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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dasharoo

  1. Where is Dr. Spiegel located? Does he work with patients that have been banded in Mexico and are having problems. I either need a removal or the band needs to be adjusted. I have no fill in the band and am too restricted.
  2. Dasharoo

    Passport needed??

    I work for an airline and I can tell you that any birth certificate and or marriage license has to be an ORIGINAL state issued with a seal. Not the cute one from the hospital with your little baby feet on it. If you are married (name doesn't match birth certificate) then you need proof of how you got to your current name - with some people that can be numerous divorce decrees and marriage licenses. Trust me, with all the new kiosk check in equipment - one is well advised to just get your passport. One young woman was so unsure of what to bring she brought her whole darn baby book with her!! If you are flying internationally, by biggest piece of advice is ARRIVE EARLY just in case. I could go on and on about travel tips, but I guess that's a different forum.
  3. Dasharoo

    Question for Dr. C

    I have posted a couple of times before about having problems keeping any solid foods down. I was banded May 1 and the first month things were fine. Progressively, my ability to eat solid foods has diminished to the point that I cannot eat any solid food without having to vomit. I have no saline in my band. I have had no fills and the band did not have any saline put in it during surgery. I went to a fill dr who did a flouroscopy and said that I had a lot of restriction, but the bank looked good and all was in place. Since then I have continued to have problems with solids. I went to my GP who has set up an appt with a Gastro dr for an upper GI for a possible hiatal hernia. Of course, it's about three weeks out. In the mean time, I am only able to consume Ensure and protien shakes (made very thin.) Is it possible that just the band itself is too much restriction? Could it be too high? Would you recommend something other than waiting this three weeks to see the GI dr? I am losing ALOT of weight, but I don't think this is the best way to do it. :guess Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. Dasharoo

    Question for Dr. C

    Thanks Dr. C. Like most everyone I'm self pay so I'm trying to get what I can covered by my insurance (like the upper GI). If I need to go back to Monterrey, Mexico, I will, to see my original doctor. I really wish I would have given more thought to my after care when I went to Mexico. You are very kind to help the members in this forum.
  5. Ahh, a good steak. When I can eat which hasn't been lately, I simply had my husband order a good steak or bbq one here at home and give me a small cut of it. Saves money too. Or, the other answer is use left over steak for treat training with your dog. Especially useful when training harder behaviors. Right now I'm still waiting for whatever is going on to settle down so I'm "enjoying" my soy based protien shakes and dreaming (literally) of food.
  6. Dasharoo

    Hiatal Hernias

    Hi, I'm back on-line after three week or so. Still have problems eating or swallowing. I was banded May 1 and the first month was fine, but these last five weeks has been hard. I was banded in MX and so there are no lap band doctors here in Boise to follow up with. I went to my GP today and he thinks I may have a hiatal hernia and set me up to see a gastro for an upper GI but of course not for three weeks. My stomach, port, etc all feel fine, but the instant I try to eat ANYTHING my throat tightens and I get pain in my sternum. My GP could hear alot of "gurguling." He has rewritten my daily meds (anti-depressants and acid reflux) for liquid and chewables because I've had a hard time getting them down too. I'm so hungry I could chew my own leg off, but I know it would only come up and that wouldn't be pretty. I'm feeling pretty run down, tired and generally blah. If I'm careful and go slow I can manage to get down a soy based protien shake. Are hiatal hernias a common side effect of this surgery? Are they genetic? My mother is obese (the best mother in the world however) and she has suffered with hiatal hernias for a long time. God, I need a glass of wine, and a good green chili cheesburger, but alas, that is only a dream. Dasharoo
  7. Dasharoo

    Hiatal Hernias

    I have not had a fill yet. I haven't overeaten or any of the other things Jack mentioned. I'm not morbidly obese. In fact, I have lost 30 lbs since May 1. My current weight is 162, but I'm worried that by not eating all this time my metabolism is slowing down.
  8. Dasharoo

    Esophageal spasm

    No I don't think he would know what caused the ulcer, but it's probably a combination of things. I think I ate solids too soon (even though I followed my doctor's advice) started throwing up alot and then I was in that cirlce - can't eat much - try to eat - throw up - irriate esophegus - repeat.:sick I'm so hungry I was caught hanging off the Outback advertisement at the airport licking the Awesome Bloosom picture.:omg:
  9. Dasharoo

    Esophageal spasm

    Oh yeah you can bet I sip and when I do try anything solid I chew, chew, even blend in the blender first -- no luck:cry The doctor said it's an ulcer in my esophegus. So that's why I'm back on clear liquids. The Protein shakes do make me feel the most satisfied, but I have to be very careful and drink them very slow. I've even been light headed, dizzy, disoriented etc. But I am doing better. The other hard thing for me is to drink much Water. :think I'm just a mess, but I am sure it will pass --- won't it??:sick
  10. Dasharoo

    Low BMI bandsters feedback please!

    I decided to have the lap band too even though I didn't actually "qualify" for it. My BMI was about 30 and weight 188 but I kept gaining every year and since the women in my family live very long lives, I don't want to me like my mother who is 82 and except for her weight is in good health. Except for her weight is a BIG except. I was banded May 1 in MX and was doing great until about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what happened - I think a combination of things, but I haven't been able to keep very much food down. So I've lost 20 and have another 30 to go, but this is a hard way to lose the weight. I would rather lose slower and feel better. The doctor I saw here in the US thinks I've developed an ulcer in my esophegus (sp). Not fun. Oh and by the way, Janey, my poodle wants to have a word or two with you.
  11. Dasharoo

    Esophageal spasm

    I have been able to keep very, very little down. Protein shakes are iffy - I made a thinned down one this morning with apple juice and that stayed down, but with some difficulty. So far it I want something to stay down it has to be chicken broth. I can't begin to tell you how hungry I am.
  12. Dasharoo

    Esophageal spasm

    One of the doctors I saw recommended warm chicken broth with fresh lime first thing in the morning. I've been trying it and it really does help. Good Luck.
  13. Dasharoo

    Dr. C - another one

    Before I was banded, I used a great site www.calorieking.com It is very helpful. It really helped me plan meals, keep track of calories, they have a wealth of information and help. I haven't used them lately as I am having problems (7 weeks since banded) and can't keep anything down at all. The Calorie King site is easy to use and inexpensive about $19.95 per year.
  14. Dasharoo

    Hello & Introduction

    I am feeling much better today, the port area is still sore, but the heating pad helped. I am more hungry today. Just got in from errands, some friends are dropping by for awhile so I probably will not get the chance to call. Wish me luck - back to work tomorrow for 10 hours and then have to teach a 4 hour training session. (I'll get some good breaks in throughout the day.)
  15. Dasharoo

    Hello & Introduction

    Dear Linda and Susan, Thanks for the welcome. I'll try to answer some of your questions. I live at 10 mile and Chinden and would like to walk and talk with you if my schedule permits. My work schedule varies. Can I bring my dog? The flight back from MX was awful. It's 3 1/2 hours in a 50 seater jet = the pilot kept the seatbelt on the entire time, but I got up several times - I simply had to. I'm sort of worried about one of my incisions. It is the biggest incision on my left side. I don't think it's infected, but I'm worried because it hurts so much. I'm worried about going to any doctor here because I'm wondering if they will be reluctant to help (not for fills) but for complications. Oh yeah, and if I did have complications would my insurance cover the complications?:help: Boy, I sure didn't think this through as much as I should have. I've done well with sticking to my liquid diet this week except for some liquid yogurt, milky oatmeal and some cream soup instead of clear. Dr. R did not give me any narcotic pain relivers, but I have been using some darvocet I've had on hand. I just have been in too much pain.:sick There is someone from Dr. R's staff lives in Nampa, but she has been out of town and I haven't been able to talk to her yet. I would like to do the soup night if I can, I'll put it on my calendar. Where do you have it? Do you take turns hosting it. Well sorry to post such a long reply, but I sure appreciate any help/advice you are willing to share.
  16. Dasharoo

    Hello & Introduction

    Hi, I'm new too. Banded on May 1 in Mexico. I live in Meridian. I am still having chest and mid-section pain, but it's getting better each day.
  17. I'm new here too. Just banded on May 1 in Monterrey Mexico by Dr. Rodriquez. Still pretty sore around my mid-section. I sure hope I made a good decision. I'm also still a little scared.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
