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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. OMG, I have the same cravings! In fact today, I literally told my husband I couldn't wait to have a chicken caesar salad, and today I had refried beans..LOL. Sadly, I'm craving pizza and garlic bread the most...grrrr
  2. coloradobanding

    Help! I dont know whats going on!

    Hi Jeremy, I also had my surgery with Dr. Thomas Brown. I was very happy with the hospital and the whole surgery in general. Was hoping maybe I could use you as a "sounding board" as I begin my new "post banding" life.:biggrin:
  3. Great posts! Thanks for being so open & honest. I absolutely will give up white bread and everything else I'm suppose to on the band, but to know that occasionally I can tolerate even a taste of pizza or dinner roll again is all I need. :biggrin:
  4. coloradobanding

    My band goes in tomorrow 22 Jan 09

    Congrats on making this decision without your family's support (shame on them!) I was banded this last Monday (1/19) with my whole family on board supporting me. I will say that it has been great having them on board, but I would have done it without their support as well. Only WE know what is best for us and we need to take any and all actions to go forward. As for the pre-op diet, I won't lie to you and say its not that bad, it really SUCKS but is the first test to see how serious you are about the surgery. Honestly, I was so relieved the fast was over on surgery day, I didn't have a care in the world about the actual procedure :biggrin:
  5. I am SO jealous! I wonder why every doctor is different, interesting. In any event, I am following my Dr's diet to the T. For weeks 1-2 liquid-soft pureed foods only. Weeks 2-4 soft foods/mushies, 5 weeks regular food. Problem is, I am HUNGRY! I've had a yogurt couple bites of popsicles, and a few bites of mashed potatoes, but am still hungry. I've been drinking my protein shakes almost constantly to get my 60grams of protein. I will look forward to the day when I can eat a piece of turkey and put away the shakes!:thumbup:
  6. coloradobanding

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    SoOverIt- thank you for the positive thoughts, they are much appreciated! Blueeyes-WOW, what an easy recovery KUDOS! Hope things are still going well. Here is my update-3 full days out of surgery and I feel MUCH better! I am still sore at the incision and port sites but not nearly as bad. I can get up without any help and without much discomfort. I am finally attacking my protein (UGH) but it is not easy! I am looking forward to eating my protein rather than drinking it:laugh: I feel the promise of a healthier and thinner me and it feels wonderful. Good luck to all future and recovering banders!!:thumbup:
  7. coloradobanding

    Did you cheat on pre-op liquid diet

    I did not cheat at all. I had major nausea, vomiting and headache an entire day and waited on call back from my Dr. before doing anything away from the guidelines. I guess some people take certain things more seriously. I figured, that my Dr. knows exactly what I need to do to have a smooth operation & recovery as well as successful weight loss. There is no way I would do anything at all to deviate from the diet, and possibly sabotage my surgery or success. Not placing blame or preaching from a soap box, just that I'm serious about this and not eating for a few days is just something I have to do, no questions or variations. By the way, my surgery was "textbook" as my surgeon described it, I've had absolutely no gas pain (knock on wood) and 2 days post op feel great (aside from port pain)!
  8. coloradobanding

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    Yesterday morning I awoke at 4:00am (couldnt get back to sleep) for my surgery @10:30AM. I went to admissions and they couldn't find me:scared2: I told her that I got pre-registered on Friday so I know I'm in there. She asked for my name again, and asked which hospital. I was like.duh and gave her the name of the hospital. I was at the WRONG hospital:tongue_smilie: I was directed across the street and I finally got admitted. I waited for only about 5 minutes when a lovely lady called me in. She told me that there were 2 cancellations (who would do through all this work and trauma and cancel on the day of surgery:confused3:?? Anyway, it worked out for me as I turned out to be the only procedure that day:thumbup:. I was given my robe and instructions, along with my IV and I was ready to go. The nurse told me that the Dr. was waiting for me (NEVER heard that before.lol) and the process would be much quicker. I was happy to hear that:tt1: So I was wheeled upstairs and given "happy mecidine" to calm my nerves, and boy did it work. I was so relaxed, it was wonderful. Another lady with another Dr. wheeled next to me having the same surgery, we wished eachother luck and I went on my way. In the room, there were 6 people helping me. Then the anestheseologist told me to take 5 deep breaths. I remember taking 2 then waking up in recovery. Unfortunately, I was awakened to someone calling my name out very loudly and vomiting:frown: which as we all know is something to avoid. I was still REALLY out of it, but was trying to do what I was told. Problem is, I was shaking, shivering, not breathing well and couldn't move. Bless those people who are equipped for these type situations. After vomiting and other issues, I was given a sedative, and then I remember waking up in admissions, where I started. By the way, the nurse told me about the vomiting and other issues, I vaguely remember any of it. As I woke up my blood pressure was low which caused everyone (but me, I was drugged up) concern. After taking my BP 4 more times with no change, I insisted that I had never had an issue with my BP and could it possibly be the machine. She doubted it but tried another cuff..VOILA..BP was fine (my DH took a huge sigh of relief). She kept me another hour and checked my BP another 4 times, it was fine. I was discharged and went straight home while DH got my pain meds. By the time he got back, I needed one and went to sleep. I feel great EXCEPT the soreness in my abdomen and by the port. I have a very hard time getting up, but once I am up, I can walk with no problems. More to come...right now..just glad the pre-op diet and surgery are over!:thumbup:
  9. Don't despair! I would NEVER choose bypass over the band! I've researched both for over 5 years, and then benefits of the band w/slower weight loss, far outweigh then only benefit of bypass (which is faster weight loss ImO). We utilize the band as a tool, which we can have much more freedom with, and basically choose our success. I am only 1 day post op and I know nit wsa the right choice for me!
  10. coloradobanding

    5th Day Post Op, Its Been Rough!

    I had my surgery yesterday and am doing better than I thought I would be. however, I am very hungry yet don't want to eat (messes with the head :w00t:) I am also VERY sore on my port side, which was to be expected. I also have a hard time getting up/sitting up and drinking water. I have eaten very little and am struggling to drink water. I know it will get better, and although this time is hard. If I can go through 2 child births and lifelong ridicule for being fat, this should be easy :thumbup:
  11. coloradobanding

    Banded This Morning!

    You and I got banded the same day/time, me in Denver, CO. Everything went as smoothly as possible, except waking up from anesthesia (lil weird). I too am resting an looking forward to feeling better.
  12. coloradobanding

    surgery thurs and not doing so good

    I got banded yesterday and am having much of the same symptoms. I barely ate 5 bites each of yogurt & cottage cheese and could have no more. Keeping water down and drinking it is hard as well. I'm also on the "every 4 hour percocet" cycle and am hoping it goes away soon. I have a very hard time sitting/getting up but other than that and my port side sore as can be, I'm doing ok. Hang in there, we're all in this together (do I feel a song coming on?:thumbup:)
  13. coloradobanding

    Surgery Jan 20

    Good job Judy! I too have followed my Dr's instructions to a T (with the exception of diet soda which he allowed to soothe my horrific headache!). My surgery is tomorrow morning @ 10:00am :huh2::thumbup:. I'm ready to begin my new life! I cornered off an entire cabinet for my soups, broths, drink mixes, teas and other staples. Your quick and uneventful surgery makes me feel more at ease, although honestly, I was more worried about getting through this 3 day fast more than the surgery :glare:. I've lost 11 pounds in 9 days and I'm ready to keep it coming off. On another note, I have no idea why every doctor and person's pre-op diet is different, makes me wonder:blush:
  14. coloradobanding

    Surgery on Monday

    I have my surgery on Monday too! I am in a total liquid diet and it is not easy. I've had the worst headache and nausea now for about 20 hours and I'm sticking to exactly what the Dr. ordered. I do NOT want to be wheeled into the operating room wondering if what I had will affect the operation, it will be stressful enough without any bad thoughts. I'm almost done and ready to start my new life, I can make it through another day..you can too!
  15. coloradobanding

    Surgery Jan 20

    I started my 3 day fast yesterday. I was doing fine until 4:00am when I woke up with a HORRIBLE headache. Against my better judgment, I took 2 Tylenol. Needless to say, I got a HORRIBLE upset stomach and threw up for over an hour, dry heaves for another hour on top of that. It was NOT going away. So I called my Dr. finally around 3:00pm and we figured out it was caffeine withdrawl. He OK'd me having a diet soda and it is subsiding..FINALLY. On the bright side, I have absolutely NO desire for food, and I've lost 6 lbs. UGH, this aint easy is it?
  16. coloradobanding

    Starting my Pre-Op Diet Today...

    My pre-op diet is 100% clear liquid ! This is day 1 for me, and it's honestly not too terrible. I am going to get through the next 2 days, but it is really going to be tough! I would LOVE a protein shake about now...lol. Good luck to all, we can do it1:biggrin:
  17. Hi all, Well I've begun my pre-op diet which I can now understand why they call it the "hardest part":cursing: Anyway, somehow, I found a link to Youtube showing a lot of "failed" lap band patients that opted for the Mini Gastric Bypass. Many of them talk of fatigue, aches and constant vomitting. I have been nothing but super excited about this change, and have been getting ready for weeks, now this:crying: Please tell me these are rare occurences. And anyone who has been banded for several years, any relation to these symptoms? Thanks for any input!:yikes:
  18. I see that a lot of people are scheduled in January, but no one else on the same date as I am. Anyone? I'm getting very excited!
  19. coloradobanding

    Anyone else having surgery 1/19/09?

    bump anyone else
  20. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    Count me in for January 19th too, I'm SUPER excited!!!!!
  21. coloradobanding

    lap band vs by-pass

    I also weighed the 2 surgeries and always favored the band. My sister-in-law had the bypass, and although the rapid weight loss is attractive to me, I personally prefer the less invasive procedure and the "option" of taking more control. My SIL looked REALLY gaunt, dark circles, saggy chin, and many other features I did NOT like. YES, she lost a lot of weight, but the way it was distributed and the saggy skin, (not the mention the things above) that made it look..unnatural I guess is the only way to describe it. Both surgeries are a "tool" (sorry to beat that dead horse) and both require a lifestyle change. If you're not committed to changing your lifestyle and eating habits, neither will produce effective results. Just my .02
  22. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    Jan 19th here!! super excited & ready!
  23. coloradobanding

    January '09 banders

    I'm very relieved to hear that someone else is not on a 2 week pre-op diet. Was starting to think my doctor was mistaken (although I'm still going to call and ask). I am having surgery on January 19th. Not scared, just very excited. I have my moments of apprehension, but the prospect of being healthy, and not fat anymore keeps me smiling 24/7!:tongue2:
  24. coloradobanding

    Terrified of my PreOp Diet

    Wow, I'm surprised at the length of the pre-op diets posted. My pre-op diet is only for 3 days (all liquid). I'm thinking of calling my doctor and making sure it's correct. And I thought 3 days was tough, 14 sounds very hard. Hang in there!
  25. A lot of the issues I hear about are in regards to insurance. With my insurance, I didn't even need a referral! I went to my surgeon, got my psych & physical the same visit, and got the go ahead. I got my pre-auth last week, and am having surgery on the 19th. My sister in law has Kaiser, and she had to go through 6 months of nutrition training and was waitlisted for another 4 months. From the time I went in for my consultation, until my surgery date was less than 2 months. I could have had it done in December, but my health plan goes Jan-Dec, so it worked better to do it in Jan, otherwise it could've been just a few weeks!

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