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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by centerfolds

  1. Considering going to MEXICO to get banded....BUT before I do,Id like to make sure I can get fills CLOSE to my home.Anybody know of any Dr.'s in the new-jersey----new york city area....that will fill people banded in mexico? Replies deeply appreacited! Thank-you!
  2. centerfolds

    FILL DR. needed in N.J.-N.Y.C. area!!!

    Thanks MOMMA!
  3. centerfolds

    Lap-band Talk .com

    Ok......1st. Id like to Thank ALL of the members of this fourm for all the guidence,information,& answers they have unselfishly given me from day 1.! Today I got some good news from OXFORD Insurrance company That they are approving me for a RnY Gastric Bypass.(They approved me in less than 48hrs. of 1st letter!!!) My surgury date is 6/14/06. I cant beleive it! Im sooooo Excited! My question is........IS THERE A FOURM LIKE THIS FOR PEOPLE THAT CHOSE THE GASTRIC BYPASS??? If anyone knows...Id appreacite it if you would point me in the right direction to the fourm,because these fourms are so helpfull!I can only hope the gastric bypass fourm(if there is one) will be 1/2 as good as this one & the people on there are 1/2 of nice & caring on the people on here....If so Ill be in pretty good shape! Thank-you everyone & good luck on all your journeys!
  4. centerfolds

    Lap-band Talk .com

    Ill keep in touch for sure! Thanks all again!
  5. centerfolds

    OXFORD Ins. Info.....

    I Will! Thank you all soooo much!!!
  6. centerfolds

    OXFORD Ins. Info.....

    Hello all. Im posting this just to give EVERYONE some hope.Today I just found out I was APPROVED for surgury!Im a 37 year old male 5'9".I weigh 291lbs. NO health complacations from being over weight YET.Anyway...I did the medical report with my Primary Dr. whos report said I would benifit from weight loss surgury. I did an EKG. I did the physcoligist report who also said It would be benificial to me.The Dr.'s sectetary turned it in on tuesday afternoon......Thursday (this morning) I was told I got approved for Surgury.(NOTE: I decided & got approved for RNY Gastric bypass surgury)My Dr. is in network & charges $37,000 for this operation & ALL I HAVE TO PAY IS A $500 deductable!!!! Honestly...Ive been on the phone with Dr, Hucuz & dr. ortiz & acouple of others READY to book a lap-band surgury in MEXICO & do self pay because I NEVER BELEIVED my insurance would pay especially since I didnt have any health complacations! Im STILL In SHOCK!!! So....I just wanted to tell ALL the kind people on here to have faith,take it slow & it can happen!!!! I wish ALL get covered & have a happy & healthy surgury weather they chose the band or bypass.Thank-you all & good luck!
  7. centerfolds

    Lap-band Talk .com

    Thank-you Donna!
  8. centerfolds

    Insurance pay for tummy tuck?

    Excessive ,flabby,hanging skin is NOT a medicial emergence.You cant get sick from it,it isnt life-threatining & cannot turn into anything risky to myour health.Its COSMETIC SURGURY and insurrances are excempt from that! Thats like asking your insurance to cover porcilian crowns from a Dentist or hair extentions from a beauty saloon! Sorry!
  9. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Has anybody on this form got approved with OXFORD Liberity insurrance QUICKLEY? My main question is, if anyone knows if OXFORD requires you to see a nutritionist for 6 months before considering/approving you for surgury? SOME insurances Companies require this......does anyone know if OXFORD is one of them that require this? Thank-you!
  10. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Thanks Alexandra,thats GREAT news! I just hope I can make a decession on band or bypass. The band is atractive because of the less complacations,no rerouting,no malnutrition,no hair loss THEN on the other hand the bypass seems atactive because of quicker weight loss,more weight loss,No fills,was told dumping is a blessing in disguese because its another tool to LEARN what not to eat...you eat right,NO DUMPING.cant beat the bypass like the band.(meaning on the band you can gain weight if you have milkshakes,ice-cream & so on.with the bypass,you CANT do that. I dont no.I REALLY have no clue which one I want! I been to 8 Dr. seminars about the procedures,6 consulations with doctors,doing research on the internet,this board & still dont have a clue!One minute I want the bypass,the next minute I want the band!
  11. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    WILL keep ya posted! let me know how you are doing also.Congradulations...8 days to go!!! bet your excited to start your new life! I cant wait till I can go to the mall & buy off the name brands & the racks!Im a 4X or 5 X...have to go to the big peoples store! No name brands...before I go out at night Ill try 20 things on & look for the outfit & dark colors like black that hide the fat & make me look skinnier....cant wait for all that to be over!!!! Good luck & God blees ya & have a smooth & safe procedure! eddie
  12. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Donna & myra.....Thank-you...seriousley.You both bring out some good points.I WOULDNT get the rny in Mexico...feel it too serious of an opperation for there.Id go with the lap-band though.Im sooo undecided.I did do a LOT of research & learned a lot....still dont know for sure what opperation I want though! Ill stick around!!!! Thanks a million!
  13. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Well,I heard the Rny is the gold standred of weight loss surgury & was told I would lose MORE weight & quicker with the Rny than the band.I myself am not to keen about having my insides rerouted BUt Im a sweet eater & ice cream eater & was told that the bypass might be the better opperation for me.... Whats you oppinion ALSO...what do you think my chances are of getting approved by my insurrance? also...are you going to get banded in Mexico...if yes...by who>
  14. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    OK.....Im trying to get approved for RnY gastric bypass in the usa by my insurrance co. which is OXFORD.IF they tell me to do 6 months with a nutritionist ...I cant wait another 6 months & be this heavey...OR if I get flat out DENIED ..........I will do self-pay & settel for the lap-band & get it done in MEXICO which would be my only affordable option....Im 37-5'9''...my BMI is 43.6. So far I got my medicial report by my primary dr.which is favorable for surgury.he states I have severe acid reflux disease which I take Nexium for daily.That I suffer from joint pain,mainley in myknees & shins from the weight.And he put all my failed diets & personal trainers & nutrinest & says Ive seen a psyc & had no weight loss & I have been obese all my life. I had an EKG & chest xray. I have a psyc report that says I would benifit from surgury.Basicially all reports are favorable.I JUST got everything TODAY.I gave them to the DR. & hes gonna submit them to the insurrance & see if I get approved or what. If I get denied....Mexico self pay....If they say 6 months witha nutritionist....Mexico self pay. Im thinking of Dr.Huacuz.. Best price & heard a lot of good & really dont buy the bad...What do you think of all this? Thank-you! Eddie
  15. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Thank-you...well I called the company & they said I need the dr. to call.I just got all my reports like medicial,physc,ekg, chest xrays & blood work.All reports in FAVOR of surgury.The thing is....Ive heard some insurrances approve within a week....others make you do 6 months with a nutrisinist...others simply deny you.Im going for the Rny gastric bypass.....BUT if its a 6 months wait OR if I simply get denied.....Ill be in MEXICO within 2 weeks TOPS getting banded!With the prices in Mexico,I can afford self pay for the band! I just want to find out either way so I can get the ball rolling! Thank-you for your reply! Eddie
  16. centerfolds

    6 months w/ nutritionist

    Cant anybody PLEASE help me with this or give me some information?
  17. BEFORE I take the plunge & get banded in MEXICO....I would like to know that I can get my fills NEAR MY HOME! Suspossedly the band is a FDA approved band.....does anyone have a fill doctor in New-jersey or New york city that will fill patients that were banded in MEXICO??? it woulkd seem pretty bad IF I couldnt get my fills near my home. Can anybody Help me out please? Thank-you, Eddie:confused:
  18. centerfolds

    Band or bypass?

    Ok....after getting some feed-back I still would like to have something explained to me about the difference between banding & bypassing. What is the model patient as far as their eating habits for the band compared for the model patient as far as their eating habits for the gastric bypass?........meaing....,who NEEDS the extra help of the more extreme operation?....like the gastric bypass not only restricts the food you eat,it ABSORBES it.Also......on the other hand,the way I understand it is the band ONLY RESTRICTS how MUCH you eat without ABSORBUTION.What Im trying to say is....I have been eating very healthy TRYING to lose weight.Im sure my portions should of been SMALLER,BUT...it was a start.ALL protien...grilled chicken breast with lemon,steak,grilled Tuna,Trout,Kashi ceral or egg beaters for breakfeast, & I stick to it pretty good.My trouble seems to be at night.When Im laying in bed,I start to get real hungry, nibbel on rice cakes....the next thing you know I have 10 of then....then the diet ice-cream...Ill have 2 of them,then a protien bar with peanut-butter,then Ill have 2 more of them....then choclate milk....then I finallly fall asleep. WITH THIS TYPE OF EATING HABITS will the lap-band help me NOT be hungry or are peoples oppinions think I need the absorutioin that you get with a bypass to help me lose the weight?With these type of unhealthy habits...what popular oppinion for what type of surgury I should get?The Lap-band or the bypass?I just want to make sure if I got the band...I WILL lose weight!I dont want to get the wrong operation for my eating habits or life style. I also go to the gym 4x a week for! Im 85 to 100 lbs over weight.my BMI is 43.Im 5'9'' & weigh 295. ANY INPUT WOULD BE DEEPLEY APPREACITED!!!!
  19. centerfolds

    Band or bypass?

    Thanks for all of your responses!I have a lot of thinking to do!
  20. Hello,Im new to this fourm & need some advice from some experienced members on lap-band VS the bypass.OK,Im a 37 year old male with a BMI of 43.I weigh 295.I have OXFORD insurrence & was told that shouldnt be a problem with approvel.I can pay cash if necessary.I went to a dr. that ONLY does the gastric bypass.I did all my physc reports & medicial reports.ALL favorable reports to have sugury.The next step was for my dr. to hand the report over to my insurrance for approvel. BUT THEN I SEEN A VIDEO of the gastric bypass procedure!!! It scared the hell out of me.NOW Im leaning towards the band but cant get a sraight answer from my Dr. because he only does gastric bypasses! personally,I think Id rather do the band BUT I want to make sure its right for me.The part of me thats Obeese is mainly my stomach...I weigh 295.If I can lose 80 to 100 lbs. Id be satisfied with that!To me the gastric bypass seems a little extreme.Im not 400-500 lbs. YET.If I was...OK.but since Im just heavy in the stomach & love handel areas...maybe the band will be sufficent? Im confused betwwen the gastric dealing with malabsorution & the lap-band dealing JUST with restrictive eating.(I think thats how you put it) My worse time is when I get home from work at 3 in the morning....Ill eat ice cream,choclate milk,steak,whatever....then go right to sleep.Thats where I think my problems are with my eating habits.ALSO,Im a smoker.MY doctor says he WONT do sugury on me UNLESS Im smoke free for a month.he said some doctors will,but he wont.I really DONT want to quit AT THIS POINT & TIME but will to get sugury.Are there any doctors less demanding with this? From what I put down so far......any suguesstions on what MIGHT be good for me?Can the lap-band be enough or do I need the malabsorution that the gastric bypass gives you to lose my desired weight?Any one in NEW-JERSEY that can recomend a decent doctor or can talk to me?(or anywhere for that matter) Im READY to go ahead with something EVEN if I have to pay out of pocket...I hate not being able to buy the fashions I want...I get depressed when I go to the mall & see all the nice cloths Id look grat in if I was thinner BUT ridicoulse in NOW at this weight.I want to get a procedure ASAP!!!! but need help from someone who knows what there talking about! Thank-you, Eddie
  21. centerfolds

    ***PLEASE! need advice on procedure!*****

    Thanks you for taking the time to help! Its really appreacited.Im gonna just ask 1 more question...I guess I should do it in a new thread...Thanks!

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