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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding

    how long the LB is intended to last?

    My doctor told me that my lap band ap (not realize) will out last me by 50 years, that was good enough for me!
  2. coloradobanding

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    WOW, EXCELLENT work!! 7lbs is AWESOME Keep up the good work. Unfortunately, I had a procedure on my leg (Darn Doctor gave me 1.8lbs of fluids..lol) and my monthly bill came early :cursing: so I have vowed not to weigh myself until April 1st. I feel MUCH smaller than ever and I am hoping that by then I could be at 5lbs. Fingers crossed. I have added everyone to date below: coloradobanding......13lbs -2lbs lost..yippee debbie_7155............8lbs- 1lb lost..WAY TO GO stephleon..............13lbs fluffy jen...............13lbs jaynell31...............15lbs louandboosmom......15lbs laurr925................13lbs bek1986...............15lbs cmanzley..............15lbs 1rockinmom...........15lbs catho72................12lbs delivered...............15lbs..already lost 7lbs-GREAT! gus-gus..................8lbs a buddy.................12lbs ncsqueen...............15lbs shellyphaunts..........15lbs bamagal.................15lbs kmbmom.................15lbs crystal525..............15lbs minxz.....................12lbs catherine55.............10lbs tklmeskinny.............10lbs bklyn1984...............13lbs gabi311b.................15lbs iwannabeskinny........12bs kra102....................15lbs alleycia...................16lbs pfrance...................12lbs lyndi.......................13lbs gabi........................15lbs busybee424.............15lbs dillon1205................15lbs nfl1........................15lbs I am posting losses here just because I work hard for each pound and would love to share my excitement! I see that many have added their own separate ticker for this challenge which I find very motivating. Whatever works for everyone to get us losing!
  3. coloradobanding

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    Anybody else wanna join? I'm also thinking of submitting our group into the "Biggest Loser-pound for pound challenge". For every pound you lose, they will donate 10cents to food bank centers of America (which equals 1lb of food). Anyone interested?
  4. The enzymes in the papaya and pineapple help with digestion and digestive health. It is recommended from my doctor personally, and I do not think he would recommend something that would dissolve my esophogus. On top of the fact that my doctor recommends it, when you're stuck, it REALLY hurts and chewing a great tasting pill that relieves the pain and "stuck" episode very quickly, is really all I care about at the time. Just my .02
  5. Hi all! I just wanted to share another SUPER milestone in my lapband journey! I went shopping today and tried on my old size..WAY too big! I tried on 2 full sizes smaller and it FIT. I tried on over 20 things (tops, jeans, etc) and they all FIT comfortably. I cannot tell you how exciting that is. On top of that, I went to Lane Bryant and tried some things on. I tried on the 14/16's and they fit comfortably (in general) but nothing looked great. As I walked out of the store, I knew and vowed that I would NEVER STEP IN A LANE BRYANT again!! It was a moment I KNOW I will remember for a very long time, and I mean it. Let me tell you people, when I can fit into a size "L" I think I will throw a block party. I love my band and my new healthier life! Just had to share, thanks for your support during our journey's together!
  6. Papaya enzyme is available almost everywhere; I got mine at Wal-mart for about $5!
  7. coloradobanding

    trouble with chicken?

    I have a great idea for chicken that I've used for the last month or so. I get the boneless/skinless breast tenderloins and thighs. I alternate pieces in a glass baking dish (white, dark, white etc.) I then drizzle EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) over all pieces. Then season liberally with salt, garlic salt and pepper. I then take 1 large can of green chiles and 1 large can of green enchilada sauce and toss with chicken pieces (then I season again) them bake @ 250 degrees for 3-4 hours. I then take 2 forks and separate the chicken best I can (absorbs all chiles and sauce) and use it for tacos, tostadas and with beans. SUPER tender, easy and flavorful!
  8. Mini-update... So I went out yesterday (Sunday) to an outdoor type mall near our house. There was a CJ Banks there, and I had never been in one before. On the window it stated "Women's sizes 14 & up." You know what my first thought was??? I looked at the 14 and thought, yeah I can do that :scared2: I did not look or even so much notice the "and up" just the 14 and felt confident it would fit. So I went in and looked at the clothes, they were nicer than Lane Bryant and much better store..anyway...I digress. I looked at their clothes and their tops were sized...X..1X..2X..3X I took a shot at the size X...and you guessed it..It FIT! Can you believe I'm not even in a 1X anymore..OMG.:scared2: Then I tried on some 14 & 16's in pants (NO the 14's didn't fit, and the 16's did, but I'm happy with that!). I didn't buy a thing..LMAO!! Just trying it on was all I needed. Just wanted to share :rolleyes2:
  9. coloradobanding

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    I've lost 8lbs and I'm thrilled about it, but will not be able to make my goal. Oh well, I'm super happy with my loss to date and have started a May challenge as well. PS..I'm down for the donut challenge :rolleyes2:
  10. One thing I didn't find out until it was too late is to get papaya enzyme to help when foods get stuck or for indigestion. It has saved me more times than I care to think about and it tastes WONDERFUL!! Get some and keep it in the cupboard and in your purse at all times:thumbup: And follow your doctor's instructions to the letter, do not deviate from them regardless of what you read or hear on these boards. You and your doctor know whats best for you, but getting ideas here and reviewing them with your doctor is the best bet! Congratulations on the beginning of your new life.
  11. I REALLY like the responses from heartfire..CLASSIC! The bottom line for me is, NOBODY on this EARTH (except for my new life friends here on LPT) knows what I'm going through, what I've gone through, or what lies ahead for me. ONLY I know that. While some may be well meaning, I honestly just reply that this is a personal decision I made for many reasons that I don't need to discuss. I am SOOOOO happy with my band I cannot tell you. I was SO much like you in so many ways it's scary! I was 255, lost down to 163 (I'm 5'6 so 163 looks very good on me :rolleyes2:). Then people would see my "before" pics and say, OMG, that looks nothing like you (and it truly didn't). However, once I gained all that weight back + 10 (thank you to my 2 wonderful boys and overindulgent husband, and yeah, ok, I was lazy and ate like crap too :scared2:) no one said anything. They almost "helped" me live in my fantasy world of, "I still look good" (which trust me, I did not!). Suffice it to say that the people in our life we consider friends and even our family cannot possibly know what we've done and why. So I politely, yet firmly, ask them not to comment. Or if they do, I tell them why I found that remark offensive and it has opened more than an eye or two. Live by my motto..."Do what's best for you and screw the rest" :scared2:
  12. coloradobanding

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    Welcome all New Shrinko Members!!! I'm so motivated and hope you all are too, we can DEFINITELY do this!!! coloradobanding......13lbs debbie_7155............8lbs stephleon..............13lbs fluffy jen...............13lbs jaynell31...............15lbs louandboosmom......15lbs laurr925................13lbs bek1986...............15lbs cmanzley..............15lbs 1rockinmom...........15lbs catho72................12lbs delivered...............15lbs gus-gus..................8lbs a buddy.................12lbs ncsqueen...............15lbs shellyphaunts..........15lbs bamagal.................15lbs kmbmom.................15lbs crystal525..............15lbs minxz.....................12lbs catherine55.............10lbs tklmeskinny.............10lbs bklyn1984...............13lbs gabi311b.................35lbs iwannabeskinny........12bs kra102....................15lbs alleycia...................16lbs
  13. coloradobanding

    5 week post-op update

    Great post, thanks for the update! I also had a problem with a little "bubble" on the very end of 2 of my incision sites, but the nurse said it was totally normal. On another note, my scars have turned a more dark pink and are "sticking" out a bit more than I think they should. Again, the nurse said ok, no problem and they have since dried up and fallen off (sorry for TMI). I got my first fill this last Tuesday (3.25cc in 10ccband) and it changed me in SO many positive ways, am SO glad I got it. Keep us updated!
  14. coloradobanding

    Marijuana Use After Surgery

    OMG, thank you to EVERYONE who posted here, I laughed out loud for over 1 minute at work..TOO FUNNY. My favorite probably..no s**t Ken, LMAO!:ohmy:
  15. I have Anthem also (Lumenos) and here is what I did/didn't do. I DIDN'T go to a seminar, I had done my own research since 2003 I DID NOT need a referring doctor, went straight to my Bariatric Surgeon I DID NOT require a lengthy pre-op diet (only 3 days full liquids, but let me tell you it was not easy). I DID contact my surgeon inquiring about cost/coverate. 3 days later I was called back and told I was approved! I went to my initial consult on 11/24. I was told that after taking my psych eval. and nutrition class they could get me in as early as 12/1! Needless to say I was SHOCKED and EXCITED, but didn't have any time off accrued until Jan 09. So I waited. From initial phone call to surgery was about 2 months. But if I had chosen to, could've been in as little as 2 weeks! Hope that helps!
  16. coloradobanding

    Lap Band inside you

    I have never been able to feel the band at all or the port (inside that is). If I press on the outside, I can feel the port. The only time I've felt anything is during my fill, which was "bubbling". It actually felt like little bubbles, but that went away in seconds.
  17. coloradobanding

    I'm So Upset

    Maybe a little bit of hope. As an HR Manager, I can tell you that the COBRA stimulus package has been approved and has started! If you were laid off or involuntarily discharged (stipulations on "involutarily discharged) from 9/1-present, you are qualified for the COBRA stimulus package. Which will reduce your COBRA premiums by 65%! Depending on your employer, you can also elect another insurance package (if your employer offered other choices. For example, if you chose an HMO while employed, but they also offered PPO programs that cost much less, you could opt for the lower cost insurance). This would likely make the cost of insurance LESS that what you were paying while employed. There coverage is for 9 months, so if you are doing any sort of 6 month program, something to keep in mind. Hope that helps!
  18. CONGRATULATIONS to all you April Bandsters!!! It is very exciting and scary to get your date and begin the pre-op; somehow makes it more "real". Welcome to the beginning of your new, healthier lives!
  19. coloradobanding

    eating like crazy. HELP!!!

    I totally agree!!! I just found a LOT of things I didn't know were out there for me! My greatest find was the 100 calorie packs of Smartfood popcorn, which is a large bag, I was tickled. There are crackers, snacks, nuts and sweets, which are just the right amount to help me in those times when I look like something out of "An American Werewolf in London" in the open pantry :ohmy:
  20. I am SO sorry this happened to you! This is why I double check everyone and everything in my life on a daily basis. I don't even know what my existence would be like if I didn't check this or ask this..UGH, makes me crazy! Sadly, as evidenced by this person, not everyone does what they are suppose to do. Not every price is what it is suppose to be (the checkers at the store HATE when I ask them to wait until I have everything on the belt before they begin checking ) Here's to hoping you have a swift reschedule and the secretary learns that not doing 100% can have a HUGE impact on people's lives. Live and learn I guess..I'd still look a little something like this---> :ohmy:
  21. coloradobanding

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    You are ALL so motivating!! This morning, after the scale hasn't moved much for the last 6 weeks, I lost 2 more lbs, making a total of 4lbs this week! I'm hoping NOW that my body has figured out it doesn't need all this fat and loves my band as much as I do. I'm SO excited to finally be losing again!! So far we have committed to a total weight loss of 194lbs! The full weight of ONE obese person, We can do this!! Anyone else is welcome to join at ANY time!
  22. I'd say a "safe bet" is to count out the first 24 hours after surgery. I personally worked 10 hours from home (laptop in bed) with no problems whatsoever (yes, I took pain meds and was still sharp as a tack). I worked every day from then on and went back to work (physically to the office) on the Friday after (had surgery on Monday) and worked a half day. Then back in on Monday full time with no issues. Of course the ol' disclaimer, everyone is different, yada yada yada. Good luck!
  23. coloradobanding

    Anyone else noticing this?

    OT- Congratulations JODI on being NORMAL!!!! I noticed you just got there today, WAY TO GO!! I'm excited because I'm not longer morbidly obese..just obese The Dr. told me this week I've made the first jump. So I said, "Wonderful, not I'm not really fat, just fat" and I'm thrilled with that. One day I will be in "Onderland" and normal with you, but until then..CONGRATS Girl-That's AWESOME!!!:tt2:
  24. coloradobanding

    Anyone else noticing this?

    I like the previous analogy of college students. Having to pay for college myself, DID make me work harder than my friends who had a "free ride." However, that said, I don't think you can paint all bandsters with the "self pay" "non self-pay" brush. I personally took the OP as saying that he is tired of people complaining about the band not working while they're eating forbidden foods and not exercising. I thought the self-pay comment was just an added "extra" :tt2:
  25. coloradobanding

    1st fill

    I got my first fill yesterday, and finally know it was the right decision (had been debating getting one or not). I was surprised that my Dr. put 3.25cc in a 10cc band. He kept telling me how "cautious" they were with fills, so I was expecting like .5-1.5cc. I was thrilled with the 3.25 and surprised to see that there was .5cc from surgery (he said this is normal, it is hard to get all the fluid out). He only does fills via fluoro if there is scar tissue or some other underlying problem. Good luck with your 1st fill, it's not that bad, quite quick and easy actually!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
