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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. I would say Wait! You can always reschedule and get a fill later if necessary. It sounds like you are doing very well. Eating "normal" food without any stuck, PB or sliming episodes. You are not eating a lot, and are losing at a regular pace. Don't do what I do and rush to get a fill, because that is what you're "supposed" to do. I kept getting fills even though I felt comfortable where I was. I had a terrible time fighting food, and had to have a complete unfill followed by a small fill. I am at 2cc in a 10cc band and it is DEFINITELY my sweet spot! It took me an overfill, unfill and refill to get to the place where I felt comfortable from the very beginning. Wait, you will know when you definitely need one!
  2. coloradobanding

    Office workers-What's for lunch?

    I usually eat the same thing everyday. I eat Fiber One Cereal and a Protein shake for breakfast and a Nutri System cup of "3 cheese Pasta w/chicken" for lunch. These are GREAT, and I bought them at our local "Big Lots" for $1 each! They are low fat, low calorie and high protein meals designed by the glycemic index. I do have "chicken salad kits" (also for $1) in my drawer for emergencies. When I snack, I have Peanut Butter crackers that really help with my cravings. Good luck!
  3. coloradobanding

    Anyone losing weight without any fills?

    I have only 2cc in a 10cc band and it is definitely my sweet spot. The last fill I had was in May, and I've lost 12lbs since then. I have absolutely NO issues with any food of any kind, and LOVE it! The weight loss is slower for me, but the trade off is being able to eat "normally" without taking 100 chews per bite, or sitting over a plate of food for 30 mins as it gets cold and everyone else is done. My restriction is OK, definitely not as good as if I were more filled, but I am happy where I am and don't plan on getting a fill anytime soon.
  4. ITA!! I had the absolute worst headache EVER during my pre-op, seriously, I almost went to the hospital. I called my doctor (on a Sunday afternoon mind you) and he told me it was from caffeine withdrawal. He allowed me to drink a diet soda or 2 (I think it took 2 for me) and POW, it was gone! I SO feel for you you right now, it is SO HARD, but SO WORTH IT!! Hang in there, and no more Hamburger Helper
  5. coloradobanding

    Can't control my eating before approval!!

    OK, so let me see if I understand the "logic" in your response. Because I actually LISTENED to the psychologist and doctors and endless preparation for this surgery, I never needed it in the first place because I'm strong??...uh...ok. This may be quite a shock for you, but BEFORE DURING and AFTER surgery, patients are REQUIRED to UNDERSTAND the ENTIRE process of WLS. That includes the HARD WORK it will take, BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the surgery. I find it laughable that because I did what "I'm supposed to do" that I didn't need the surgery. Seriously, get a grip. You are entitled to your opinion, but don't EVER presume that you know what my weight loss journey IS or COULD be! That is so ridiculous I can just stare at your words with stunned disbelief. I got news for you and everyone else, YOU CAN STILL FAIL with the band. YOU CAN STILL EAT and GAIN with the band. You can STILL EAT JUNK food with the band. It is UP TO THE PATIENT to STOP eating JUNK and make HEALTHIER choices. YOU are the ONLY ONE that can PUT JUNK FOOD DOWN, not the band, not the psychologist, YOU!! I respectfully TOTALLY disagree with your post. The OP doesn't need support, she needs honest advice, which is what I've given. STOP eating and get "back on the wagon."
  6. I am so thankful I didn't tell everyone I know (I was going to) about my surgery. Truth is, it is hard enough succeeding with WLS or weight loss in general, than to add educating the world about WLS. Obviously those who think this is the "easy way out" have NO IDEA what the surgery is about, and they can and will sabotage your success. Those that try to discourage you or don't support you SABOTAGE you! PLEASE DO NOT let that happen! ONLY YOU know why you're doing this, ONLY YOU have yourself to answer to and ONLY YOU make this decision, and work your ass off to lose weight..that's enough burden to bear!
  7. coloradobanding

    2 years out and need to talk

    What a great question and thread! I agree that there are a lot of posters on here that suggest modifications to RNY, sleeve, etc. While it doesn't bother me, I can totally see where some bandsters might get "convinced" that the band doesn't work, etc. Truth is, the band isn't for everyone. Luckily for the OP and myself, we love it and it works for us. Some definitely need other options and I think hearing those options on this forum could help someone. To the OP, what I do when I "get in a rut" or lose motivation is CHANGE UP MY ROUTINE-Somehow, some way. It REALLY works!! For example, I have been going to the same gym for years. I decided to join 24 Hour Fitness and get a new trainer. BOY did that work, LOVE it! It TOTALLY changed my attitude, brought back my motivation, everything. Then I got a little tired of going every day, listening to the same music on my ipod. So I deleted EVERY song, and reloaded it with lots of music I haven't heard of in YEARS! Everytime I now get on my cardio machine, I look forward to the next song on my ipod..have no idea what it's going to be. Little things like that make such a HUGE difference for me. I need "change" and change brings renewed energy and motivation. I would suggest looking at the things you've done and change them. Diet is a HUGE one! Go on the internet and Google new recipes (high Protein, low fat). Go to the grocery store and buy what you need and cook it. That helps me a lot too! Not only by looking forward to cooking (which I love) but finding new and delicious foods to help me on my journey... Mix it up! You can succeed, and coming here for advice is an AWESOME way to start again!
  8. coloradobanding

    Plateau myths?

    I totally agree with this theory. Although I have also not read any data or research regarding it, it makes TOTAL sense. My body somehow feels "good" at a weight were I was for awhile in previous years..drives me CRAZY!! Worse for me is that I have been nearly EVERY weight imaginable and find these plateau's often. I'm on the losing side right now, but lemme' tell ya..it ain't easy )
  9. coloradobanding

    Can't control my eating before approval!!

    Kamie, I totally disagree with your post. This is a forum for comments, and Al's comment was his own. Honestly, I agree with him. Sometimes hearing the truth can come across as negative, it depends on who is reading it. What I would add to the OP is that he/she DEFINITELY needs to control her eating, PERIOD! I am not going to be "Sally so Sweet" and tell him/her what she may want to hear (don't know if she/he wants honesty or not). I'm not going to pat her on the back and say.."there, there, it's ok, keep eating how you want, it's your last chance...etc." and I don't think that's what the OP is searching for. MY take on the question is the "why?" factor. There are many theories as to "why" a pre-banded person may get the "last supper" syndrome. The answer is not "why" it's "STOP!" We can talk and wonder why all day long, there is no need. If you are going to get any type of WLS you need to be prepared for a new lifestyle. If, as you say, everyone has gone through exams, psych evals, etc. to this point, then what the HECK are you doing binge eating? Obviously the psych & nutrition evals are not "working" for the OP and others. I say quit wondering "why" and just STOP, not rocket science. There is no amount of nutrition or psych evals that will make this journey successful; it starts and ends with the patient. If you, the OP or anyone else has TRULY done research and fulfilled all the necessary requirements to get the surgery, then this should NOT be happening. Don't mean to sound harsh or insensitive, but this is the truth. The sooner you realize what you're doing is NOT GOOD, the sooner you can CORRECT it and make a change. I have no idea why anyone would want to sabotage their weight loss journey by eating uncontrollably before surgery. I can understand the reasoning somewhat, but reasoning and seeking the "why" makes no difference. What does, is doing what you're suppose to!
  10. coloradobanding


    Just be glad you learned early on not to share your surgery with anyone who doesn't "need to know." The lack of information and education on LBS from others can really get under your skin. I decided early on to tell only those closest to me; it is the best decision I ever made. You are the ONLY one who knows what is best for you, don't listen to anyone but yourself and your doctor.
  11. coloradobanding

    Water with meal

    I didn't drink with meals for the first 6 months after surgery, but now do often. I don't drink that much (usually), but that is just something I could never get used to. My Dr. has no problem with it!
  12. coloradobanding

    Should I get a fill?

    I would say no. Please don't let anyone pressure you into getting a fill. Or get one just because most people do. It sounds like you are in a good place, and I would leave it be. My ultimate goal is to have zero fill in my band for life. Currently I have 2cc in a 10cc band and it is PERFECT for me! I eat the way I should (normally, do indulge occasionally) work out as required (4-5X per week) and am losing. I am losing at a slower pace, but that works great for me. I am in no hurry to lose 100lbs in a year or even 2. I would rather have a healthy lifestyle and not have to worry about the problems that come with a filled band..(PB'ing, sliming, stuck episodes). I have not had ANY issues whatsoever with my band since I have had 2cc's in it. I can eat what I want without issue (chicken breast, broccoli, carrots). I can drink with my meals and live like a non-banded person. The band has taught me a lifestyle change, and I am doing great no depending on it so far. If I start to go back to my old ways, I can always get it filled, but definitely don't want to. Only you can decide which is best for you..keep us posted!
  13. coloradobanding

    Do you wish you had a bypass?

    I am going to try to post as nicely as I can... First of all, you've heard it before, and you acknowledged it yourself, your weight loss to this point has been AWESOME!! Why in the world, would anyone (especially at your weight of under 200lbs) even CONSIDER having the bypass instead of the band..I don't get it..I really don't. Didn't you know going into this what the average weight loss was? Which you are well above BTW. Didn't you know that the band (and bypass and sleeve for that matter) REQUIRE a lifestyle change that includes exercise? Did you think the band was going to be put in and you would lose 20lbs a month without exercising? I'm sorry to sound so judgmental, I really am. But posts like this just absolutely pi** me off to no end. You would think this person lost a pound or two and that's it. No matter how you lose weight, naturally, with exercise with surgery, etc. you WILL plateau. Seriously, did you not know this? It is VERY FRUSTRATING to plateau and everyone will tell you this. But you WILL lose again. If you change your lifestyle, with or without the band, with or without bypass, and exercise YOU WILL LOSE!! OK, rant over.. HECK NO would I EVER wish I had the bypass over the band..the band worked "as advertised" for me!
  14. coloradobanding

    Who eats Bread?

    I've never had any trouble with any type of bread, crust, etc. The ONLY issue I have is a hamburger with both buns (can eat bottom bun most of the time, but not both). The ground beef gives me issues too some days. The band is a fickle instrument,but I love it!
  15. coloradobanding

    Frustrated w/ myself!!!! Support......please

    Glad to hear you're doing better! For me, just going back to the gym for a week straight does the trick! I'm just back on the losing train again after stalling for a while. Just make up your mind to use the band the way it was meant to be used and change your lifestyle. It does matter. You're worth it!
  16. coloradobanding

    Wedding ring: new or resized?

    OMG I know EXACTLY what you're going through! My husband got me a custom made mother's ring when my 2nd son was born, and it and it wedding ring are always on my hand..always. My rings were so loose I DID lose them once!! Thankfully, my little one was close enough to the floor, and I noticed it early enough to recover it..WHEW! I don't know about you but my rings mean so much more than the materials it took to make them. I would never even consider getting different rings..new beginnings or not. Without the love and support of my husband and kids, this "new beginning" wouldn't be worth a darn thing! My rings signify their love, and I love them. I had my rings resized (FINALLY!) @ Zales for $25 each. My wedding ring went from a 6.5 to a 5.25 and my mother's ring (pinkie finger) went from a 3.5 to a 2! I LOVE the way they fit now, and don't have to worry about losing them. If you call the jewelry store you can find out when someone will be on site doing sizing adjustments, that way you don't have to send it off site (scared me). Mine took less than 90 mins for both! Good luck!
  17. Hi all, I just had to share a HUGE NSV (non-scale victory) with my friends here! It took me 8 hours (non-stop) to clean out my closet and get rid of clothes that no longer fit. I am happy to report that there is no articles of clothing in my closet that are 1,2 or 3X. I am also happy to report that there are no pants with a "W" on the end (18W, 20W, etc). The ONLY sizes I have in my closet are 14 & 16 pants, and L & XL shirts. I have previously cleared out sizes 20, & 18, but this one is the best so far (of course). I know there will be at least 3 more "closet cleanings" for me, but I feel so great right now, I just wanted to share. Thanks for listening!
  18. coloradobanding

    I am upset...

    I just cleaned out my closet for the THIRD time and MAN does it feel GREAT!! I literally gave away and sold 2/3 of my wardrobe. NOTHING in my closet is bigger than a size 16 pant or XL shirt; I LOVE IT!!!
  19. coloradobanding

    I am upset...

    Don't get frustrated!! I lost no weight at all for 8+ weeks!!! In fact I would gain 3, lose 2, gain 4 lose 5. But all in all, I didn't lose a thing. Then all of a sudden..BAM..6lbs GONE and I've been losing ever since. Keep trucking on..it will come off!!
  20. coloradobanding

    This is what I had for breakfast..try it!

    Sounds delicious!! Thanks for sharing!
  21. coloradobanding

    Never Again...

    OMG I TOTALLY remember "stuffing" myself into a school desk..I FEEL YOUR PAIN!! It's soon to be a "never again" I had one more to add that I realized today... NEVER AGAIN..will my clothes "leave a mark" (so tight that they pinch my skin and leave a mark)
  22. Hi all, I just wanted to post some things I've learned on my personal LBS journey and wanted to share. Just for the record, everyone is different, and uses the band differently. This is what I have found works for me. 1. Background-I had surgery 1/19/09 (my new birthday). I had issues with my 3rd fill and was throwing up, sliming, pb'ing every day-NOT HAPPY! Had a complete unfill and felt like a new person. Gained and lost 8lbs over a vacation and with the unfill. Put 2cc back in the band first of July and everything has been AWESOME...onward. I have determined that I NEVER want to fight my food, throw up, PB or slime again with my band. Having my band too tight was MISERABLE for me and I will NEVER, EVER be that tight again. I realize some bandsters WANT that type of restriction, I DO NOT (my personal decision). To that end, I have done extremely well with my lightly filled band and haven't had one issue at all with any type of food since. In general, I am not hungry all the time, but do get hungrier at night vs. during the day. I have found a couple things that have REALLY kick started my weight loss I wanted to share. 1. Slimquick pills-LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! I bought them to help with my nightime hunger, but I got so much more! The biggest thing I LOVE with these pills is that they help with my Water retention. I have always kept water weight, but these pills keep the water from staying..LOVE that! The other thing I love is the nutrients and "boost" it gives me all day. I will not ever be without these pills again..ok..next 2. Nutrisystem-LOVE this! I work a lot (thank god) and have a REALLY hard time preparing my lunches, etc. The food is EXCELLENT, easy to take traveling and GREAT to have on hand. All foods closely match appropriate glycemic levels, have TONS of Protein and Fiber, and just ROCK! I have one every day for lunch, then eat other proper diet foods for bfast & dinner 3. Fiber One cereal-LOVE them! They are so GREAT tasting and fill me up in the am, and get me started with 35% of my TOTAL daily requirement of fiber for the day. LOVE them!! I have had quite a journey so far trying to figure out what I can do to get my body to let go of the fat, and these things are what I do everyday and have helped immensely. I would like to reiterate again, this works for ME!! I am not advocating anyone else do the things I do, this journey is a personal one to each individual. I just wanted to post my ideas for anyone who might find some part of this post interesting or may work for them. edited to add..obviously I don't work for any or all of these companies and am not paid to advertise for any of them. Just my faves!
  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! The first hard part is over, now you can get to the real work!! Hope your recovery continues to go well, and I am thinking of all the others who are, probably by this time today, already out of surgery. CONGRATS ALL!!
  24. coloradobanding

    Hit a plateau for months now.... arggg

    First of all, have you been getting your Protein and necessary nutrition? Secondly, you say that you cheat occasionally, is this often or just once in a great while? Secondly, I plateaued for 8 weeks then it started coming off again. I thought that was a long time, but you got me beat. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, I am wondering why you think you would have lost another 40-50lbs in one year, that seems like a very lofty goal. Not completely unattainable, but not healthy sustained loss in my opinion. Basically if you really look at the "big picture" you have lost according to schedule. If you take the total weeks since being banded divided by your weight loss (including weeks of no loss) you have lost an average of 1.38lbs per week. You should be SO proud, that's FANTASTIC!!! I think you're kind of in the abyss of a plateau which is NO FUN believe me. I would suggest you cut out the cheating all together and stick to the original plan. If you do that, you will lose again. Keep going!!!
  25. coloradobanding

    Coping with total unfill??

    Thanks for the post. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't listen to those who say get a fill if you don't need one. I DID THIS and lived to regret it! Some people WANT the restriction, others don't need it. When I told my Dr I wanted an unfill, he told me of several of his patients who had lost their weight without EVER having a fill. It is different for everyone. If the nurse had made that comment to me, I probably would've thought I "needed" to get a fill. THAT IS TOTALLY UNTRUE!! Although many patients DO need and REQUIRE fills to lose weight, do NOT assume you do. Do what you feel is right for you, don't let anyone tell you anything different. Best of luck!

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