance' (IE: learn how to surf, etc) 8. I won't be embarassed or ashamed at get-togethers, reunions, etc 9. I can walk into a store and find pretty clothes that make me feel pretty & feminine again (no more sweats!) 10. I can get healthy and stay that way (no more DIET pills!) to enjoy a full, happy, long life with my fiance' & can get married on a beach in some tropical place just wearing a light sundress! Take care all!
  14. TheCloudPainter

    Quitting w/ E-cig for Lap Band

    AAAaargh! Weight loss and quitting smoking in one fell swoop???? I'm shaking in my boots now... LOL! When I was pregnant, I quit cold turkey and stayed smoke free until baby was about 10 months old. Morning sickness may have helped with that, though... LOL! I saw the e-cigs in the mall last weekend... I'm not so sure that's part of a cessation program. Besides, they are really heavy, too... I'd suggest trying the tried and true route... Good Luck - you can do it!
  15. PM test

    Susan, just trying this out... *S*

  16. TheCloudPainter

    Hey ya'll... I'm new & kind of lost...

    Hey all... Wow! To say I'm completely awestruck and blown away by the passion and compassion I see here is an understatement. I guess now i have some choices to make to get this ball rolling... *S* I've always been scared that I'd be told I wasn't heavy enough for this surgery, but unfortunately, I don't think that will be a problem anymore. (Don't worry, I'm not a size 2 anorexic that gained 5 - 10 lbs over Christmas...) This has been a lifelong battle that I've beaten a couple times with Ionomin, the first time, then Phen-Phen the second. I managed to keep 100+ lbs off for 11 years (just by taking low doses of Phentermine) until we were in a fatality head on wreck in 2005, and my R leg was severely broken. Since then, while having the necessary surgeries to repair my leg, I've sadly watched the weight creep back on. I've also been a little apprehensive about the psych eval, as this is a very emotional subject for me and I'm not sure what they are looking for. Another challenge with me, is that I got engaged to a wonderful guy in 2004, just before our wreck. He's never seen me heavy like this before, even though I was honest upfront and told him about my ongoing battle. He didn't understand that it was NOT just a case of *eat more veggies, exercise more* at first, but I think he's seeing it now. Initially, he was saying this was unnecessary, etc... but when I stopped being able to enjoy our 'intimate' times, I think he's beginning to understand. I guess sometimes, you have to hit a chord they understand... hehe~ Good gawd - I'm so sorry about just letting all this out to ya'll, but for the first time in years, I'm totally comfortable talking about all of this. No fear of saying the wrong things or people thinking I'm just weak and lazy. It's okay to feel the way I do... Thank You ALL! I've always said I'd NEVER ride a horse whose ass was smaller than mine, and I'm not about to buy a draft horse! (I raise Foundation Quarter horses and Arabians.) Well, off to make some calls and see what I can get in the works. Is anyone here from the Pac NW? Take care, all and Thanks bunches for the sage advice and words of encouragement. Good luck to ya'll!
  17. TheCloudPainter

    Hey ya'll... I'm new & kind of lost...

    Thank you, susan1961 & restless monkey for your quick replies. As I'm sure ya'll were, once I made up my mind to do this, I want to get your feedback and proceed from there... quickly. LOL! Because I'll be a self pay, of course I want a good financial deal. I'm a little scared of a "procedure done in a clandestine back-alley clinic", of course, but after reading the reports of the people that have had their surgeries in Mexico, that fear has been laid to rest. I had heard that Costa Rico is offering some as well. After doing some reading, I'm wondering now if the gastric sleeve wouldn't be better for me? I would be worried that the band might slip or something. Does physical activity have much to do with that? I do ride horses, and have been known to take a tumble or three... hehe~ I'd be paranoid that the band would slip. I have no prior medical conditions, other than weight, so that shouldn't be a problem. It's got to the point now that I feel miserable this way. I don't have mobility, endurance or agility and just get winded walking out to feed my horses. I'm so excited to find this forum... THANK YOU! susan - can you feel any difference yet? restless monkey - how far out are you? Thank you both again... I'm taking my first steps towards a new life... *S* very excited here! PS: Because I'm new to all this, please forgive, in advance, my stupid questions. Thank you all so much.

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