I just found this stie and I can't believe I am going to talk about this here. I've been reading this board ever since I got my band but I am kind of shy because I have never talked about my sex life in a public place. But I guess it's okay here since nobody can see my red face!
Does anyone know, (maybe the sex educator?) why it used to be easier for me to have an orgasm? It was never really easy, but I could have them. Now, it's like I am numb or something. Things that used to work for my husband to give me one don't work anymore.
I am afraid of our sex life is going to go away because my husband is starting to have a complex about it.
Does going through the change of life mean that orgams are a thing of the past? My husband says I never needed a vibrator before, and is afraid if we get one, I won't want him anymore or something. We used to be so close, and all of this is really scaring me. I thought losing weight would help with all of this but it's made no difference other than my husbands wants to do it more, and gets upset when I can't orgasm. I really don't want to start to fake them!