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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singingintherain

  1. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I went to the meeting in January and pushed to have it done as soon as possible which was in May. It all depends on the surgeon's schedule and also the openings for appointments for a psych eval, nutritionist consult, initial surgical consult,sleep study etc. The insurance is usually all set before the appts...HP is fast. re sleep study: if you don't tell the dr at the initial consult that you snore or have any problems sleeping, chances are that you won't have to have one. Don't mention snoring like I did!
  2. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi ! I am scheduled to be banded next week. I also have Harvard Pilgrim and they approve within a very short time. I wouldn't worry with your cholesterol and BMI..especially if the Bariatric surgeon says that you qualify. I am having it done with Dr Malcolm Robinson at the Faulkner and he is known and reported to be one of the BEST! Scheduling is rather slow, though in the Brigham/Faulkner program, so you have to make many calls to get your appointments scheduled. I found that it was not a question of my being approved, but a secretarial matter. You will find it almost impossible to get an appt for surgery with Dr Vernon. Dr Robinson and Dr Lautz are really good. The info meetings are very informative with slides and talk by a surgeon, someone from finance talking on insurance, etc, and a nutritionist...all make a great presentation. Questions from the audience are plentiful and they encourage questions. I wish you the BEST! Let us know how you make out.
  3. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Glad to hear you are on the mend! Carnation has milk...are you Lactose Intol? If so, there is a liquid Carnation which is totally Lactose free. I ordered unjury powder(unflavored) to add to my Glucernas after procedure because I don't want to have thinning hair as some do. It is thin enough already! I am supplementing also with Biotin. I also find that Crystal Light causes D in some, myself included..it's the sugar substitutes. Are you drinking a lot of Aspartame or the like?
  4. singingintherain

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    Congrats! You are now officially BANDED!!!!! I am glad to hear that you are so up-beat the day after, and feeling better. ' You mentioned 'painful'. Where was the pain you were experiencing and what did you take for it? Are you in pain today? I go one week from Thursday and am so afraid of abdominal pain...!
  5. singingintherain

    Turning 60, Getting Banded

    Hi All! I am excited to say that I am getting banded 2 weeks from today, and also that next month I will turn 60 ! I will be having my procedure at the Brigham & Women's in Boston, Dr Malcolm K. Robinson, surgeon. I look forward to reading and sharing posts as I near my Banding date and after.
  6. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    THIS Tuesday's Brigham Support Meeting scheduled for MAY 19th will be in another room for that night only: Duncan Reid Conference Room directions: * enter through 75 Francis St *take escalator to 2nd fl *turn rt, past gift shop onto the hallway called THE PIKE *take exit 3 off the pike, on your right , and proceed past elevators *take 1st rt, the Duncun Reid Conf Room is at the end of the hallway directly ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just remembered and thought I'd post it for anyone planning to attend.
  7. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Someone on another board said that Unjury was not suggested because it made you vomit. Has anyone found Unjury to swell when mixed in liquid? Did it make you vomit? I was thinking of getting the unflavored to add to my Glucerna shakes on post op diet.
  8. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Yay! You made it through successfully. No doubt you are feeling rotten and in pain. I have had surgeries in the past and each time I had those regrets for a day or 2 and then they subside and life goes on anew! Take it easy. I have not been banded yet, but I know some of the others who have will jump in and offer suggestions about the gas pain. Did you request pain and anti nausea meds before you had your procedure or after you experienced the pain and discomfort? I had it thru IV during my last procedure and pre-requested it. I wonder if the Brigh/Faulkner does that.
  9. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    The Office came through! Got my dates, got my times. HOUSTON, WE'RE GOOD TO GO!
  10. singingintherain

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    May 28th for me!!!! I can't believe it is just round the corner after beginning the journey in January withIntro meetings. Banding is almost here!
  11. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I had my psych and nutritionist visits plus a follow-up dr's visit when I got my date for Banding about a month ago. I was under the assumption that we went in for a final visit BEFORE the procedure when we were officially weighed, put on the pre-op program for 2 weeks and then BOOM-the Banding Day. I did hear from the office yeterday and the message was..'wait'. It seems like I was scheduled for an ekg and anesthesiologist visit this week, but the Faulkner people never got back to the secretary to confirm it. She sent another 'nudge' and is still waiting to hear from them. Still in the waiting game. As for "official' to-the-letter pre op diet, I am beginning that tomorrow which will be exactly 2 weeks before . It's Chinese tonight!!!! I guess I have to revise my ticker below since I had pizza last night also. One final fling! But while I was on that mini- weight loss since my last visit, what a difference I notice in my sleeping. I feel well rested in the a.m. because of not having to digest all that food.(I am tired today LOL) ~That's all she wrote.~
  12. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Specious Promises. OK so I know I post frequently, and promise I won't take up so much board space with my posts....AFTER i ask this one last question from those who have gone through the process. I realize the office is busy. But.... My Banding is scheduled in 2 weeks and I have not received any appointment dates for consults with the hospital or the dr for final 2 week pre-op diet, EKG etc. My $550 fee was taken over the phone by the secretary, but has not even been processed yet. My insurance was approved weeks ago! I really am concerned. Did you who had dr Robinson at Faulkner have to wait until the last minute for prep? Did you not have a pre-op diet? I feel like I am. getting a subtle hint to look for another facility , and that if I need help post op I won';t be avble to reach the source of help. Any regrets of going through Faulkner/Brig..not because of the expertise, but because of the run-around and lack of punctuality in scheduling appointments, etc. Twice I was "I'll call you back before I leave the office today"..I am still waiting. Ok...I promise to rest from posting for a while. Not much in the mood for a support meeting tonight...feel I need support from the OFFICE! Specious promises.
  13. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Congrats! Now...the next time you get down-in-the-dumps..just remember this day and how much progress you have made and how much weight you have lost in the past year and a half. You have LOTS to be proud about. KUDOS, l2t ! You have inspired me tremendously with your posts of weight loss and now the ability to do the 5K.
  14. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    l2t...how was the 5k ? Were you able to run with no band discomfort? How are you feeling?(other than proud that you participated...and rightly so!!)
  15. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    You are home! Glad to see that you stayed a bit longer until all was ok to be on your own. If the dr requested you stay and the insurance approved your banding procedure, then most likely the extended stay is covered. It is so necessary to maintain a sense of humor...ROFLOL about the dog and the gas! You are so fortunate to have someone at home who supports you in your new eating plan. Some of us face opposition in that area at home. Not easy. Great to hear that you are back and doing well and that the journey is well on the way now...something I am gearing up for....Faulkner also.
  16. singingintherain

    Brigham and Faulkner LB Support Calendar 2009

    Just thought I'd bump the schedule to the top when meeting times draw near as a little reminder.
  17. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    " !!!!!!!!!!! "
  18. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    That can be upsetting when so close and a feeling of insecurity for the future. Have you looked into the cost of a fill out of pocket? Anyone on the board know?
  19. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Vivid...how are you doing?
  20. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    msdollarz: where did you get your Unjury other than online? Jay...not comical at all...I think it is 'romantic banding' ! l2t: it is very difficult to get through to the office and find live help these days. I never leave a message because I have Never had one returned yet. My plan of action is to call and leave my request, then call again 3-4 days later and then the ball STARTS rolling. It is not easy scheduling appointments. I think the good dr could use another secretary part time these busy days. Jen IS busy. I am going to the Faulkner meeting this month. I will be there sporting my little Canon digital to beg some brave soul to snap a few BEFORE photos for me. I get banded at Faulk on the 28th. Hopefully will get an appt next week to see the good doc R and the anesthetist(or is it the anesthesiologist)? ANyway...running thru hoops to get these appts scheduled over the phone. But I am used to that. My concern is..what if I have a serious 'stuck' problem or pain problem after banding(I don't do well with pain)?! Will I ever be able to reach the 'source of help' or will I end up dealing with a Resident in the ER who knows nothing about Banding? THAT thought troubles me..big time.
  21. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Good thoughts go with you!
  22. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    May 5 countdown! BestWishes.
  23. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I would rather play is safe and be sure. I know you are disappointed, though.
  24. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I requested the Faulkner, even if I had to wait longer. I am on for May 28th. Thnx for offering to snap my photo, l2t, but I am going to the Faulkner this time for the Support and then plan on the Brigh in June with the plastics doc. Oh...please note the change in room for May at the Brigh! Your race will be a milestone for you...good luck!
  25. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Wow! That's hard do take..the amount of activity and little loss of weight..even with the absence of calories, l2t! Were you always an active person> I am sedentary, so I suspect my hopping on the treadmill(several years old and still sparkling new) will help me in that area somewhat. But...look at the before photos. You look TOTALLY different. That should be a great boost to your moral when plateaus are reached. At the next meeting right before my surgery I am toting my digital along to ask someone to snap a few 'Before" photos of me. I know they will come in handy in the future. Are you doing any of the 'Walks" or "Runs" scheduled? I kow how much you are into those.

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