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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. You will find very different information from everyone. The best advice I can give is to research, research, research!! I can tell you why I personally chose the band. I did NOT want to lose a lot of weight quickly (strange I know). I had a sister-in-law who had gastric bypass and she has NEVER looked normal. She looks like a shadowy skeleton even now (3 years out). She has kept off the weight (most of it) but is slowly gaining again. She eats like she ate pre-op which isnt good. I did not want to look like her, nor did I want lots of excess skin after I lost the weight. The NUMBER ONE reason for me was the surgery was less invasive, quicker to recover and nothing was going to be cut off from my insides. On the other hand, I wasn't so keen on having a "foreign object" in my body till the end of time either, but now I do and LOVE it. I can tell you this was the absolute best choice for me, as need to lose 100lbs. I think those that need to lose 175-250+ lbs would probably be better off with the bypass (from what I've heard). My .02. good luck with your decision!
  2. coloradobanding

    It's a bittersweet Update...

    I would be angry with your doctor too!! When I first called my surgeon, they directed me to their billing person, had me fill out a sheet regarding insurance and said they would get back with me once they checked my insurance. Three days later this wonderful lady called me, said they contacted my insurance, told me what they covered, went over the details and asked if I wanted to set an appointment. I did, and got my surgery date. She met with me 2 more times in the next 2 weeks to make sure I knew exactly what was going to happen, which bills would come in first, etc. The day before surgery, I got a call from hospital admissions and they said I was ready to go. I would find a doctor you trust that will help you get the surgery!!!
  3. coloradobanding

    new to site

    Welcome! I was banded Jan 19th and every day I get further away from that day the better I feel and the more hope I have. My advice is to keep a positive attitude and do exactly what your doctor tells you to do. I love my band and wish you the best on your journey! :thumbup:
  4. coloradobanding

    Band Is Just 2 Days Away

    Hi Randy, I was born in 1969 (too?) and was recently banded on Jan19th and LOVE my BAND!! The pre-op and 2 days after surgery were the hardest, but has been going GREAT ever since. Keep a positive attitude and congratulations on taking this big step to improve your life in nearly every way!:thumbup:
  5. coloradobanding

    Just got banded yesterday

    The only thing I did the day of and after surgery was drink water, take pain pills, walk around the house and do my breathing treatments. Take it easy, it gets monumentally better each day. :thumbup:
  6. coloradobanding

    I want a salad

    I too craved salad! It was the absolute LAST thing I thought I would miss. I've had salad a couple times since being banded 1/19 with absolutely no problem. I found the "crispier" pieces (near bottom of head) and romaine the easiest to eat. As far as fat free croutons, nearly all of them are low/no fat. If you check the nutrition information you will find that a few croutons, fat free or not, are really not very high in fat or calories.
  7. coloradobanding

    Papaya Enzyme

    I bought my papaya enzyme this weekend "just in case" and used it today when a triscuit was uncomfortable. I chewed one tablet (yummy too) and it worked great! I really reccommend it!
  8. coloradobanding

    long road ahead

    It must depend on what state you live in, because bariatric surgery IS covered in CO. I heard the administrators talking about it several times and met 2 people in my group that had theirs with Medicaid. It seems since it's a federal program it would be covered in all states. Just my .02
  9. coloradobanding

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Missed the weekend but I'll repost here. LOVE the sound of the PB & banana shake, gonna do that one this week. Great ideas for food here people, and LOVE the accountability Saturday B-1/2 Protein Shake 1/4 WW yogurt L-1/2 Protein shake-1/2 chicken salad sand. D-Nothing (bad girl) Sunday B-1/2 protein shake-1 egg and 1/2 pc toast L-1/2 protein shake-3/4 turkey sandwich D-1/3 c Beans w/ham 4 potato chips Monday B-1/2 protein shake 1/3 bowl mini wheats w/soy milk L-1/2 lean cuisine panini D-1/3 cup chicken and dumplings (no dumplings) (already have lunch in freezer and chix & dump in crock pot, so I know what I'll be eating :thumbup:)
  10. coloradobanding

    long road ahead

    Hi again Laurie, SO sorry to hear about the loss of your job, that just plain sucks. Luckily, since you work in the health care sector (it sounds like you do anyway) you will be more likely to find a job in this economy than most others. My advice is somewhat odd, but this is what I would do. In my way of thinking, whenever one door is closed another opens. I personally would have the lap-band procedure and here is my reasoning 1) You will likely continue your old eating habits without the surgery. And if you are out of work for a long period of time, then what better motivation than to have time to work out and it will also lift your spirits. I cannot tell you how my energy and outlook have changed so positively since my surgery. 2) If you have insurance that covers it now, then do it. You may get other insurance that doesn't cover it and then it could be months or years for you to be able to get it. 3) The aftercare is very affordable (at least in my area, where fills are $15). 4) If there were an emergency, and you didn't have insurance, then you could still go to the emergency room for care (not a planned choice mind you, only in emergency situations) 5) You are WORTH IT! Don't let everything else in your life, no matter how major or minor, get you off the path of good health and weight loss. These things will happen whether you have the surgery or not, whether you have insurance or not. Your kids need you for life, start by giving yourself the gift of good health to be there for them long term, not just the next couple years! Anyway, those are my thoughts, you know your situation better than I do. Good luck on whatever you decide and let us know!!
  11. I think you're doing fantastic!! I also went out to a restaurant with my family on Friday (first time since I was banded). I had 5 bites of salad and almost 2 pieces of a childs size pizza. I ate everything well but was really concerned. Luckily no problems for me. Some posts may seem like they're coming down on you, but just do what you and your doctor think is best for you! Different folks react differently and you had your first "test" of the band. Keep up the good work!!
  12. Hi Kayla,

    I went to CBSI-Dr Thomas Brown & Dr. Matthew Metz. I have nothing but a fantastic experience at all levels and would highty reccommend them. Dr. Brown did my surgery but I've heard the same about Dr. Metz. My insurance covered it, but their cash payment is only $9500 I think or something reasonable. Let me know if you would like to chat on the phone, and I'll give you a call. Lanette

  13. coloradobanding

    I just want to work out!

    Just another way how each doctor is different. I began working out 10 days post op (elliptical, arc trainer-no weights) and he encouraged it :bananalama:
  14. coloradobanding

    long road ahead

    Congratulations on beginning the lap band road!! I too was a MAJOR diet pepsi drinker. When I say major, we're talking 3-5 a day for over 20 years..EVERYDAY! I literally drank almost no Water..bad I know. During my pre-op diet (3 day fast) I had the WORST headache and nausea I've ever had in my life, so much so that I almost went to the ER. My brain kicked in and I called my doctor's office after hours number. My Doc called me back and went through the symptoms and thought I was having caffeine withdrawal. He told me to drink a diet pepsi (not just any caffeine, the caffeine my body was used to) and see how I felt in an hour. Seeing as how I had been throwing up and with a migraine for over 17 hours I thought he was insane. NOPE, EVERYTHING went away within 2 hours:w00t: It was not easy, and honestly, that was one of the main reasons I considered not having this surgery (yes, I loved it that much). Well, I am now nearly 3 weeks post-op and I have had ZERO cravings for it..NOTHING, nada. It is very surprising how your taste and cravings change, and this one is just amazing everyone who knows me. Just get past the initial withdrawal and you'll be fine. I also craved pizza and garlic bread like EVERY SINGLE MINUTE the first 5 days post-op. Seriously, even got myself to sleep dreaming about it. Now, I wouldn't eat it if it were calorie free and on my desk...my body absolutely has no desire for it. Just wanted to give you my experience, keep us updated on your progress, and again, CONGRATULATIONS!!
  15. coloradobanding

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    OK, I joined daily plate and am now going to post here B-protein shake 1/4 WW yogurt L-1/4 cup chicken salad (ff mayo & sf relish), 1pc wheat toast, 1/4 c cottage cheese D-1 cup romaine salad and 3oz chicken breast w/ff ranch & ff Italian dressing combined Also did 35 minutes of hard cardio on elliptical (572cals 1.7mi) Net calorie count for the day-890
  16. coloradobanding

    Why the need to test it?

    I had the urge too. So much so that I called my Doctor and asked if I could try some "tester" foods to see how I reacted. Keep in mind, I healed completely from my C-section in record time (honestly, my Dr. STILL talks about it to this day) so I thought I was strong enough to try, ONLY with the OK from the Doctor. He told me there would be no damage from eating small portions, they have the liquid diet quidelines for MOST patients, but every person is different. He stressed to me that I should take very small bites and chew, chew, chew (heard that before somewhere I'm sure..lol). Well, I took 2 tiny bites (3 minutes apart) of corned beef hash (I KNOW not the healthiest choice, but literally both bites plus 3 more would've fit in my spoon) with no problem, I felt GREAT! Then I tried cottage cheese, no problem. Then I tried tiny bit of dark meat chicken, no problem. Then turkey, wheat bread, etc. you get the picture. I saw my doctor today and he told me that each person is different. Whatever I can try to eat will not hurt any portion of the surgery, incisions or band, and it is up to what my body is able to take. He did tell me to take it slow and steady. Again, this is just MY PERSONAL experience, but I would suggest you call your physician and check, couldn't hurt!
  17. coloradobanding

    Realize Band or Lap Band

    I asked this of my surgeon before operation day. He said it was his choice, and the choice of his partner not to use the Realize band. He said that the main reason they chose not to use it, is because it's shape is more square (rectangular) and he felt like it would fill incorrectly and have possible greater long term erosion affects. He also said that there is no long term proof and/or testimonials regarding the new band, that was just his preference. Just my .02
  18. coloradobanding

    2 days post-op and boy it hurts...

    Hi Burton, I bought the Whey protein from Wal-Mart (cannot remember the name exactly, but Mega whey something). I take one Atkins chocolate shake, 1.5 scoops of whey protein and a heaping tbs of sugar-free hershey's syrup and shake in my Tupperware container. I then partially freeze it for about 20 mins. I really enjoy it and there is nearly 50 grams of protein in one shake that way. Hope that helps, and the port pain gets better everyday, just hang in there!
  19. coloradobanding

    2 days post-op and boy it hurts...

    Hi again Cindie, So glad you're feeling better, it makes a world of difference doesn't it? Keep up the good work and you'll be 100% in no time. JMS, thank you for the sound advice!:w00t: Believe me, I haven't even took a breath differently from what the doctor prescribed! I was scared to death to deviate in any way from my diet, which is why I made sure to contact him and verify that I was OK to try and see what I could manage to keep down. Every doctor is so different, it is really strange! In my post-op diet book everything, including brand names of products, is so detailed and descriptive, I dared not even question the plan. However, when I was literally weak from not eating and talking with the doc, I casually mentioned I felt like I was dying :drool: He told me, with complete direction and approval, that any foods I wanted to try (not gorge on mind you) that didn't cause me any problems were totally fine. VERY confusing as the post-op diet was so strict. However, I am a very fast healer (healed within 9 days after my c-section-usually takes over 2 months) and he knew what I could take and not. Keep in mind that everything I've eaten since January 8th could fit on a small paper plate, so my tastes of different foods (to see what I can tolerate) were easily half if not 1/4 of the size of a bite my 7 year old would take. I do want to stress that I am in complete agreement with you that the post-op diet is there for a reason, but I also think that if you talk directly to your doctor about your body and what's right for you, the "generic" post-op diet can be discussed and somewhat customized for the individual. I just couldn't be more pleased that the things I tried were accepted by my body! That was honestly the one thing that made me hesitate the most. I didn't want to live my life without ever eating bread again; although I will say since I've tasted it after my surgery I don't miss it really at all. The old Jedi mind trick-if I physically can't have it, that's all I want! If I can have it, eh' I can do without. Frustrating sometimes..lol.
  20. coloradobanding

    2 days post-op and boy it hurts...

    Makula, you and I sound like distant twins lol. I had my surgery 1/19 and was on full liquids the full 1st week. I was so scared something was going to go wrong, get stretched, you name it. But I was literally starving to death! The little Protein shake and Water I would get down was killling me. I was seriously eating less than 300 cals a day (if that). I called my Dr. and told em, "I'm hungry man" and want to try some soft foods. The Dr. told me to take it slow, but whatever I could get down (because of the malnutrition) was fine. I tried cottage cheese, no can do. I tried mashed potatoes (was ok), then accidently ate a tator tot too (I have 2 boys and a husband, didn't even realize it) no problem. I looked through the cabinet and saw a can of corned beef hash.. I thought, I'll try that. VOILA, it worked. I ate maybe 1/8 of a cup with no problem and was ecstatic. I then tried it the next day with a very soft cooked egg, NO PROBLEM and my energy skyrocketed. Since then I have literally tried just about everything. I've been eating chicken and turkey for just under a week with no problem. Tried a bite of pizza last night (kids sleepover) no problem. Tried a bite of chicken wing today (no skin) no problem either. I am SO happy that I'm physically able to eat, that the desire to eat is not as strong. I was SO craving pizza, that I bought a whole pizza and ate 4 pieces (chewed and spit it out..gross I know but I had to chew and taste, the swallowing didn't matter). Once I figured out that I can have all the things I love, I'm so much happier. I've stuck to my diet perfectly, adding protein from meat & eggs finally. Just wanted to spread my happiness that I'm able (not that I will) to eat the foods I love. My journey is starting out wonderfully and I hope all the best for my fellow January Hotties!:w00t:
  21. coloradobanding

    Why can I still eat alot????

    Quick question, when does the post-op swelling completely disappear? Occasionally I get the tiniest thing stuck at the end of my throat, while not uncomfortable is rather annoying. I'm thinking it has to be swelling and my stomach seems a little tight too. BTW I am 12 days post op. Thanks!
  22. coloradobanding

    Stomach Bug????

    Wow, great question; had never even thought of this! I am seeing my doctor on Weds and I will definitely be asking for a prescription to have on hand...just in case!
  23. coloradobanding

    Help! I need protein

    I found nutri-system hot cocoa that has no sugar added & 12g of protein for a 6oz cup. I also drink plain skim-milk often, makes up for what I'm lacking. Good luck!
  24. coloradobanding

    To Those Banded on 1/27/09

    I did not have surgery on the 27th but wanted to see if your doctor gave you the OK to take Aleve. Aleve & ibuprofen were #1 & 2 on the do not take list as they thin your stomach lining or something. Just making sure!

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