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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding

    So Hungry! Solids After Fill?

    I just had my first fill yesterday and my doctor's policy is full liquids for 48 hours! I got 3.25cc in a 10cc band, and have not been hungry one second since I got it yesterday (good thing eh?). I even ordered pizza and breadsticks for the office and sat with them and drank my protein shake without a single temptation to eat. Maybe I'm at my sweet spot?????? WOW that would be great! I need full liquids for 48 hours then mushies for 48 hours. I see this as a "kick start" to my next phase of weight loss, really doesn't bother me..yet. :sneaky:
  2. My doctor told me that he preferred the lap band ap specifically for the shape; other than that and the port size the 2 are basically the same. I would've been happy with either, but was armed with the knowledge before hand. I would be FURIOUS as well that someone put something in me I didn't authorize. Let us know how your talk with your surgeon goes!
  3. Thank you all so much for the words of congratulations and support, it means SO much! For those who have experienced what I have, WOW, GREAT WORK! For those who are on their way, I cannot begin to tell you how completely exciting it is and how much you have to look forward to. I literally feel like a brand new person that people don't look at like "what is that fat chick doing shopping here", but literally, "wow, I wonder where she got that outfit, it's so cute" Thanks again and I look forward to those of you on thit thread experiencing the exact same thing, over and over (as we keep shrinking)
  4. You need to let your body heal and let it figure out what happened to it. You JUST got your band and you need to be patient. My Dr told me I would not lose until my first fill (6 weeks) and would likely gain. You need to get prepared for "bandster hell" (the time between your surgery & first fill) as you will not lose any significant amount of weight (I was lucky and lost 4lbs in 6 weeks!) Keep doing exactly what your doctor said and you will get through and see the scale move!
  5. ZERO for me, and LOVING it!! Now, in the future if I start feeling hungry and don't follow my diet, I will get a fill, which I'm fairly certain would be my sweet spot. Knock on wood, no fill!
  6. Thanks so much for the post, it could not have come at a better time! My boss had bypass surgery one week before me and has lost 39lbs. She is complaining about HER slow weight loss and it makes me feel like I'm not losing anything. I literally was about to have a chicken caesar salad (working nights @ a restaurant-not the worst choice of foods) when I went in the bathroom and looked at myself. I LOOK & FEEL GREAT! I told myself that I don't care what my boss has lost, I'm happy with what I'VE lost. She also started at about 75lbs heavier than me, so what the heck am I complaining about??? I paid the money, I took the risk, I've made the sacrifice and I'm going to CONTINUE to do exactly what I've been doing..it's working! I do not eat after 6:00pm and I'M NOT doing it tonight! I've lost 22lbs in less than 2 months, and I'm super EXCITED about that. Thanks for the post and the advice, you couldn't have been more right and at the EXACT right time for me....:thumbup:
  7. coloradobanding

    A question on after the lap Band Surgery

    I'm anxious to see how you're doing and how you feel since your new "birthday"!
  8. I was at 40.5, my current is on my ticker. I'm just about 6 weeks post op and LOVING the results (with no fill). I'm so thankful I was able to have the surgery and it's working (so far). I'm just afraid one day it will stop working and I'll gain my weight back, then I think NO WAY did I go through all this for nothing!!!
  9. coloradobanding

    What are You Eating?

    Jacks is correct, you are officially in Bandster Hell (and it sucks!). You will likely not lose any weight until your first fill which is usually 6 weeks post op. The six weeks is for your body to heal and your stomach to figure out the the H*** you just did to it :mad2: Your body goes into a starvation mode as it doesn't know how to react to the massive changes going on. In fact (don't freak out) you could gain weight, which again is totally normal. You will be swollen for awhile and retain water, even though eating almost nothing but don't get discouraged. My best advice is to stay OFF the scale for at LEAST a month. Post op I ate cottage cheese and mashed potatoes for awhile but then needed protein so ate the canned corned beef hash (NOT a good choice, high in fat, but I needed it BAD)' Just keep exercising and doing what you're suppose to be doing, the weight will come off, but don't count on losing ANYTHING for at least a month.
  10. coloradobanding

    long road ahead

    Hi again Laurie, well it sounds like you have everything figured out! If it were me, and you get along with your ex and this is the best financial move for you I would do it! As far as the expense, YES it is expensive. For a single mom or anyone really. I justify it a couple of ways, but the biggest reason for me is this...you cannot put a price on good health, and ultimately increasing the amount of time you are on this planet and with your family. I don't know anyone who could argue with that. Another thing I took into consideration is how much money I saved (even this early in my journey) on fast foods & restaurants. Literally, the amount is substantial. So far, I've saved myself and my family EASILY over $500, probably closer to $750, and that's just in the last 2 months. Ultimately it is something you are going to have to decide for yourself and your family. I can tell you that my entire family is healthier and happier and I definitely am too. I hope you feel good about whatever decision you make and wish you and yours the best!!!
  11. Thanks so much for all the comments, I really appreciate them!!!!! :biggrin:
  12. Hello all, I just had to share my excitement!! After listening to my doctor tell me the first 6 weeks post-op are not for losing, possibly gaining, and reading all the posts (including my own) on how it is frustrating and confusing how you don't lose weight post-op, I've DONE it!! I've turned the page and it feels awesome! I've been doing everything I'm suppose to do; exercising, eating my full amount of Protein everyday, watching what I eat (few exceptions) and the weight would just NOT come off. I kept telling myself what I knew was true, but I tried SO hard to move that scale everyday and it wouldn't budge! Well Friday I found my favorite pair of capri jeans (bought 2pr actually I loved them so much) that I have'nt been able to get into since Jan 2007. I found them in my closet and thought, "let me see how much longer it's going to be until these fit". Well, THEY FIT and with room to spare. I literally screamed out loud and was ecstatic! I wore them to work, and FINALLY got comments from nearly everyone about how great I look (NO ONE had said a single word since surgery about my weight loss-except DH of course but he doesn't count :thumbup:). I got on the scale and had lost 2lbs! I got on the scale today and lost another lb. I FINALLY feel like my body has figured out what I did to it and is adjusting..DOWN. I am so totally thrilled and LOVE my band. This was my first "mini" goal and it is done! My next goal is to lose 15lbs by May 24th (our DisneyWorld trip) which I believe is totally attainable. I just had to share, thanks for all the support..did I mention, I LOVE MY BAND?!!!
  13. coloradobanding

    long road ahead

    Hi Laurie, Thanks for the update!! I'm sorry you have a job you hate, but on the bright side, at least it's a job :biggrin: I actually have 2 jobs-one I sit down all day and the other I'm on my feet all day. I actually like being on my feet more than sitting, and with your choice to go for the surgery () that's just what you need. I'm SO glad you decided to go through with the surgery, I don't think you'll regret it for a minute. As far as your ex-husband is concerned, wow, that's a toughie. I've always based my decisions (marital decisions anyway) on love and respect, and someone that has "demands" on me as to whether he will be there or not, is not an option for me. NOW, if it were a decision based strictly on finances, and if I NEEDED this person to do what I REALLY wanted to do, I would make the sacrifice (short term). I know that may sound totally heartless, but let me tell you. If I were in your shoes, and wanted the surgery and wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom, and I could have all those things by meeting someone's "demands", I would do it in a heartbeat. Then when I got on my feet, and took care of everything I wanted to take care of, I would re-evaluate my position. But that's just me. I was fortunate enough to be a SAHM, and LOVED IT!!! It was the ABSOLUTE best thing I could've done for my kids, and I am SO thankful I was there with them during their early childhood. I didn't miss a step, a field trip, healthy dinner, trip to the park..NOTHING. I was there for it all!! Now that they are "grown" (11 & 7) I have the freedom to focus on ME. I went back to work at a job I LOVE and got my surgery. If I could look back at what I've done and accomplished, and if I had your circumstances, I would do it again, no question. It's not an easy job, honestly there's nothing harder in the world, but it makes a huge difference. I hope you find a job you like better soon, and congratulations on going ahead with your surgery! Keep us updated!
  14. My SIL had gastric bypass and her doctor told her to lose as much weight as she could the first year because it would slow down after that. Perhaps that's where you got that information. Having the lap band is totally different. My doctor told me it would likely take 2-3 years to get the same results as patients of the bypass, which is fine by me. As long as it comes off and I'm not gaining I'm happy. I think you've done great losing the weight so far! Keep up the good work!
  15. coloradobanding

    VERY Restricted!!!!

    If it feels like water is getting stuck you may need an unfill. However, if you are happy with the restriction and able to eat your protein (or drink) then sounds OK.
  16. Hang in there, it does happen! I just posted a thread about this very subject. I followed the diet & excercise plan religiously after surgery and lost 4lbs TOTAL. NOT easy to see when you get on the scale every day and watch the same 2lbs go up then down, etc. Honestly, I bought a pair of shorts 2 weeks ago that are a full size smaller than I fit in. When I tried them on, they were nowhere near fitting (seriously more than 6" in between button & button hole) but I kept them anyway. I tried them on this weekend and they FIT (tight, but fit and zipped). I literally SCREAMED w/excitement and went shopping. I tried on one full size smaller than what I currently wear and EVERYTHING FIT!! In fact, everything I bought was from the "regular size" section. All XL but at least only one X :crying: It came quick and all the hard work is paying off...be patient and hang it..it will work! I LOVE MY BAND!! (no fills yet either, skipped 2 )
  17. coloradobanding


    Don't get discouraged! It takes approx. 6 weeks for your body to adjust and heal from the surgery. I was banded 1/19 and only lost 4lbs until last week when it finally starting showing and coming off. And let me tell you, I worked out every day and watched every calorie that went into my mouth and nada. It does get hard during this time, which is why it's called Bandster Hell. Hang in there, and remember this time is for healing not losing. In fact, my Dr. told me I would likely GAIN weight until my 1st fill (I didn't, but was prepared for it). You're doing great, keep up the good work. Remember this is a life change and it will take your body and mind a little while to adjust, try (not easy) to be patient.
  18. Every doctor is different, but usually 6 weeks from surgery is your first fill. I doubt you will get one at your follow-up appointment.
  19. coloradobanding

    Is it true....no SF gum post-op?

    I was told no gum because if it were swallowed it would be catastrophic! I haven't swallowed gum in over 20 years, but I'm not going to tempt fate; I've cut it out completely.
  20. Tomorrow is your birthday (new band, new life, new day!). look forward to keeping in touch!

  21. I am wondering what percentage of banders can eat breads, crusts, muffins etc. without any problems. Before I get negative posts, the only reason I ask is because I'm curious. Bread has been the hardest for me to give up, by far. And if I can have a few bites of bread or pizza crust occasionally, that would be more than enough to keep me happy with my strict band diet for the rest of my life :biggrin:
  22. coloradobanding

    Food stuck!!!

    I had the exact same situation with a Triscuit. Let's just say if anyone had seen what I threw-up, they might contact the producers of Alien Yes, it is definitely slime (freaked me out) but it does no damage. I would always suggest calling your doctor to really ease your fears and answer questions, but all in all, I'm sure you're fine.
  23. coloradobanding

    Why is my band so picky?

    Rice and beans are definitely not slider foods, they can get stuck easily. Most foods that are considered "sliders" are not good for you. Some popular slider foods are: potato chips & ice cream.
  24. coloradobanding

    One Week & Two days Post Banding

    It's amazing how much difference a day make post-op!
  25. coloradobanding

    My band is not working!

    It sounds like you need a fill, probably should have had one months ago. Don't freak out, go see your doc and get a fill!

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