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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding

    Turkey Neck and Wrinkles

    I guess I've been extremely lucky as my mother told me from when I was 8 years old to "cleanse..tone & moisturize" and I have done that, with the highest quality products since then. HOWEVER, my aunt taught me the GREATEST "secret" I'd ever known in my mid-twenties, and that is facial exercises. I know some people out there thought (or think) I'm crazy, but I can tell you, without any doubt whatsoever, IT WORKS!!! I do them while I'm in the car, but especially when I'm at the gym. If you have any sort of problems with your jaw (TMJ for example) DO NOT do these exercises. 1. Lean your head back, looking up at the ceiling, extend your mouth into somewhat of a strained smile (until you can feel the muscles in your neck pull), hold for 3 seconds, then release and do again. 2. Tilt your head to one side, and maneuver your jaw (usually opening mouth up/outwards) until you feel your neck muscles pull, hold for 3 seconds, repeat 3. Tilt head to opposite side of #2 and repeat as above. I spend at least 5 mins a day (that's all it takes) and my neck is FABULOUS!! One last thing I LOVE. I went to the dermatologist in my early 30's and she suggested a very mild shock treatment on my face. It's basically a "wand" that you sweep over the face, and it sends little shockwaves to your facial muscles. This REALLY worked, but was incredibly expensive. Well I found the "Facemaster" by Suzanne Somers (I know what you're thinking, but it works people) on QVC for about $100. It does the EXACT same thing, but you do it at home and for much less. The premise for the minor electrode therapy is exercising the muscles in your face; makes TOTAL sense! Just like every other muscle in your body, if it is not stimulated it will sag. The electrode therapy massages the muscles under the skin and keeps them tight. I have done the Facemaster for nearly a year now, and the facial/neck exercises for many many years, and everyone tells me how great my skin is. I have lost nearly 50lbs and my face shows absolutely no wrinkles whatsoever, nor does my neck. Both are tight. Just what I do. I say give it a try at least and see if it works for you!
  2. coloradobanding

    This Freakin band is working

    I absolutely LOVE the title of this thread!! If I read one more.."I'm so discouraged I've only lost 20lbs in 2 months since I was banded" threads I'm gonna' go insane:lol: I'm not complaining mind you, I'm sure I was the exact same way, but this thread is EXACTLY how this journey is suppose to be. This is not a race to lose all you can in a year, like RNY, but a lifelong lifestyle change that takes time to kick in. I found the greatest results at about 4 months then again at 7 months (months 5 & 6 were total stall). PLEASE keep doing what you're suppose to be doing with the band, it does work..just be patient!:thumbdown:
  3. coloradobanding

    Bummed....a big DENIED....

    I had my surgery in CO by Dr. Brown and could not be happier with him. I know he has a very affordable cash price for LBS, and they are very easy to work with. I couldn't recommend him more highly. There are also many other CO surgeons that are recommended highly in CO as well with similar cash pay options-Dr. Kirschenbaum (or something like that) I've heard positive comments on as well. Best of luck whatever you decide!!
  4. coloradobanding

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    Actually, most LBS patients don't see significant weight loss until they are filled to their "sweet spot." Many who have yet to get the surgery seem to think that you start losing immediately after surgery, this is mostly inaccurate. The first 2 months is for healing, and there is generally some, but not major weight loss. Everyone loses differently, but in general, those are the guidelines that were given to me. I must add that I have no idea why anyone would even take the time to respond to any post from HH. Trying to justify humanity to something as ignorant as that is a lifelong task with absolutely no chance of success. Anyone who would make a derogatory comment about the Special Olympics, and all the hardworking and WONDERFUL people who are a part of that organization, just goes to show how negatively ignorance impacts our society and humanity. This level of hatred and ignorance goes WAY beyond any type of WLS or comments posted here. This person needs professional help and to be as far away from human beings as possible.
  5. coloradobanding

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    Excellent post!! Your success is truly AMAZING!! I too have felt restriction from day one, and have a lot of the same feelings as you. I think your post was very well written and congrats!!!
  6. coloradobanding

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    I just have to say that everyone is entitled to post exactly what they feel. Whether the band worked for them or not, the question was asked and answered. I for one am really interested to hear stories about those who the band has not worked for. It has worked wonders for me, until now, and I am hopeful it continues. However, if you dare to post something that "some" may deem not credible or even half-way post something that "they" find inaccurate in their experience, you better watch out. I have found that "some" like to stir the pot and insist that they are "educating" people on the possible complications of the band, when really "they" are bashing those who have the gall to...(gasp)...have success with the band. It does NOT work for everyone, there is absolutely no doubt about that. It does not work for everyone for countless reasons, many have nothing to do with the patients following of the guidelines or eating habits. We could discuss why it doesn't work for some until we turn blue in the face, and even an expert in the field may not have an answer. What really annoys me is that people who have had issues with the band, like to pretend that they want it to work for others, but really what they want is to berate someone who has an opinion; whether it's fact based or not. This forum is for everyone to post their opinions and experiences in a way that they choose. YES they may post inaccuracies, YES they may post..GASP..in a way that is offensive to some, but they CAN post HOWEVER they want. Maybe "those" who take such pride in berating posters on this forum could take time to EDUCATE in a way that could possibly make a difference RATHER than insult people in a way that they can somehow justify as helpful. OK, rant over...btw..I love my band SO FAR..it's worked GREAT!!
  7. coloradobanding

    Is eating Cereal a bad thing?

    I eat cereal almost every morning. I usually have mini-wheats with sliced bananas and soy milk, but do have sugar cereals on occasion. I too believe that everything in moderation is good, and I definiely don't see carbs as bad, again, in moderation. I also really like the FiberOne cereals, they are loaded with lots of fiber and other nutrients, although they do have more sugar than I'd like. Oh well, to get my fiber, sometimes I have to have a bit more sugar than I'd prefer, no biggie!
  8. coloradobanding

    Problems with chicken?

    I got that feeling a lot, but only when eating chicken and ground beef (just like you). I was told that it was having a hard time going down, and although not stuck, VERY uncomfortable. I couldn't eat either without discomfort until I had my band unfilled. I would suggest chewing until it's almost liquid and see if that solves the problem.
  9. coloradobanding

    Need HELP!!!

    Don't look at the last 6 months, look at the last year. In the last year you are EXACTLY where you should be with your weight loss-my Dr. has a goal of 50lbs a year for average weight loss. WHO CARES if you haven't lost any weight in the last 6 months, WHO CARES if your choices haven't been the greatest? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep fighting! You MUST make better food choices and get back into an exercise regime, but other than that you're right on track!! There should be nothing but accomplishment and goals in your mind and a sense of "I can do this". At least you didn't gain any weight back right? That's a WIN in my book! I equate no weight gain like this (I'm a Virgo..we do this :thumbup:) If I went to Vegas for a weekend and brought $500, and came home with $500 I WON!!! So, by starting the last 6 months the same as you are now, You're WAY ahead. Don't let this veer you off course in any way. You should let it motivate you and get you re-energized to get this band working again. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  10. I'm SO sorry you have to go through this!! LBS is hard enough without being under the ignorant and watchful eye of everyone around us! Here is my suggestion, tell them, point blank how you feel. Just what you posted here. Educate them on the band and the journey, and it is a lifelong one, not one that needs to be policed every minute. Tell them that you are doing what you need to do to make it work for you, and if it includes a "treat" here or there, tell them. I know you are in bandster hell right now, and definitely don't need any more pressure from anyone because this is the hardest part. Fighting hunger at this point is SO hard, and resisting foods we love is a nightmare. Just don't let the constant watchful eye make keep you from your goal. We all have things we shouldn't from time to time, but really try to stick with the post-op diet as closely as possible. Then you won't have to worry what people say or do, as you will be following the plan as your doctor instructed. Best of luck!
  11. coloradobanding

    Hint for drinking soda..

    I have followed my doctor's instructions for the most part, except for this. I am 100% addicted to PepsiOne (nothing else will do). During my pre-op I almost went to the hospital I was having such horrible caffeine withdrawal. The doctor told me I was just having an episode, but allowed me to have a PepsiOne (nothing else will do ). BAM my headache went away, and all was well. Well, I am now over 7 months post-op and I have a PepsiOne (nothing else will do) every night. I let the fizz go down, but relish in my ONE treat! I drink over 100oz of Water a day, and NEVER had a pop (YES, silly midwesterner, it's a POP dammit) cause any damage to me or the band. I started having one nightly (geesh I feel like I'm confessing a torrid affair ) about 3 months ago, and told my doctor about it about 3 weeks ago. He told me that he wish I wouldn't have one, but it was mainly because he wanted me to drink as much water as possible and to avoid the caffeine. He told me not to worry about the carbonation (as long as I let the majority of fizz go down) hurting my band. Having said that, I have VERY LITTLE Fluid in my band (2cc) and this is what he told to me. I know pop is forbidden by many doctors, and please don't take my situation for anything but what I do. I'm sorry, but I work out at the gym like a fiend, watch my diet like a micromanager, and drink water until I feel like I'm going to drown. I don't feel as if ONE diet pop, correction, one FLAT diet pop is gonna kill me. Just my .02
  12. coloradobanding

    2nd fill no restriction- ugh

    Don't get discouraged! Every person is different, I know you've probably heard that a million times by now, but it is absolutely true. It took me 3 fills to reach restriction, it took a friend of ine 6! Just keep doing what you need to do and when you get there it will be SOOOO much easier! Being at the right restriction basically allows you to eat small portions and feel "full" (not the full you used to feel, but close). Then you won't even THINK about eating until at least 4-5 hours later. Eating becomes an afterthought because you're just not hungry. For me right now, eating is a "checklist". Did I get enough Protein, did I get enough Fiber, did I drink enough Water? etc. I do splurge and eat what I want. I guess I am very lucky as I am at my "sweet spot" but can still eat whatever I want in whatever portion I choose, I just don't want to. For example, I ate like a total pig Thurs & Friday, then didn't feel like eating a single thing Sat or Sun so I didn't. My body works in odd ways since banding, but I LOVE IT!! I only chose to tell the people closest to me for the very reason you wish you hadn't told anyone. It's hard enough to stick to the plan and lose weight without a million people watching and waiting to see massive weight loss. I would suggest you educate these people in the REAL way the band works, which is slow and long term. That way they can understand and support you during this difficult time, instead of you feeling pressure to lose faster. Nothing is worse than that. Keep up the good work, it WILL come off just be patient!!!
  13. coloradobanding


    I don't have clinical facts to back up my post, but I would think it should be treated as a liquid. By the time you eat it, that's all it is IMO.
  14. coloradobanding

    Mac n cheese

    At that stage I was very weak and had some of the same symptoms as you do. I needed something to eat badly. I had a couple small bites of the canned corned beef hash which literally made it possible for me to get through the day. It is very high in fat, but also high in protein. I would "treat" myself with half an egg and a few bites of corned beef hash. It made a world of difference in my attitude. I would check with your doctor if you try something that is not on the list. I asked my doctor before I ate it and he said it was fine. Just what worked for me, I hope you feel better soon!
  15. coloradobanding

    Seiriously annoyed!!

    This obviously sounds like a person who doesn't care about the surgery, the journey or her health. There is really no reason to try to talk sense to someone like that. I've found, that by trying to reason with idiots like that, the advice you give usually turns into even more of a reason to do what they shouldn't. Only she will realize what she's doing and stop the behavior, if ever. I also think you should tell the doctor about her eating, it really could make a difference! She may hate you for it, but would eventually be grateful if that call leads her down the right path. Just focus on your success and don't even let her into your mind. You have enough to deal with on your own journey. Congrats on your amazing success, you're almost there!! ps..I also live for the Mouse! We go to WDW 2X annually, and are Vacation Club members. Every dollar of expendable income goes to Disney, and I LOVE IT!! :biggrin:
  16. Hi all, I'd love to hear how the January 2009 Bandsters are doing. How is your progress, any complications, what weight have you lost? Are you ahead of expectations, behind? Have any questions for the rest of us? As for me I'm at about a 45lb weight loss give or take. FANTASTICALLY happy about my loss and ready to take off some more. No complications, and think I've finally figured out how this band will work for me. Check in my January hotties!! And I'm sure many of us are Hotties now :biggrin:
  17. coloradobanding

    Banded Aug 10th - just tired...

    Just a quick comment about the person who is drinking V-8 Splash. I was desperate to drink something that could knock out my fiber serving as well as fruits/veggies, but my Dr. said absolutely no juice drinks, even V-8 juice/smoothie products as they are loaded with sugar. I looked at one label and did concur, they have way too much sugar to make up for the fiber they offer. Just keep that in mind, sugars, in any form, are bad!
  18. bumping-any other January WLS patients
  19. coloradobanding

    Protein, Protein, Protein...

    She posted that she is not suppose to drink the protein, so the liquid shots wouldn't work. The hair loss is not from lack of protein, it's from the trauma of surgery. I routinely get more than my daily protein, and have since day one, and still had thinning hair (coming back now thank goodness). I find it so interesting that different doctors have different anecdotes.
  20. coloradobanding

    weight loss furstrations

    I have read so many posts about being discouraged and "losing faith" in the process, and, believe me I've had my own struggles. The one thing I've found that REALLY helps and makes total sense is this. When I start wondering why I'm working so hard and not seeing any results, I ask myself this.. "If I continue to eat the correct foods and portions, and continue to exercise, will I gain weight long term?" The answer to that question is obviously no. Then I realize, that even if the scale or my clothes are not showing me the results I want, I ABSOLUTELY KNOW, without ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER, that what I am doing is the BEST for my body FOR LIFE!! Not for the day, not for the week, not for the month, but FOR LIFE!! Believe me, every single one of you, if you KEEP doing what you're suppose to do, YOU WILL see results!!!! It took me 2 MONTHS (yes, 8 weeks people) of seeing NOTHING but weight GAIN here and there with proper diet and working out like a fiend. Then, one day...BAM!!!!! The scale MOVED and STAYED!! I lost 6lbs and stayed there. I have gone down ever since, but I KNOW I will STALL again! If you have realistic expecations, and understand that you DON'T understand how your body is going to react, AND Understand that what you are doing is EXACTLY what you need to do, you will be ok. PLEASE don't expect to lose a pound a day, or 3 pounds a week and get discouraged if you don't. NOBODY can predict what the human body can do and is capable of, but EVERYBODY knows that proper diet and exercise are the recipe for long term success!!!!!
  21. coloradobanding

    Who Wants To Share Some Recent NSVs??

    I've had so many, but a few of my recent favorites... 1. Looking at a woman that I would have given ANYTHING to be as small as, and realize she is bigger than me! 2. Wearing a size 14 pair of shorts on Sunday and pulling them up all day 3. Walking up a very high and steep trail passing those younger and smaller than me taking a break to rest. 4. Taking 5+ hours to shop in all the stores and sizes I haven't shopped in in 10 years 5. Looking at outfits on mannequins in the "normal" sizes and FINALLY realizing "I can fit in that" 6. Walking past Lane Bryant (my previous 2nd home) and wondering how in the world I was ever excited to go in that store 7. Walking PAST Lane Bryant and knowing NOTHING in that store even close to fits me 8. Before LBS looking at the Lane Bryant cover model and wishing I could "just" be that size, I would be so happy, and realizing I'm 2 sizes smaller!!! p.s...I just noticed how many victories have Lane Bryant Excluded
  22. EXCELLENT post!! I love when someone else can put down in words how I feel, you did that for me! Best wishes to you too!
  23. GREAT CHOICE!!! Every single one of us "falls off the wagon" at some point. The ones that succeed are the ones who pick themselves up, dust themselves off and learn what NOT to do! You worked WAY too hard to get here, don't let some stupid little piece of food ruin this journey for you. It likely wasn't worth all the effort and mind screwing either was it? GREAT JOB!! Onward!
  24. coloradobanding

    what have i done

    ALL NORMAL!!!! Every person I've talked to who had LBS (including me) asked and thought the exact same things you are now. OF COURSE it gets better!! Take your pain meds, take it easy and heal, that's ALL you need to be doing right now!
  25. In regards to the insurance company letter, don't panic! It seems that lately insurance companies make everyone, patients and providers, jump through hoops to get paid. This sounds like a scare tactic to me, and you can always appeal to the state if you think you're being treated unfairly. Secondly, I have no idea why you would feel like a failure!!!!! It hasn't even been a year, only 8 months and you've ALREADY lost 50lbs!!! My doctor's frame of success is at 50lbs per year, and you are already WAY ahead of that. Imagine how you would feel if you hadn't lost the 50lbs!! You are doing FANTASTICALLY and should feel fantastic as well. DO NOT beat yourself up!! Keep your chin up and let us know what happens.

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