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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding

    Back to work

    I worked from my laptop in bed for over 6 hours the day after surgery with no problems!
  2. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    Use those pain killers, get some sleep and walk; then check back in. Best wishes to you!
  3. coloradobanding

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    Glad to hear you're doing better Italian. I myself am Sicilian with a son in the AF academy:thumbup: so we're kinda like twins...lol:lol: I found the strangest cravings the first week post-op as well. #1 CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD..lol. Seriously, I couldn't tell you when I've had one or ever had a craving for one. I also craved scrambled eggs (which I had today with no problem). I was able to eat turkey and cheese (which I never ate pre-op) yesterday with no problem and I can say it was one of the best foods I've ever eaten:thumbup: I was also MAJOR addicted to Dite Pepsi (had 3-5 a day for over 20 years) and don't crave it at ALL! That was my major concern over having this surgery, and now it's gone. I now look forward to the day when I can eat my protein (meat, eggs) without drinking it or worrying about it getting stuck. I am just less than 2 weeks post-op and I feel great, everything is going ahead of plan (eating food weeks earlier than anticipated with Doctor's approval of course) and I'm looking forward to continued weight loss. Hope you feel better everyday, keep us posted!
  4. Bottom line, it works for some and doesn't work for others. Just my .02
  5. Very well stated, and I agree with you completely.:thumbup:
  6. coloradobanding

    Protein list

    Great list Betz, thanks for posting!
  7. I am fairly newly banded but have done research for over 5 years (when just newly introduced to the US) and have been to support groups and talked to many people who have had the band. The biggest misconception for me was giving up bread and diet soda. I was told I couldn't have either. While I have given up the soda, I wouldn't have had to. Don't get excited quite yet:tongue2: The only way I could've had it (which was discouraged but not 100% forbidden) was to take the carbonation out of it. I know that sounds gross, but when the need hits, I have a few sips and I'm good. I haven't had the urge to have one at all, and I used to drink 3-5 per day for over 20 years As far as bread, this one really killed me. I am Sicilian and you might as well have told me to cut off all my appendages just as willing as I would be give up bread:drool: Some people cannot tolerate bread, some cannot tolerate pasta, some rice, etc. Everyone is different. But you will now know until you try for yourself. I have had tiny bits of bread and have had no issues whatsoever...knock on wood, but only time will tell. Congrats on doing this before you gain more weight, you've got a great head start!!:thumbup:
  8. Exactly what I thought, and YES...I'm in bandster hell Thank you for the explanation, I feel so much more informed and can now embrace this very hard time of being hungry and physically unable to eat. Yes, it sucks :thumbup:
  9. coloradobanding

    Cross your fingers

  10. Congratulations and welcome to band land! I've found a lot of people preferred to sit/sleep on a couch or chair, but that was definitely not me. What gave me the most comfort was stacking about 4 pillows in bed that got me to sit up (from waist) in pure comfort. Then when the pain meds started kicking in and making me sleepy, I could just take 2 pillows off and sleep. Make sure you are constant on the pain meds like the doctor says. I was trying to be "stronger than that" and would skip a dosage whenever I could. When I realized that if I took them every 4 hours (whether I was in extreme pain or just uncomfortable) I started feeling better MUCH quicker. Then I was off them completely and felt great! Take it easy, and again, congrats!
  11. coloradobanding

    Just wondering

    Your post sounded like I was reading my own experience! I too was banded on the 19th, my pain was ridiculous the 1st 3 days (thank you percocet!) though I was lucky enough to avoid gas pain (THANK YOU lucky stars ). The constipation and bloating really sucked. Today was the 1st real day I could feel like normal, not like a balloon, AND the FIRST time I noticed my weight loss (although minimal) in my clothes:thumbup: IT GETS BETTER, hand in there!!!:thumbup:
  12. I have dieted and lost and dieted and gained my entire life. I can TOTALLY understand your frustration with your plateau, but you need to understand your body (not an easy task!). If you are doing everything you're suppose to, the weight WILL come off! Quit worrying about the scale not moving, in fact, put it in another room for a month! Focus on eating right, feeling good and being active. You will likely be very surprised when you get back on the scale! The same way your body is not losing weight for a long period of time, is EXACTLY how one day you will get on the scale and 10lbs or more are GONE!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!! You have come a long way and are doing a great job-do NOT let the scale beat you, put your faith in your mind and heart and you will succeed! :cursing:
  13. I know I am in bandster hell as well even though I don't know exactly what it is. Will you please tell me what Bandster Hell, PBing and sliming are?? I have a pretty good idea, but would love to have the official definition:thumbup:
  14. coloradobanding

    Cross your fingers

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes!:cursing:
  15. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    Best wishes for those of you getting banded this week..your journey begins!!:cursing: For those of us who were banded this month already and watching results, just remember (I know this has been beat to death but..) our bodies need time to heal! Our stomachs need to get used to the new plastic band around it, our incision wounds need to heal, and the way we used to think about food is just now taking shape. My Dr. told me that I will likely GAIN weight until my first fill which is totally normal. I have lost 15lbs since Jan. 8th which I am thrilled about, but I am also ready for the scale to start going up (I don't know if he told me this to "prepare" me for slow weight loss or what, but it is what I was told so I was mentaly prepared for this phase). I personally feel nearly 100% and after the fast before the surgery and the surgery, that is really what I am most thrilled with. I am doing my part with protein, water & exercise, and by doing that I know the weight will come off. It does not need to come off every day, or even every week, because I know it will come off! Keep your chin up and let your body heal (it's the only one you have). Then once you feel great-no discomfort, no pain, no bandages etc. and your doctor gives you the "thumbs up" then you can really begin the weight loss. Another thing, lap band weight loss is much slower than bypass as we all know. If I had the bypass surgery, I would likely not be back at work and exercising and definitely not feeling as good as I do. Take it for what it's worth, and I wish you all the best! I am SO glad I did this for myself, I feel FANTASTIC!!!!!:tongue::thumbup:
  16. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    You're quite welcome! Congratulations on your surgery date and hang tough. As with any surgery there is discomfort and you need rest, but since I got through the pre-op diet and 1st week, I feel like I have a new lease on life and am looking forward to every day! Unlike before when I dreaded getting up and planned my day around what I was going to eat. I actually plan on excelling at work (I work long hours and have very high expectations of myself) doing things with my kids, walking the dog, cleaning my house and just LIVING! Best of luck to you, it will be hard for a short time, get your mind ready with all positive thoughts and strength, follow the Doctor's instructions and you will do great!:cursing:
  17. coloradobanding

    Anyone getting banded in January

    I got banded on the 19th and was lucky enough to have virtually no gas pains at all, at least none in my shoulder. I did have pressure in my throat/diaphragm when I drank, but I don't know if that was gas or just trapped air. I am thanking my lucky stars for that. I am now 8 days post op and I can honestly say I feel that I am 99.99% :cursing: I hope everyone else is having an uneventful recovery. We are going to be smoking hot and shopping at "normal" clothes stores soon :tt1:
  18. coloradobanding

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    Hi Kim, Glad to hear your surgery went without incident! Here's to a speedy recovery :cursing:
  19. coloradobanding

    surgery thurs and not doing so good

    Thanks for the update, your post certainly sounds very upbeat, GREAT to hear!! I am still really unable to eat. When I talked to my Dr. he said that some people feel restriction right away (no fill was given during surgery) without a fill, and he thinks that is me. I am struggling to eat 500 calories a day...OMG...Did ME, the fat girl, just say that??:thumbup: Seriously though, I am cautious about what I eat and look forward to the day when I can say I'm ready for a fill :thumbup: One woman's pain is another's pleasure as they say. Anyway, great to hear from you, keep up the good work!
  20. coloradobanding

    surgery thurs and not doing so good

    Hi Stephanie, Wanting to know how you're feeling now, let us know. I had my surgery on 1/19/09 and I feel FANTASTIC today. I slept through the night with absolutely no pain at all (no pain pills for 4 days now) woke up bright and energetic. I too was questioning the surgery for the 1st week, but no more! Not even a month and I can tell, this is definitely for me. It is SO hard to get my protein and water consumption in daily, but I try at every point. I found the Nutrisystem hot cocoa that has 12g protein in one 6oz cup, and it's YUMMY!
  21. coloradobanding

    pain- how long?

    I actually believe in "mind over matter", however, if you feel like you may be hurting youself, or if you have any questions at all, DEFINITELY at least call your Dr. I had some "minor" questions that were kind of bugging me so I called my Dr. Much to my relief (and exactly what I was thinking) everything (and I brought up every single detail) I was experiencing was normal. But just hearing it from my Dr. made everything alright. It sounds like the pain you are having is perfectly normal, everyone heals at a different pace, but in any event, pick up the phone and ease your mind. It makes a world of difference!:thumbup:
  22. Inspired from another thread relating to what you will miss least about being obese. I thought a new one would be what motivated you to get the band. My list (subject to grow) is below ~Wearing Tank Tops in summer ~Wearing a bathing suit and actually swimming ~Exuding confidence and pride in my appearance ~Having my son's friend tell them I'm hot ~Rewarding my husband with a sexy wife-replacing the fat one he would've loved the exact same ~Not being the fattest person wherever I go ~Being able to ski and run ~NOT shopping at Lane Bryant! ~Walking into 5-7-9 and being asked if I need help finding something :scared2: ~Wearing shorts instead of capris in 100 degree heat ~Wearing a tucked in shirt & Belt
  23. coloradobanding

    pain- how long?

    I had my surgery on the 19th and went back to work the 23rd. After a half day (office job) I realized I wasn't quite ready and headed home. EVERY day I feel better, and today, I was up driving, shopping and cleaning my house from 6am to 2pm :confused: My port is still tender, and I have some chest pressure at times (thinking this is gas) but other than that I almost feel normal :sneaky: I am eating soft/pureed foods with no problem, but having a hard time getting all the protein & water I need. Anyway, I assume I am in what poster's call Bandster Hell (1st month of surgery??) and cannot wait until I can eat normal foods again and get my protein w/meat & veggies. Keep us updated as to how you're doing!
  24. I've read every post and agree with nearly all of them. For me personally, I will not miss.. ~Taking hundreds of pictures of my kids and hubby and making sure I'm in NONE of them. My kids will have almost no pictures of their mother for the first 10 years of their lives :scared2: ~Not wearing tank tops/sleveless in the summer ~LANE BRYANT ~Macy's plus sized dept. ~Taking hours to make sure my hair and makeup are perfect, only to get dressed and realize I am fat and unattractive ~BEING SAD

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