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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singingintherain

  1. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi msdollarz. It is so difficult to get all the liquids in. As for weight..I wouldn't doubt that you have lost. I , since my procedure a few days ago have lost a wee bit, but I am waiting until my post op visit next Monday to record any change in weight. Jay..I am not going to the meeting this week..I am wiped. No energy to spare. Yesterday I went to the market to pick up a few things and was so very tired. But..one good thing..I am off my caffeine /coffee addiction!(although the jolt would probably energize me, I am sure) BTW...did everybody else have 5 incisions? When did you take off your steri strips..or did you leave them on until the post op visit?
  2. singingintherain

    Omg!! This is crazy!!

    I went and got it all out of my system...2 days when I had a 'Final Farewell To Food". Pizza, subs, chinese..you name it. I knew I wouldn't be doing that again so made that an event and a definite point where I can look back and say that was the date I separated from all the 'stuff'. I 'got it out of my system'. Funny...when I weighed on the day I was to see the Dr, I was heavier. But when I weighed in the office a few days later after behaving myself, the weight hadn't changed from the previous visit. Nevertheless, I think you have time when you can take 1 day and get it out of your system once and for all!
  3. singingintherain

    Banded May 19 & feeling good but tired

    Today I went to the market and to pick up some meds at the clinic and I am totally wiped out. I also find that the bra band and the waistband from my slacks cause soreness. In an hour I am going to take a nap.
  4. Anything with dough!
  5. singingintherain

    Have you picked out your "before" picture?

    You look so much younger! Kudos on your pre Band WL! Now imagine how much younger you will be after now having the Band.
  6. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    He he! I just sat down at the computer with a cup of clam broth I just brought in the house. It is so refreshing after chicken chicken beef and more chicken. I will take you suggestions on vegetable broths and also FUZE. Does fuze have caffeine? In looking over the Diet Snapples that were in the store, I found that the tea either had sugar added or were not decaf.
  7. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    I realized this a.m. that the liquid phase I am on is to last for 21 not 14 days! Rude awakening. I never thought the day would come when I would 1/ be caffeine free with no coffee cravings or 2/wake up eager to go to the market to buy some clam broth As for regular Jello gelatine..somehow I can't get it to go down right.
  8. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    I am glad your surgery went well. re: sufficient nutrients: definitely check . When I was in the hospital the day after my procedure the nurse stressed that I was to only sip 30 cc's of liquid EVERY 3 HOURS. That is about 6 tsp every 3 hours??? I definitely knew that was wrong and in saying that she proved she was not a bariatric nurse. Things changed significantly when I got a new nurse when the shift changed over that evening. If that nurse only saw how much the xray tech made me swallow before I left she would definitely think about her insistence.
  9. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    I am impressed by your weight loss since your initial consult! Were you on a liquid diet pre-op?
  10. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    I do find that the periods of tiredness come and go throughout the day and I have to nap. No pain for me now..just sore upon waking. Can't say I have any difficulties such as the severe shoulder pain some go through from gas. I think getting through this liquid diet stage is going to be the toughest thing. Especially while watching tv and seeing the food commercials!
  11. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    Yay! I just realized as I was heating up some broth that I am caffeine free! I was a huge addict. I must say that my bowel feels a lot better without it too! I have some carrot juice in the fridge and think I will try a tiny bit of that mid week. I like the idea of a clam broth for variety from chicken and beef broth..didn't think of that. It is going on my shopping list. No pain. Sore upon waking, though. Took a nice shower this a.m. Gas is being released..finally..in day 4.
  12. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    Is the egg drop soup from a chinese restaurant, or home made? Never had it. Is it slimy in texture?
  13. singingintherain

    What food stage are you at? What are you eating?

    Liquids liquids and more liquids..glucernas, popsicles, protein water, crystal light, and clear broth..all are more than I can handle today. It is difficult not feeling stuffed having a glucerna even over the space of an hour!
  14. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Napping and sipping. I get filled fast, but I can't get Jello down..sticks in the 'pipe' no matter how slow I go. Maybe tomorrow. Now I know what you all were talking about when you mentioned that 'warning' signal your stomach and esophagus give when there is too much in there! So far it's only 1/2 glucerna at a time and some home made sugar free popsicles. Gonna try some broth at lunchtime along with decaf green tea. Funny...right now I weigh more than when I went in because of the bloating, etc. This is healing time for me. So I sip my liquids and knit and nap and take a stroll around the house.
  15. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    Home the same day! I must say that I did miss my own bed, but stayed overnight, even tough they wanted to have me satay another night too!. I am trying some shakes..very slowly and they seem to be very filling right now. I can only drink 1/2 Glucerna at a time..4 oz. I tried Jello, but have a tough time with that. Perhaps I am eating it too fast, but I can feel it sitting in my 'pipe'. So I will forgo the Jello for now. I made some freezer pops and they are good too. For lunch today I am trying some broth, 1/2 Glucerna, and my usual medications and vitamins. I weigh more now than when I went in because of all the gas, I guess. I am real bloated, but not in pain. You have your Hubby as a great helper..be nice to him LOL!
  16. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    Just got in the door and feel like a water balloon. Procedure went fast and easy. Recovery is going well, but the ache and gas are still there. Off to bed now to get some more rest.
  17. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Just got in the house from having my Band placed yesterday by the Good Doc Robnson! Everything went well. Loved the private room and the nurses! Call me the Oxy Queen right now. I am off to bed and feel like a water balloon!
  18. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    OK. I gotta vent. If I don;t let it out, my blood pressure'll go sky high and tomorrow will be a 'no go'. So... I like the Brigh/Faulkner. I like my Surgeon, Dr Robinson and I trust his expertise. I really like the support group at the Brigham although I have yet to attend the smaller one at the Faulkner. Having said all that... here's the vent: Why is it easier to reach a live person regarding my Verizon residential land line phone(and we all know how difficult that is)...why is it easier to get them to pick up than getting a live person at Dr Robinson's office to answer a call. One can call for DAYS and get an answering machine each time regardless the time of day! If a message is left, the call is NEVER returned(I have only had 1 returned). That is not good. It's wrong. It's wrong . It's wrong. Not only is it wrong,It is very unprofessional for a Surgeon;s office and totally unacceptable for a Hospital with the reputation of the Brigham/Faulkner. I am not a happy camper regarding this on the day before my procedure. What if a health issue arrises? I guess it's "go to the ER..let them deal with it". Thanks for listening.
  19. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi tinywishes! With this pre-op I am trying to fight hunger. I don't know what I am gonna do about tv. The commercials are so enticing..think I will have to hit the library more. No joke. I have the Ali book and have it ready to tote along to the hospital tomorrow. Yep Tomorrow is my Banding Day. 5:30 at Faulkner bright and early. It looks like a very good book..about someone's journey rather than explanation of procedure only. Well, the board IS quiet. I had given up on this thread because I was getting the reputation of the Posting Queen LOL. Glad to see someone else posting here. Keep on fightin' that hunger. (Don't ya hate that gnawing..it gets on my nerves.) BTW..Yesterday Dr R had a student in the room went I went in for my pre-op visit with him. Did any students participate in your procedure or just certified members of the team? Funny story...I had surgery a few years ago. The Resident assisting the surgeon came in after the operation and asked if he could check the incisions. After he took a peek, he had no clue as to what to do now they were uncovered. He looks at me, shrugs and says "I guess I should not have done that"!!!!! That's the reason I am asking that question, not because I watch too much Grey's Anatomy! LOL
  20. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    The day is almost here! Speaking of freexer pops...Yesterday I got some fruit juice pops, and I just came in from the local drig store chain and found some Pedialite Pops mentioned here on the board. Those in particular are supposed to help with keeping one hydrated. They are in the Baby Aisle. I have been trying to get used to sugar free...Crystal Lite especially, but I get the 'runs' something awful. I have made some jello in the fridge out of half sugar free and half regular. Somehow I can't tolerate milk or sugar substitutes.
  21. singingintherain

    May 28th Anyone??

    when did you have your procedure?
  22. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I can honestly saya that I have had many many questions answered, not by talking to a professional or attending a lecture, but by chatting with those who are living with the Band and know the experience first hand..positives, negatives, glitches, as well as boost in self esteem and well being as they head towards their goal, one fill at a time!!! This board has been key. Call me the posting queen! LOL Thanks tinywishes for recommending that book. I do own the one written by the Surgeon at Beth Israel..and it was informative as was the lecture at the facilities. HOWEVER...this seems to be a book by one who is LIVING with the Band. I just reserved a copy at the library, and will be reading it next week as I go in to the Faulkner. I just came in the door from Pre-Op. So far, so good. Keep on keepin' on! We start each day anew.
  23. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    It is an x-ray of your alimentary canal or digestive track. They give you some barium liquid to swallow and as you are flat on a table, they watch it going down through the esophagus and into the stomach. Not a bad test at all.
  24. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I would DEFINITELY tell the doctor about the seizures and the medication..not something to be quiet about with anesthesia. IMO. Others will jump in with some information on their journeys towards being banded as the evening progresses and folks get home from work.
  25. singingintherain

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Sleep study and psych eval are not there, but nutritionist , dr and upper GI can be, I believe. Consolidating the appts to one location where possible may slow down the process. I went for my sleep study in Medford, my psych at the oldWomen's Lying In Hosp, my appts with Dr R at Brigh and Faulkner , my initial info meeting at Brigh and my upper GI (required) at Brigh ..some on same day. I had 3 on one day... the upper GI at the Brigh, then walked past Children's Hospital to the Wonen's Lying In for the psych, and then went in the afternoon to Faulkner for the nutritionist.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
