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WLS Magazine
Everything posted by Mariah
Years ago I was advised by my vet not to get involved with these crackpots. I wouldn't give them a dime. Apparently the celebrities they are using for promotion don't have a clue about what really goes on with them.
Woo HOO!! Supreme Court upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban!!!!
Mariah replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
And that will make me very, very, happy! -
No longer is he able to spew his venom to innocent people. He was in a position where he could have made the world a better place but he chose not to. He will be remembered - for his ludicrous deeds and accusations. He made "Christian" sound like a bad word.
Woo HOO!! Supreme Court upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban!!!!
Mariah replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
I thought this was the law for abortions/ didn't know it had been changed, I didn't find the new "language" that applies now. I have never heard of-but then don't keep up with it - anyone having a late term abortion other than when the fetus had no brain. Whatever law they pass needs to allow for these circumstances along with the mothers health. Kansas law allows for post-viability abortion procedures when continuing the pregnancy is detrimental to the pregnant woman's health." This publication was produced in compliance with K.S.A. 65-6708, known as the "Woman's Right-to-Know Act." The "Woman's Right-to-Know-Act" requires that the physician inform the woman of the following language. No person shall perform or induce an abortion when the fetus is viable unless such person is a physician and has documented referral from another physician not financially associated with the physician performing or inducing the abortion and both physicians determine that: (1) The abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman; or (2) the fetus is affected by a severe or life threatening deformity or abnormality. (K.S.A. 65-6709) This language, however, is no longer used to determine the legality of an abortion p -
Woo HOO!! Supreme Court upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban!!!!
Mariah replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
something that Rush Limbaugh has done to deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace? (This should be interesting!) This Landmark Legal Foundation is a right wing organization, with one of the funders being the Scaife family and has ties to Ken Starr. One of their agendas is for public school funds be used for private schools. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Landmark_Legal_Foundation I still haven't figured out what Limbaugh has done that could possibly be interrupted as a quest for peace. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
I like Al Franken, he is an honest and smart man. I think he will do a good job if he runs and wins. Yes, he is outspoken and tells it like it is. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
You are a hundred and one per cent right. Do you remembe what that slimeball said about Chelsea Clinton when she was a kid? He should have been banned from the airwaves for that. Totally despicable. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Actually, I thought you were joking! Anyone, including Jack the Ripper can be nominated! What has Limbaugh ever done to earn anything - has he or his ilk ever promoted world peace or done anything to improve the envirement and leave things better for the next generation? As far as journalism, I find it hard to believe anyone that spiels the hot air drivel he does can even be considered a journalist. Al Gore is far from being an idiot, he is an extremely intelligent man, also is up for an Oscar for his documentary. He has not found it necessary to lie and slander anyone like Limbaugh has. Gore has warned about global warning for years, people are finally beginning to figure out he is right. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
They don't dare with his track record on affairs and divorces. Remember, he had divorce papers served on one wife while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. To me, that was just unforgivable. He was having an affair with the help too. I doubt if Rudy will get it either, for the same reasons, although he is a lot better man, but after the way they persecuted Bill Clinton it would be difficult for the right wingers to nominate either of these guys. And Bill has only been married to one woman, never divorced. Its hard to say who they will nominate, many of them believe McCain is too much of a maverick. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Well, if there were a prize for slander, smear, lying just for the fun of it, even to disgusting remarks about a little girl, he would be sure to get it with Bill Reilly a close second. Limbaugh really is a putrid individual. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
My hope is that they're going to continue to bash her and become so blatant and disgusting about it that the American people elect her to show them how unacceptable their campaign tactics are. Can you say backfire? I don't think Hillarys' campaign managers will allow any smears to get by them. I expect they will take immediate action and stomp them. John Kerry ignored the liars, thinking no one would actually believe their garbage only to find out some people did. His managers should have kicked the Swift Boat Liars to the curb the first time they opened their mouths. Everything they said was debunked and proven lies and now this same bunch is trying it on Hillary. Why the public would believe any of this stuff when it is so easy to go to snopes.com and debunk it is beyond me. Look what they are trying to do to Obama and yet people actually pass it on. Same old lingo, just a different candidates name on it. I was pleased to see Al Gore has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He deserves it. Just read Florida is going to use a paper trail in voting, what a pity they and Ohio didn't do it in 2004, things would have sure been different. And in 2000. Doubt we would be at war and our people being slaughtered like it is now. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
These same creatures are involved in a stop hillary smear. -
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
Never. In a million years. She is a great spinmeister. -
Ron, in the 10 commandents in my Bible it very plainly says "Thou shalt not lie" If, as you say, you are a Christian, how can you justify lying about Bill Clinton? Just curious
There are quite a few people that has had the band done where I work. They are all happy with the results so far. I had my band done June 2 by Dr. Sanchez in Monterrey and am very happy and in size 8's now. Made my goal the first part of Dec. My birthday. I am older than most of you -68- and had no problems whatsoever, it has helped me enjoy life a lot more, no more "pleasingly plump"! I even joined a singles club that I wouldn't pre band. I think the band with pretty much of a South Beach diet is a win win combination. It's all portion control and eating healthy. I have my treats and chocolate but in moderation. I live in Lancaster. Mary
Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????
Mariah replied to shauntil6266's topic in Rants & Raves
. I have gotten e-mail with the same smear (which has been debunked by CNN and WABC) and ending with: "If you do not want Hussein in the White house, pass this on." I also got that email - the right wing loonies didn't waste much time trying to smear him, did they? Pity those liars can't be slapped in jail, let them do their "writings" there. Snopes.com has bebunked this also. I returned it to the person that passed it to me with their web address. Reminds me of the Swift Boat Liars that smeared John Kerry. Sad to say a couple of their biggest contributors are in Texas. Mary -
Hillary Clinton, First Woman President of the US. Would you vote for her?
Mariah replied to godloveshope2's topic in Rants & Raves
Perhaps a tad jealous, are they? Knowing that never in a million years could they accomplish what she has - they don't have the intelligence and know-how. So they must try to somehow put her down. If they say it often enough, some of them will begin to believe it. I have always thought she looked/acted like a woman, nothing masculine about her. -
Hillary Clinton, First Woman President of the US. Would you vote for her?
Mariah replied to godloveshope2's topic in Rants & Raves
they think that women should always be quiet and graceful and blend into the background, like Laura Bush. They don't like strong women that are vocal about their beliefs. " This is not the time for simpering southern belles batting their eyes. We need smarts and courage!! Someone that knows how to govern and how things get accomplished. I have never seen anything "mannish" about her, she is an attractive , nicely groomed and dressed woman.:embarassed: Is Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir mannish? They got their positions because of brains and intelligence. It is long past due for the US to have a female President, especially when they are better qualified than the other candidates. Go Hillary Go!!!!!! -
Hillary Clinton, First Woman President of the US. Would you vote for her?
Mariah replied to godloveshope2's topic in Rants & Raves
BJ I wish her voice weren't so strident. I want to like her because I am a Demo, but I think I may have the same problem that a lot of other women have with women in politics and business, BJ, she doesn't come across to me as strident, but rather as a person that is confident, knows what she is talking about and is capable to handle the job. Of all the candidates I don't believe there are any as qualified than she is. She also is an excellent public speaker. Think Hillary gets a bad rap because people may not actually know her, but have listened to some crap that rolls out of her detractors mouths, ie Rush and his ilk. Even if it is unbelievable some of it still sticks. Have never been able to figure out why some say they "hate her" without even knowing the woman. What did she ever do to deserve those kind of feelings She won the senate seat again with even larger numbers, so New Yorkers must believe she is doing something right. She and Bill also raised a fine daughter to be proud of. Gender is not a factor in my vote, will vote for who I think is best able to lead this country, male or female. We need a leader with guts and spine to govern and tell it like it is - we don't need anymore spinmeister fairy tales. If being soft spoken is ones' nature, fine, the physical nature of voices are mostly what we were born with shaped by genetic factors. I like Nancy and Obama too. But I would not vote for Obama at this time because he simply doesn't have the experience Hillary has. What would be the "Dream" ticket would be Clinton-Obama. In 8 years he would have gained the experience to become President. Just my 2 cents. Mary -
Hillary Clinton, First Woman President of the US. Would you vote for her?
Mariah replied to godloveshope2's topic in Rants & Raves
Being a "sweet school teacher"is hardly the qualifications for running the country. Neither is a "stepford wife" Given a chance I would have voted for Eleanor Roosevelt and definitely will vote for Hillary. She is the most qualified person I can think of to hold office and turn this country around.