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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coloradobanding

  1. coloradobanding

    I'm so excited....

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had a very similar situation and had a complete unfill to be able to eat. The difference between being able to eat and wonder if it's going to come back up is night and day! Here's to continued success, with or without a fill!
  2. coloradobanding

    Loosing Weight without fills.

    I have struggled with and dealt with the exact same scenario. Here is my suggestion. If you think you don't need a fill, DON'T get one! I had 2 fills that went just fine, and then I got the third (just thought that was what I was suppose to do) and it REALLY sucked! I couldn't eat anything. My days consisted of eating an egg, puking it back up then working out. I decided to have a complete unfill because I was so miserable. Had I just "left it alone" I would likely be at my "sweet spot." And YES it is TOTALLY possible to lose weight without a fill. I know several people in my support group that have never had a fill and lose just like everyone else. I disagree to a point with the PP about "why have the band if it isn't filled" (or something to that affect). The band is a tool. And if you use the "tool" to change the way your brain thinks, then it works. For me personally, I didn't have much trouble with pigging out or whatever. It was my food choices. Once I had my band and it "played with my head" and my food choices, it worked for me. I am going back to get a small fill next week to again "mess with my head" and get my weight loss "kick started." But I could also easily see being unfilled forever if I continue doing what I'm doing. You may want to wait a month or two without a fill and see if you continue losing weight and re-evaluate then. The great thing about having the band is the ability to work it the way you thing is best for you. Don't do what I did and get one just because everyone else does or that's the way it should be done. Do it because you know that's what you need or don't if you're doing ok!
  3. Hi all, It's been awhile since I've been on the boards, mostly due to travel and work, but other reasons as well. I would LOVE to hear ANY and ALL comments; here goes! I was banded Jan 19th, 2009 and have lost 40 lbs (plus or minus depending on the day) and feel FABULOUS!!! That said, here is one of my dilemmas. Basically, since surgery I have had restriction. I had 2 fills, which went relatively without incident (some PB'ing and sliming, but nothing crazy). I lost a decent amount of weight (2lbs a week) and everything was fine. THEN, on my 3rd fill I had RESTRICTION OVERLOAD!! Literally, I couldn't eat ANYTHING without feeling like it was getting stuck and throwing it back up. So, the only things I could eat without getting sick were slider foods..BAD BAD BAD. I knew I needed an unfill. I decided to get a complete unfill because of the major discomfort and a long vacation planned. The second I got unfilled, I felt FANTASTIC!!! I could eat the foods I SHOULD be eating without any fear at all (chicken, turkey, broccoli, etc). My family didn't have to watch with wide wonder when I ate to see if I was going to throw up; life was GREAT! My unfill was in the middle of May. Since then I have religiously kept up my exercise program and eating generally what I should. I haven't gained a single pound since then, BUT have lost inches and look better! Problem is, my HEAD!! I'm not seeing the pounds on the scale and I am TERRIFIED to "fall off the wagon." I scheduled a fill for next Friday (7/24) and am going to get 2cc's. I think 3cc's is my "sweet spot" because 3cc is where I had good restriction and didn't throw up constantly and 4cc is where I was miserable. All this to say I am REALLY struggling with having the freedom to eat and drink what I choose (sometimes not the proper foods either) vs. battling "stuck" episodes and kick starting my weight loss again. Am I making excuses for being able to eat "normally" and avoid getting "back on the wagon" or is wanting to eat without fear my true motivation? I honestly don't know. What I do know is that I LOVE how I look and feel right now, but I am only "technically" half way to my goal. I don't want to get so comfortable at the size I am right now and without even knowing it, get on the scale to find I'm 10lbs heavier; that terrifies me. The odd thing is, even though the scale says I haven't lost (or gained) people are finally noticing my weight loss! Literally every day someone says something to the affect of how much I've lost. In fact, a close co-worker told me, and I quote "you're withering away to practically nothing!" I could live happily on that comment for years I have been losing inches too, I can tell in my clothes, and by people's reaction. But that DARN scale foils my happiness and messes with my head! I scheduled an appointment with a counselor to help me with this mental struggle. I guess that is the reason I chose the band over the bypass, so that in these situations I could fill or unfill as necessary. Anyone have any advice or feel similarly? Sorry so long, thanks for your commentS!:wub:
  4. coloradobanding

    I'm SO conflicted..need advice!

    That's a great question! We reviewed my progress and he thought I was ahead of the curve with my exercise and eating, etc. Now that I think about it, I just thought that was what I was suppose to do! I hear everyone talk about the "sweet spot" and I wasn't sure if that was mine or not. In some ways it seemed like it was, but I read so many other people describing it and made me wonder if I had really "hit it" or not. I also realize that I NEED to stop weighing my successes by comparing it to others! That is a HUGE head game with me and one of the reasons I stayed off these boards for awhile. I found that by NOT reading someone who has lost more than me in a less amount of time, allowed me to focus on my personal success and not judge it by others. I did this because I chose a different method of using the band as a tool that was working for my lifestyle. YES I wasn't losing as fast, but I also wasn't throwing up everytime I took a bite of chicken or when I took a drink of Water too fast. I thought I had to give up in one area to gain (not literally) in another; which is and has been a struggle. Thanks for the post and making me think about that; I honestly hadn't before!
  5. Hi all, First let me say that I know I'm going to get "whipping" posts, but I just had to ask. Can I be the only one who is OK with slow weight loss and a band that is unfilled or only partially filled? I had an issue where the Dr & I decided to completely unfill my band back in May. Since then, I've been able to eat any food I choose (mostly all good choices) and not have to worry about PB'ing, sliming or chewing each bite 40 times. We went on vacation to Disney World for 2 weeks, and I had no issue with the flight, ate what I chose (did have some "no no" items) and still worked out almost every day and watched my portions. When we got back from vacation, I hadn't gained a single pound. In fact, I lost 2oz (anyone who knows the food options @ Disney for 2 weeks can understand what an accomplishment this was) I am trying to live my life like my band is filled, without actually having to get it filled (so far so good). I still work out at least 5X a week, I eat proper foods, and follow the rules. I just find it SO much easier to eat chicken & broccoli without worrying if it will come back up, etc. I will admit that I am just starting this process, but I am hopeful it will be lifelong. I cannot tell you the freedom I've had from eating the foods I should be eating and without the worry; it makes more of a difference than I can describe in words. I am perfectly OK with losing 1lb or less a week as long as I don't have to fight my food. Anyone else out there?? The BEST part of having the band, is if I really do "fall off the wagon" I can always fill it back up
  6. coloradobanding

    pbing to much?

    I urge anyone who is PBing, sliming or having stuck issues to get an unfill. There are many interesting articles about having your band unfilled to use the band to its best advantage. I also had my band filled too tight and was miserable. Getting my band unfilled was the best thing I ever did. My weight loss will slow somewhat, but I am totally OK with that. I actually want to enjoy the food I eat and not fight with it. Just my .02
  7. Thanks everyone for the GREAT and motivativing posts! I knew there were "more like me" out there! I agree with EVERYTHING posted, and you all put it much better than I did! I want to live in my new smaller body, not have my family worried every time I put something in my mouth. I have to share what happened on Mother's day which was the "final straw" so to speak. My family took me to Claim Jumper for dinner (if you've ever eaten there, you know the size portions are ridiculous!). I ordered chicken strips and a caesar salad for me and my 2 boys to share. My husband got ribs & chicken. He gave me a TINY (and I TRULY mean TINY people, smaller than the size of a nickel) bite of rib meat. Well, I was in the bathroom 6 times trying to get it "up" which it finally did 90 minutes into the meal. Imagine the look on my kids' face everytime I stood up and retreated to the bathroom for 10+ mins, then came back to see them with the "mommy are you ok" look on their face and me assuring them, yes, I'm fine boys, really (which everyone including myself knew I wasn't). So needless to say I didn't try anything else, and the manager felt so bad he offered to treat dessert. Guess what? THAT I could eat! That was when it really hit me..this makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever! I can't eat the things I should, and the only thing I can keep down are things I shouldn't. I know there are a lot of people looking for a quick and massive weight loss, but that is just not me! I LOVE having lost 40lbs and feel like a new person. I haven't been this small since I met my husband. I went from a size 20-22 to a 16 and still losing. Honestly, the ONLY reason I feel like I'm "cheating the band" is because I'm not following the program to the letter. I feel SO much better that there are those out there who feel the same, and don't look down on my as if I'm "cheating", I don't feel at all like I am. I feel ALIVE again, and don't have to worry what will or won't stay down. Sorry for the length of this post, I just am so relieved to hear from others and look forward to getting even smaller!
  8. coloradobanding

    Does anyone else get stuck a lot???

    It was not necessary to get a complete unfill, it was my choice. To be honest, I was getting very discouraged by not knowing what my body was going to do, or how it would react, etc. After talking to my nurse and describing my habits (and confidence) she agreed that we should do a complete unfill, see how it goes, then slowly fill again. I work out at least 5x a week, and have no issues with will power (well sometimes, but usually not). I know how to work with my band, filled or unfilled, and have lost 2lbs since the unfill. We are also going on vacation on Sunday and I didn't want to worry about having stuck/PB episodes, so the complete unfill was a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Let me reiterate, I was a powerful athlete in my "pre children" years, and am gaining on that status again. I do eat foods in moderation and the BEST part is that I can eat chicken breast! Seriously, the ONLY thing I could get down before were slider foods which was totally counterproductive to my lifestyle change. So having the unfill allows me to eat chicken, turkey, broccoli and carrots with NO fear; I cannot tell you how wonderful that is. But this is my personal situation and I know me. If you are scared that by unfilling you will start ravenously eating junk again, just get unfilled a little at a time. Just my .02
  9. coloradobanding

    Surgery tomorrow

    Congratulations on your new "birth" day! My advice is- Don't 2nd guess your decision Don't expect to lose 20lbs after surgery Take it easy and let your body heal USE your pain meds! DO EXPECT to gain a few pounds within the first 6 weeks or more and DON'T get discouraged, it's normal DO follow your doctors post-op instructions to the tee and finally, Start walking as soon as you possibly can!! I started walking right after surgery (only 10 mins at a time) and had ZERO gas pains! Best of luck to you!
  10. coloradobanding

    I need advice, please share yours.....

    I truly feel for you situation and hope that you find a way out of it soon! My advice would be to "put off" the surgery for a set number of weeks-4 perhaps and see what happens. I REALLL like the previous post where they stated that if you do find a job and have insurance, the WLS could be paid for! Another bit of good advice is look for a less expensive surgeon. My insurance paid for mine, but my Doctor (who I LOVE LOVE LOVE) only charges $8500 for LBS. My doctor is Dr. Thomas Brown in Colorado, is recognized for exceptional practice by the LB surgical society and has performed hundreds (I'm thinking thousands really, but not positive) of successful surgeries. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  11. coloradobanding

    Does anyone else get stuck a lot???

    I got stuck pretty much any time I ate and it was driving me CRAZY!! I got a complete unfill and am slowly working my way back up to what I believe is my sweet spot (3cc in 10cc band). I REALLY enjoy the fact that I can eat and not worry about anything causing me pain. However, I have to be very careful not to fall back into my old habits!
  12. This is contrary to what my Dr told me. I have a protein shake in the am that usually lasts an hour or 2. It contains 60+ grams of protein. I asked if it made any difference if I drink it all in the morning or if I should spread it out, etc. He said it makes no difference at all, you body will sustain the amount of protein intake at any/all times. Interesting how different doctors have different advice; any other input?
  13. coloradobanding

    Band over-fill

    I have had too large of a fill for about 4 weeks now. I can't get hardly anything except junk down-which I've been resisting. I've thrown up almost every day since my fill 4/14 and have been waiting for it to go away. Although it has some (was able to eat salad last night) I do NOT want to worry what will or won't go down, it HURTS!!! I'm getting my unfill today, I wouldn't try to "wait it out" like I did
  14. My lifestyle has changed in so many great ways, but I still enjoy having "treats" now and again and don't feel guilty AT ALL about doing so! Honestly, you need to incorporate change into your life that best suits you. Could I go my entire life without eating cake-HE to the double L NO!! Could I go without having it every month and maybe on certain occasions..absolutely! Do I eat potato chips every day-NO WAY, but do I have them on a picnic with my kids, YES. To me, it's what is "real" in my life. Reality is not eating just chicken breast, Protein shakes and broccoli 24/7. In fact, I posted a question about getting unfilled for a vacation recently. Mind you, the ACTUAL reason for posting this question was for real responses (so thanks everyone who did reply) but the PM's I got accusing me of "giving up" or "cheating" or "throwing away everything I've done" were quite surprising to me. I asked because I am too tight (still am even after over 4 weeks from my fill) and I do not want to be on vacation @ DisneyWorld puking my guts out every 5 minutes (with a 10 minute walk to a bathroom). What I did want to do is ENJOY my vacation without worrying if I'm going to puke up my lunch. What people THOUGHT was I just wanted to eat everything in sight without a worry...NO WAY! Imagine me wanting to enjoy my vacation..THE HORROR :tt2: Honestly, do what is best for you, and if you have a treat one day it will not kill you. Just don't eat that treat every day and fall back into the same habits. Enjoy your new lifestyle!!:smile2:
  15. coloradobanding

    Last Supper Syndrome-Anyone?

    You are definitely not alone! I think many bandsters had that "I'd better eat it now cuz later I won't be able to" devil on their shoulder. As food addicts, that seems like a perfectly logical reason. I would however STRONGLY suggest that you follow your pre-op diet strictly and with absolutely no variance. There are very serious side effects with cheating on the pre-op up to and including cancelling the surgery. If you eat your last meal prior to the pre-op diet, that's fine but definitely stick to the plan prior to surgery. Good luck, it has changed my life and I LOVE MY BAND!!
  16. coloradobanding

    I did it!!

    GREAT JOB!!! There is NOTHING more exciting than trying on a size that previous to this surgery, wouldn't even get around you that now fit..AWESOME!! I have gone from a 20-22 to a 16 and boy does it feel good! Excellent Job, you deserve it!!!
  17. coloradobanding

    Misleading billboard advertising lap band

    That billboard really pisses me off!!! I've worked my hind end off for months, and will continue to do so for years! I wake up at 4:30am to go to the gym then to work, and make sure my diet and nutrition are perfectly aligned. Then there's this fool (not even looking that overweight) stuffing his mouth with food I will likely NEVER eat again saying "dieting sucks". OMG, I am just cannot believe the gall of whomever decided to run this ad..appalling!
  18. Hi all, As a little background, I have felt restriction since surgery. At my first fill I found out I had .6cc in my 10cc band-no biggie. My 1st fill was great and I felt restriction and could still eat the foods I was used to (all healthy) but I stalled in my weight loss a bit. My 2nd fill was April 14th and brought me to 4.5cc in a 10cc band. It felt OK but with a lot more restriction (which I wanted). Well, ever since then I've had "stuck" episodes (not pretty at all) and have had issues eating foods I had no problem with before this fill. I have been losing, which is great, but it has been a struggle to eat carefully and sacrifice things I'm used to eating (chicken breast, shredded wheat, etc). I've just kept waiting for my band to loosen up but it hasn't. So here is my dilemma: I am going to Disney World in FL in 18 days (WOO HOO) and my Dr told me that the band has a tendency to "loosen up" at lower altitudes (I'm at 5280 ft above sea level going to 0) and that I would be able to eat a little more than I'm used to (perfect for my vacation-yes I can splurge a little can't I :thumbup:) SO, should I go for a slight (maybe .5cc) unfill this week or hope that my band loosens up for my vacation? I'm leaning for a slight unfill. Any thoughts? Thanks for your input!
  19. coloradobanding

    Considering unfill...suggestions?

    Thanks so much for the advice, it is appreciated more than you know!!
  20. coloradobanding

    Considering unfill...suggestions?

    Thanks for the reply Cathy!! Just to be clear, I don't want an unfill due solely to my vacation, but am taking it into consideration now. I have been very restricted since my last fill on 4/14 and it is not getting any better; have been waiting for it too, but it hasn't. I am going to DisneyWorld and staying @ a resort that has a world class gym, not to mention the fact that I will likely be walking for at least 7-12 miles per day. So I'm really not overly concerned about gaining on this trip. What I really am concerned with is being as restricted down there, as I am here. I have a heck of a time finding just exactly what I can eat here (changes daily mind you) without throwing it back up. I don't want to be in FL and wondering if what I'm eating, no matter what it is, is going to come back up and I won't have any resources to accommodate that. Does that make sense? I'd much rather have my band be a little looser and not worry so much about every tiny bite I put in my mouth. I am still going to work out every day on top of the major amount of walking I'm going to be doing, so even the occasional (OK daily) popcorn and juice bar won't affect my waistline. Sorry for rambling, and thanks again for the GREAT advice!!:thumbup:
  21. coloradobanding

    ok going to ask pizza and pasta

    One very small piece of pizza is all I can eat (and it is a challenge). I don't have much of an issue with pasta although I've only tried it twice. However, tortillas are EVIL :thumbup:
  22. coloradobanding


    I know you've been waiting for the surgery and it is SO exciting to actually "get the date". That said, I would definitely move the date of the surgery until after your trip. Everyone heals differently and it is quite possible you could still be in pain, immobile or both. You definitely won't be able to schedule proper eating in my opinion. Enjoy all of Disneyland and it's glory and be excited the entire time knowing your surgery date is waiting for you when you get home. I've gone to a Disney park every year of my life, and WOULD NEVER suggest anyone not go, EXCEPT in this instance. I healed very fast from my surgery and STILL wouldn't have been able to do the trip you're taking. Take it easy and slow and enjoy Mickey and have the surgery when you get back.
  23. Hello everyone, I decided to start a new weight loss challenge for May 5th since the current "April Fools" weight loss challenge is less than 2 weeks away (seriously, where did March go? Anyone? :tt2:) Please post here what weight loss you would like to achieve by May 5, 2009 (approx. 6 weeks from the date of this post). On average, Bandsters lose 1-2 lbs per week, but base your goal personally. I love being motivated, so let's start the Summer off with a bang and a heckuva lot less fat!! coloradobanding......13lbs debbie_7155............8lbs stephleon..............13lbs fluffy jen...............13lbs jaynell31...............15lbs louandboosmom......15lbs laurr925................13lbs bek1986...............15lbs cmanzley..............15lbs 1rockinmom...........15lbs catho72................12lbs delivered...............15lbs gus-gus..................8lbs a buddy.................12lbs ncsqueen...............15lbs shellyphaunts..........15lbs bamagal.................15lbs kmbmom.................15lbs crystal525..............15lbs minxz.....................12lbs
  24. coloradobanding

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey Pretty Lady!! You DID NOT FAIL your challenge at ALL!! You lost 6lbs which is FANTASTIC!! The ONLY people who failed this challenge are those who did not try and or care to push themselves to lose, that is NOT you! Even though you didn't reach the heights you set for yourself, you reached for them and that is SUCCESS!! We set goals for a reason, but the climb to get to them is what measures our success, not the goal itself. Please always remember YOU lost 6lbs! Pick up 6lbs of ground beef at the store to REALLY remind you of how much that is and how good you feel without it on your body. You ROCK!:thumbdown:
  25. I'm 5'7" and started @ 254lbs. It wasn't until I lost 25lbs before I went down a size (fully). That said, I believe plus sized clothing has a lot more stretch or "moving room" if you will than smaller clothes. Because I could fit into a size 20 pant when I was 240 all the way up to 260. Now size 18 pants (which was my first goal) are getting big on me :thumbdown: but 16's are still a bit snug. However, I am fully into a size (REGULAR baby) XL in all tops which I just can't believe!

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