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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Amanda25

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  • Birthday 01/21/1985

About Me

  • Biography
    I have been married for five years to my wonderful husband, and we have a three year old son.
  • Interests
    I am a water fitness instructor at our local YMCA. I also like to go bowling and watch football and baseball on TV.
  • Occupation
    aquatics instructor
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  1. :eek:Hi Amanda, I have 4cc total and I am worried about getting the next fill because I do have restriction but zero self control over hunger. I am eating the wrong things from time to time, I eat mostly peanuts and raisin as a snack but when i get home from work I am in snack heaven everything here is bad for me and I want it and feel guilty afterwards. Do u still get really hungry? Do u feel too tight?

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