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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AngelWhisper

  1. AngelWhisper

    Time between meals

    I go about 4-6 hours between meals depending on what I eat.
  2. AngelWhisper

    All of the sudden heartburn!

    Prilosec doesn't really work for a couple days. You may wanna try pepcid and tums or zantac until you can get samples from them. It may take the edge off a little bit.
  3. Nothing ever came up for me either. Just dry heaves all the time. I took phenergan for the nausea and it didn't really help but it put me to sleep so I didn't have to deal with it all the time. Honestly once you move on, find a protein shake you like, and move on to mushies and soft solids it will get so much better.
  4. They sorta kinda worked out I guess. The tests came back fine but I'm still too friggin tight with acid reflux and I know it's acid reflux but she won't listen to that. I'm just gonna start taking prilosec on my own.

  5. I felt the same way. I was "abnormally" swollen post op and I could barely get water down and ended up back in the hospital 3 days after I was released. I wanted to rip the stupid band out myself. THEN after that I was constantly nauseous, dry heaving, and shaking from the lack of eating. Once I was moved to mushies and soft solids I felt normal again. It takes time, it hurts, it sucks, you're miserable, and you want to rip it off your stomach yourself, but it does pass.
  6. AngelWhisper

    Does burping hurt?

    For the first 2-3 weeks after I got my band I felt this weird throbbing in my chest every few minutes. It started out like I had to burp then I'd get 2 throbs and it'd be gone. It never actually came out. As for #2 the anesthesia and narcotics constipate you. I had constipation for about 4-5 days then once it went away I wished I was constipated again. It is true that if you're only eating liquids mainly liquid is gonna come back out.
  7. AngelWhisper

    3 Minutes in between bites

    Yup. I've accidentally swallowed things tons of times. I thought I was the only one it happened to.
  8. AngelWhisper

    2 days out... protein shakes?

    I get the powder and doctor it up with milk and frozen fruit myself. The premade ones were nastyyyyyy.
  9. AngelWhisper

    2 days out... protein shakes?

    The only clear liquid protein that comes to mind for me is Isopure. When you're able to move to full liquids try blending frozen and fresh fruits with the vanilla protein powder and add some splenda or stevia if you like them sweeter. It makes it more like a smoothie than a nasty protein shake. I use vanilla creme muscle milk light, it's the only kind I've found so far that I don't hate.
  10. AngelWhisper

    Annoyed and Discouraged

    I thought about the hernia too. I had a small one before surgery but I'm not sure if she fixed it or not I keep forgetting to ask. I'll definitely remember to bring that up to her again.
  11. My surgeon put me on a 2 week liquid diet 2 Fridays ago thinking I was too tight and had a dilated pouch. I had really bad acid reflux along with it. Today she told me to go ahead and start eating food since I felt a lot better and she would get me my gastrografin swallow prescription so I can go have that done. Well, I ate some crab cake and that acid reflux lump is back right in the back of my throat! I'm totally unfilled and was on liquids for almost 2 weeks. What the heck? I'm starting to think this may be more serious than a dilated pouch. Has this happened to anyone else?:thumbup:
  12. AngelWhisper


    Oh yes. I sweat like a pig normally but after surgery I thought I was gonna roast to death in the hospital room. I turned the thermostat down as far as it would go and opened the window in January and I was still dying.
  13. I agree. My mom had bypass in 2003 and has regained around 25-30 lbs and keeps on gaining. She talks about eating healthy and exercising and all she eats are sodium and carb filled Soups, Cookies, chocolate, ice cream, milk shakes, wendys chili, etc and just won't stop. Then instead of getting out and walking like she says she lays in bed on her laptop all night. Our surgeon doesn't do band over bypass yet but my mom is considering it. I try to tell her that the band will not stop her from eating like that and she needs therapy, doesn't seem to get through.
  14. Actually it's not an NSAID. It's a synthetic opioid. It does nothing for swelling and doesn't cause bleeding in the stomach.
  15. You're not asking too many questions. I wish I'd had people around to answer all mine when I had them. You will definitely know what stuck is when you feel it. For me, I swallow and then within 30 seconds I feel like there's a baseball sitting in my chest. You either have to wait for it to go down or come back up.

  16. She diagnosed based on symptoms. I guess she's seen it tons of times before. I was too tight and my pouch stretched out and caused acid reflux and getting stuck all the time. My advice is just to pay attention to what you're eating and how you're eating it. I can't tell you how many times I've not been paying attention and end up stuck.


  17. I got mine on the operating table. Go figure.
  18. I'm doing OK other than this stupid dilated pouch. I love Dr. Wynn though she's awesome.

  19. What my surgeon told me is that because I was filled too tight the portion of the stomach above the band stretched out when I was eating. I was fine for the first few weeks after the fill but then I developed really bad acid reflux and started getting stuck and PBing at almost every meal. She said those are all symptoms of being too tight and/or a dilated pouch.
  20. It could be a dilated pouch which is what my surgeon is pretty sure I have right now. She said it's caused from either overeating or being too tight which was my case. She also said you can eat more than what you should with a dilated pouch. She totally unfilled me and put me on liquids for 2 weeks and said that should fix the problem if that's what's going on.
  21. AngelWhisper

    Possible Dilated Pouch?

    The barium swallow went really badly today. They couldn't do the test. Within 5 minutes of swallowing it I ended up throwing it all back up it was so disgusting. I've also noticed that even on liquids I feel like my stomach is gonna pop when I'm eating. I'm really worried about a slip at this point. I'm going to call my surgeon and try to get a gastrografin swallow instead of the barium, I know I can handle gastrografin. In the meantime I'm totally freaking out.
  22. AngelWhisper

    Red meat?

    I'm kind of the same way with not having particular foods that I can't tolerate all of the time. I haven't tried steak yet though I should try it.
  23. AngelWhisper

    Do you burp all the time?

    I never really had the burping. I hiccuped and still hiccup all the time.
  24. AngelWhisper

    Going home on mushies??

    Amen to that!
  25. AngelWhisper

    please help

    I was banded in January and from the 2 week preop diet to now I've lost a little over 50 lbs and that's without much exercise. Probably would have lost more if I'd exercised more often.

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