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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Amanda25

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/21/1985

About Me

  • Biography
    I have been married for five years to my wonderful husband, and we have a three year old son.
  • Interests
    I am a water fitness instructor at our local YMCA. I also like to go bowling and watch football and baseball on TV.
  • Occupation
    aquatics instructor
  • City
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  1. Happy 28th Birthday Amanda25!

  2. Happy 27th Birthday Amanda25!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at SleevePlicationTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Amanda25!

  4. :eek:Hi Amanda, I have 4cc total and I am worried about getting the next fill because I do have restriction but zero self control over hunger. I am eating the wrong things from time to time, I eat mostly peanuts and raisin as a snack but when i get home from work I am in snack heaven everything here is bad for me and I want it and feel guilty afterwards. Do u still get really hungry? Do u feel too tight?

  5. Amanda25

    Bad decision?

    Hi Annie, I was banded 12/29/09. I was having the same problem you were with the feeling of no restriction and no weight loss. I went in on the 17th and had my band filled to 7.5 ccs, and am now just starting to feel a little restriction. I am able to eat probably 1 1/2 cups of food at a time max, and have lost 4 lbs since. Your band is only filled to 4.5 ccs. Don't be discouraged. You probably just need another fill.
  6. Hi Pipers

    I have been stuck at the same weight for a while now. At least I am not gaining. (that's what I tell myself at least) I didn't get burps, but when I eat too much, I get a random hickup sensation. I was filled with 3 cc, and feel no restriction at all. I am going un later today for another fill, but I'm not sure how much he is going to put in. It has been really hard on me trying to stick to the eating plan with no restriction.

  7. Hi Amanda

    Just thought i would drop by and see how your doing ? i went for my first fill today not much of one but i am sure it will help so i now have about 2cc they didn't put the 4 cc in because i am going to England in 2 weeks and they are just making sure i won't have any trouble when i am therer then i have to go back the day after i get back i am still losing the weight which is good i am now down 35lbs :) i have a question when you had your fill did you get gas all i have done since i got home is burp i hope you don't mind me asking take care keep up the good work and stay strong

  8. Amanda25

    keep it a secret?

    I know exactly how you feel. The only one who knows I got a band is my husband. I haven't even told my parents, who I am very close to and see a couple of times a week. I lied to them and told them I was sick the week after the surgery, so they didn't wonder why I wasn't coming around while I was healing. My mom is a real gossip. When I found out I was pregant 3 years ago, I called her to let her know and asked her not to tell ANYONE else. About 3 minutes later, I got a call from my sister, who reamed me out for not calling her, too. By nightfall, everyone and their dog knew I was pregnant. I just don't want that to happen again. I don't want everyone to be reminded that I am overweight and even need the lap band.
  9. Hi There Amanda

    You are doing really well good job to you i am having so much fun learning how to eat again i went to see my dietian yesterday and she said i was doing really well with what i am eating i am now able to marinate my chicken in zesty italian dressing she also said my weigh loss will start to slow down now but i figure 2lbs a week would be a good goal but we will see, i have to go to see my pa tomorrow so we will see what she says i have upped my excercise aswell so we will see i haven't heard anything about a fill yet i am so glad i had the surgery it is the best decision i ever made how about you please keep me posted on your progress and good luck

  10. Hello Pipersfour. I'm glad you said hi. I was banded on 12/29, the same as you. I have lost a total of 21 lbs so far. The last week and a half with no loss :( I have my first fill scheduled for 2/10, and my doctor said until then to SLOWLY add normal food into my diet and keep a log about how I handle the different foods. Along with the normal cottage cheese and yogurt ect..., I have been able to eat all kinds of soups, really mushy noodles and tomato sauce, and even once a bean and cheese burrito. I have been really careful to chew and chew my food to make sure everything is really mushy before it goes down, and so far no problems. I think at this stage chewing is the key thing to learn. I often just want to swallow after 5 chomps.

    I hope you write back and let me know how you are doing. Talk to you soon.

  11. Hi there

    How are you doing i too was banded on the 29th and was wondering how you were getting on i have a appointment tomorrow with my dr i hoping evrything is good i have lost 26lb so far and i was wanting to know how others are doing so i hope you will share also what kind of foods are you eating and how much

  12. Amanda25

    My pictures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
