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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding


    From the album: Post Surgery..almost near goal weight~

    Never thought I'd be proud to pose for pictures..let alone in a dress worn by the mistress of the dark! Wow..what losing weight does to the self confidence!
  2. coloradobanding


    From the album: Post Surgery..almost near goal weight~

    Yes, I know its a bit of a risque costume, but I thought I pulled it off quite well. I've lost more than 20lbs since this picture - Halloween 2010
  3. coloradobanding


    From the album: Post Surgery..almost near goal weight~

    Glamour shot to smoothe out the edges
  4. coloradobanding


    From the album: Post Surgery..almost near goal weight~

    The years that the fat took off my face are truly incredible. I look and feel so much younger
  5. coloradobanding


    From the album: Post Surgery..almost near goal weight~

    This was taken in September of 2010. I've lost over 22lbs since then, but this was when I first saw my transformation happening
  6. coloradobanding

    100 0543

    From the album: Pre Surgery

  7. coloradobanding

    100 0395

    From the album: Pre Surgery

  8. coloradobanding

    100 1468

    From the album: Pre Surgery

  9. coloradobanding

    june2908 014

    From the album: Pre Surgery

  10. coloradobanding


    From the album: Pre Surgery

  11. coloradobanding


    From the album: Pre Surgery

  12. coloradobanding


    From the album: Pre Surgery

  13. I'm sorry, but I really get SO FRUSTRATED READING POST AFTER POSTs of new bandsters discouraged that they only lost X number of pounds since surgery!! Most are just a FEW WEEKS post-op and discouraged! It infuriates me to no end that some doctor's don't tell their patients what to expect during "bandster hell" and these poor people are expecting "lightning in a bottle" and to lose weight immediately following surgery. So I decided to start a thread to help and educate them. THE FIRST MONTH to 6 WEEKS IS FOR HEALING....NOT LOSING!!! Your body is recovering from major surgery and has fluids it is retaining. Your stomach has a shiny new plastic ring on it..what do you expect your body to do just dump 30lbs like that? Not gonna happen... Let it heal! YOU DON'T LOSE WEIGHT SUBSTANTIALLY UNTIL YOU HAVE ADEQUATE RESTRICTION WHICH USUALLY TAKES 3-5 MONTHS! DO NOT get DISCOURAGED or feel like a failure..this is NORMAL!!! DO NOT COMPARE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS TO ANYONE ELSE!!! We are all DIFFERENT!! Some bigger, some smaller, some faster or slower..you will get discouraged if you focus on anyone but yourself! PLEASE don't say...."I've only lost "X" lbs since surgery" and consider that discouraging. ANY weight lost is a success and pounds you are NOT GAINING!!! FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE AND KEEP ON TRACK!! I don't mean to be shouting or sound mean. I just think being direct is what is best sometimes--I hope this helps someone..anyone...from posting another "I'm discouraged" thread...:thumbup:
  14. Hi everyone!! I posted a thread similar to the one I am posting now, but I posted it in the "Post-op" section of the forum. After many suggestions and AMAZING posts, I have decided to put this thread here also. I assume that many reading this are considering, scheduled or just general "pre-op" folks. If you are pre-op, researching or post-op and frustrated...READ HERE!! I am posting what to expect with weight loss and recovery post-op. I got so tired of addressing post after post of "2 weeks post op and frustrated" or "3 weeks post op and only "X" lbs lost" etc. I realized that many patients have no idea what to realistically expect post-op. Many surgeons don't go into detail as to what the bandster patient will go through post op (most notably...bandster hell). Which is why I'm posting here. Below are the MAIN points that are MOST misunderstood. I am posting ONLY for future bandsters to CREATE realistic expectations and have success with the band...I hope this helps anyone/everyone who reads it!! THE FIRST 4-6 WEEKS POST OP IS FOR HEALING NOT LOSING!!! Most post-op bandsters wake up feeling beat up and sore, but expecting the pounds to just melt off..this does NOT HAPPEN!!! YOU WILL NOT BEGIN LOSING A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF WEIGHT UNTIL YOU REACH PROPER RESTRICTION...this on average takes 3-4 fills..or 3 TO 4 MONTHS!!! AVERAGE WEIGHT LOSS WITH THE LAP-BAND OVER 12 MONTHS IS 52 pounds. Some lose MUCH quicker...some lose MUCH slower! EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!! DO NOT..I REPEAT....DO NOT COMPARE YOUR SUCCESS WITH ANYONE ELSE!!!! You will defeat yourself without even knowing it!!! Everyone is a different weight, height and situation. There is NO POSSIBLE way to compare your weight loss with ANYONE ELSE!!! DON'T DO IT!!! Any weight lost is a HUGE success!!! I am 15+ months post op and have NOT lost 52lbs yet. I work my butt off in the gym every week and work hard. I do NOT compare myself with anyone..I am THRILLED with my weight loss so far. YOU WILL FEEL LIKE YOU MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER IMMEDIATELY POST-OP...this will pass! Every single person I've ever had contact with has felt this way and so did I. Of course there are those that had a perfect recovery and never felt this way, but the vast majority of patients feel remorse immediately post-op..THIS WILL PASS!!! I know there are others with great advice to add...I just wanted to let you know the actual truth...you will NOT LOSE weight and could possibly gain the first weeks following surgery! SIGNIFICANT weight loss generally does not "kick in" until you've had 3-4 fills!! DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!!! THIS IS NORMAL!!! Many others will add valuable information to what I"ve already posted...if you have any questions or concerns, always consult your physician first. But for real-life experience questions from others..this is a great place to start!!
  15. I went through Northwestern Mutual and got the highest preferred rate!! I was surprised because our broker "prepped" me for a high premium because of the surgery (I was 10 months post op at the time). He specifically told me that insurance policies for WLS patiens is much higher than others. After all the normal testing, he was shocked to see the results and my rate. I was PERFECT in EVERY WAY (test results wise anyway). The underwriter told him that I was the "poster child" for perfect health! It was that reason that outweighed the surgery.
  16. Oh how I can relate!!! My family is Sicilian...need I say more? lol LITERALLY, there is food on the stove or someone inviting you over for something or other darn near every single day! I didn't tell ANYONE in my family except my cousin (who is more like a sister) so that was even harder. What I did, and still do today, is bring my Muscle Milk and some healthy Snacks. I also usually eat before I leave so I have no desire to eat anything. When someone asks why I'm not eating...and trust me, even after 15+ months, someone ALWAYS asks..I tell them I am cutting out fatty foods for a healthy lifestyle. After a few "you do look great" and "good for you" comments, I don't have to explain myself again. However, on certain occasions, if I want a "no-no" food, I have it. Just make sure it is not very often and in small quantities. Best to you, it does get easier!
  17. They ask basic questions to ensure you are ready for the life changing surgery. I wouldn't worry about the "what do they want to hear" part of the question. Speak the truth about everything so you are going into this with "eyes wide open." It isn't a quiz or anything, but it is a life changing surgery and they need to make sure you are ready for the challenge. I've never heard of anyone being turned down because of a bad pshych eval..but that's just me
  18. coloradobanding

    So. Tired.

    Yes it is VERY normal and your body NEEDS it!! I slept for 3 days straight pretty much. Then by the 5th-6th day I got more and more energy. My doctor stressed the importance of taking the pain meds when needed and sleeping..and I did just that! Take it easy and rest..you have the rest of your life to be active!
  19. I did start a new thread but was a bit hurried...if anyone ha any words of wisdom on that thread that I left out inadvertently, please fel free to contribute!
  20. Is there any way to copy or move this thread to pre-op or should I just start a new thread there? Great comments...keep em' coming!!
  21. EXCELLENT ADVICE!!! Everything posted here is great! I would suggest that those having last supper syndrome, and one poster having last supper month should really consider what they're doing. Don't consider it your "last chance" to eat what you want. You should be willingly giving it up to start your "new" life. It scares me when people are willingly gaining unnecessary weight before such a life changing surgery. Everyone has different pre-op instructions, I would just suggest you try to refrain and don't look at it as having your last supper...look at it NOT eating food that will kill you
  22. coloradobanding

    Easy Way Out....

    Very nicely put! After I read Missy's very rude replies, I was thinking of posting something less polite....you inspire me :thumbup:
  23. I TOTALLY agree that you need to pick a gym that is close to your home or work (whichever location you go to the gym from) and that you like the facility. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE 24 Hour Fitness, and it's only $25 a month. They have AMAZING child care facilities as well. Cannot recommend them highly enough!!
  24. I cannot tell you how happy I am that this thread is helping some of our fellow bandsters...it just puts a smile on my face. I have to admit that I started this thread out of sheer frustration at seeing the same posts, by different posters, over and over again. I did hope that it could be a place where people could read what to expect and that they are not alone. I am SO INCREDIBLY inspired by each and every one of you, I could never thank you enough. This journey continues long after the first 6 months, year, 2 years etc., and finding those with the same issues is SO therapeutic. Thank you to everyone who thanked me for this thread, but you are my inspiration and I must thank you! I can truly feel the "weight lifting" off some of you by reading the words posted here. I sincerely hope you take these words and information to heart and don't feel like you're not living up to your own, or anyone else's expectations. I've felt that way too!!! No one noticed my weight loss for 8 months and I beat myself up like no one else could. I thought I wasn't doing it right, and this was something else I was just going to fail at. Let me tell you, we can end this journey before it even begins by letting our thoughts, or others opinions dampen our spirit...don't do it! Know that this is a much slower process than RNY (also less invasive) and it has it's own benefits and deficiencies. If you are FULLY aware of what to REALISTICALLY expect, you WILL SUCCEED!! Keep up the positive thoughts, exercise, proper eating/nutrition and hard work...you're doing GREAT!!!!!
  25. I got the idea to post this thread from you probably...lol. I just got very tired of typing the same response over and over. I think your idea of posting this on the Pre-Op board is an EXCELLENT Idea! I think I might have to tweak it a little for those pre-op. I cannot believe how many people get incorrect or no information on this process, and I too would get frustrated. But people need to do research on their own as well and don't just take the Dr's word for it and let them cut you open. I'm surprised how many people do just that.

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