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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ladypitboss

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/29/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday ladypitboss!

  2. ladypitboss

    found out bcbs michigan

    I have BCBS of Michigan and my doc went back over her records and showed that I had dieted and lost weight but had been unable to maintain. I didnt have to wait another 6 months. She had even prescribed Meridia in the prior year. I stopped taking it because it raised my BP. The main thing they want is to make sure you have tried this on your own before resorting to surgery. Maybe if your doc has some documentation of your weights, that you have talked about diets, or prescribed you some weight loss meds, you may be able to get around the 6 months because you have already done that and more.
  3. ladypitboss


    Sounds like a lot of the stories I heard before getting banded. Some docs that do both still push people toward bypass surgery. I am not sure why. Maybe it's money or maybe it's a comfort zone they are in with the bypass surgery. I didnt want this argument so I chose a doctor that specializes in lap-bands. He and his partner have done over 1500 lap-band procedures. I was initally driving 3 hours one way to see him. Now I have moved and have to drive 4 hours one way but it is worth it to have confidence in the experience of my doc and his team. I am not sure how much weight you have to lose. But at 2 lbs a week, that is 100 lbs in a year. Think about it that way. I am 1 1/2 yrs out and have had quite a few set backs. I am still about 40 lbs from goal but I know that I will get there and I didnt have to have my insides cut up and rearranged. It is certainly a personal decision which way to go. My brother tried to talk me into gastric bypass. He has so many problems with eating meat and made poor decisions. He lost nearly 200 lbs but now 2 years out he is starting to regain. With the bypass there is nothing else his doctor can do for him. I know that with the band even 10 yrs down the road if I start to regain I can get another adjustment to help me. Just get as much information as you can and make the best informed decision you can for you. And you may consider looking for a different surgeon. You dont have to settle for one that doesnt support you in YOUR decision.
  4. ladypitboss

    Too Tight HELP!

    I think maybe I was starving this morning because I hadnt had anything to eat or drink for 2 days. The rest of the day went very good. I had some tuna salad with a few crackers for lunch and I wasnt able to finish as much as I would have eaten last week. And I just got finished with meatloaf for dinner. No getting stuck no pb's. It is like perfect restriction. I had no desire to snack after lunch. It was a good day. I hope I dont have too much swelling and can keep this restriction. I am ready to get the rest of this weight off.
  5. ladypitboss

    Too Tight HELP!

    Thanks everybody for the ideas. I did end up making the trip yesterday. I saw my surgeon's partner and we determined that he put in 1.5 on top of the 2.0cc that he put in at the time of my port replacement. He took out .5 and I drank some water and for a minute or two it seemed to go down fine but in the waiting room as I contiued to drink I knew I was still too tight. He ended up taking 1.0 out. Now this morning I am starving. I just can't win.
  6. ladypitboss

    Too Tight HELP!

    I dont post very often but I need some help. I have had my band for a year and a half. Lots of set backs along the way. I just had my port replaced in October and went for my first fill yesterday. Now I am too tight. My problem is that my doctor is 267 miles away. I made the trip yesterday but I really dont want to make that trip again if I dont have to. I have tried calling different surgeons in this area since I just moved here this summer. No one wants to see someone elses patient. Is there any chance this will loosen up given a few days. Or has anyone had any luck with getting an unfill from the ER or other source?
  7. ladypitboss

    Port Replacement with a local?

    Just bumping to see if anyone has any answers.
  8. I am having port replacement surgery Friday, and was wondering if anyone had ever had it done under local anesthetic instead of being knocked out. If so how was the pain? How is the pain and recovery in general after a port relacement. It seems to be a pretty simple procedure. No cutting of muscle ....right?
  9. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    It is weird you guys are talking about this port thing just when it is on my mind. The only lump I feel is my port itself. But it seems to poke out more when I am full. And lately I get a sharp pain like just beneath my port when I take a deep breath. I see my surgeon on Monday. I am just wondering if I may have pulled the muscle that the port is sewn to or what. I remember in December complaining of port pain and he said it felt fine. I think I have said before that I havent had a flouro or any kind of visual test of my band since the morning after surgery. My port sits on the left side right under my rib cage and I have always has discomfort there since surgery, especially if I sit too long. He told me that it does go away eventually. But this sharp pain is very different.
  10. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Regina My last 2 fills (Nov. & Dec.) were both .2. I drive 4 hours for a fill and dont ever want to risk being too tight. My doc and his partner have done over 1300 lapbands. He has never done a flouro except for the morning after surgery. After both of those fills I had to deal with being stuck and PBing a few times. I have never had a problem getting water down. I do however gurgle with water first thing in the morning. I usually do coffee first thing then oatmeal for breakfast. I am finding myself able to eat more now. I think I may need another fill. My appointment is on the 5th. I still dont know if I will be able to go or not. Still fighting with insurance company and dont have my own car. And if the weather is bad I dont know if I want to travel that distance. Regina I also took chantix to try to quit smoking and it didnt seem to have ANY effect. Not on my weight not on my desire to smoke. I really dont think I am ready to quit. I know a few people that have quit with chantix but most that I know that have taken it havent. The last time I quit for any length of time it was with the nicatrol inhaler. It solved the nicotene fix as well as the oral fixation. I didnt even have to put more nicotene in most of the time. I just had the inhaler for those stressed moments.
  11. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinky, when are you going to discover Splenda girl!? I love the stuff and could never go back to the pink stuff. It is the only artificial sweetner that is heat stable so you can cook with it. warmmorningsun, Well I probably should have talked to her months ago. I have cramps that press down. Not in my gut or back down. And I huge ginormous clots. Well the week after my accident (started my period the day after) I am in the bathroom at Wendy's and there is some kind of tissue sitting in the toilet. It was pink and fleshy looking. I couldnt even get my DH to come look at it as it was public ladies room. So when I took my DD for a sports physical I asked my doc about it and she wanted to do an exam and ultrasound. When she did my pelvic she said the my uterus was a little large but not alarmingly so. So I am waiting for the ultrasound till Feb 2. I have never had any problems either but I am diligent about going for my yearly exam. My last exam was in July. As far as leg veins, I am looking toward a less invasive procedure for that too. One is called VENUS and I cant remember what the other is. Both use a catheter to get into the vein and one uses radio waves and the other uses heat to close the vein as the catheter is withdrawn. I will not even go try to see anyone about it untill I am in onederland. That is still a ways away. I guess I am just not a fan of being cut on. My friend had hers stripped and had like 48 staples in each leg. Yikes! I am even looking in to body thermage for loose skin because I dont think I would like to go through the recovery of plastic surgery and the scars are awful. Barbara4 I am watching your fill pretty close. I think I am happy with my fill amount but between the holidays and this recent stress I think my surgeon will want to give me another little one. The last 2 or 3 fills I have gotten horribly stuck for the first few weeks and PB'd a few times. I live 4 hours away from my surgeon and fear having to make a quick trip back for an unfill. My last 2 fills have been only .2cc. The last 4 or 5 weeks have been easier to eat. So maybe it will relax in a few days. I think I could live with this level of restriction. I just need to be making better decisions and get back to my exercise routine.
  12. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I have heard about pineapple juice before. I may try to get some small cans to have on hand. I saw my doctor yesterday and she did a pelvic exam and scheduled me for an ultrasound. I am kind of worried about it but she seems to think it may be related to weight loss and the release of estrogen stored in fat cells. She also said that I am suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. She gave me Lexapro. I took one last night at bed time because that is when I take my meds. I woke up this morning and got so dizzy and naseaus I had to go right back to bed. I was seeing flashers and got immediately hot (especially at the front of my head) and was sweating profusely. I got something to eat and I felt better. I called her today and she said to take just 1/2 a pill for a few days. If there is anyone on here that takes these kind of meds (anxiety/depression) I would love some imput. I explained it to my DH who takes meds for depression and he says that is how he feels if he misses a dose.
  13. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    If things turn around so I can go to Vegas, I am thinking about leaving DH home. A good friend of ours is going out there this week to work. I told him that I hope to see him in June. He has interviews at 4 different properties. Barbara12 I dont think you are being selfish at all wanting to go it alone. My DH however may get a little insecure. Not even sure it is gonna happen or not so I just wont worry about him yet. I can also relate to getting compliments. Only I am in the pit so it is the players that are making comments. I went shopping in my friends closet tonight and squeezed my but into a size 16 pants. Havent seen that number since junior high. I still need a few more weeks before I can wear them out without worrying about busting a seem. Hopefully by then she will find the jacket to go with them. I can also relate to depression. I have been suffering terribly since the accident. I have severe anxiety over driving in the snow. I made my hubby stop drinking tonight so he could drive home. I would never have done that before. I have always been the happy DD. I always loved driving. Last year I drove 16 hours all night by myself. This is killing me. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I will talk to her about it.
  14. ladypitboss

    New To This

    Hi Barbara, I am originally from Bham. I dont know about your insurance but wanted to say HI. I called my insurance company and asked them. I am sure there is a number on your card.
  15. ladypitboss

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am with ya poodles. My thing is that if I dont drink coffee before I eat lunch or breakfast. I cant eat near enough to keep me satisfied past the next time I have something to drink. My doc says that when I reach proper restriction it takes 4-5 hours for the pouch to empty. Sounds realistic but I usually get a break after an hour to an hour and twenty minutes on the floor then I get a 20 min break. I eat lunch on one break usually say 3/4 c of egg or tuna salad and 4 crackers. Then next break I drink something and by the time I get to the floor I am hungry again. So I end up eating something around 3pm. Then it is the same thing after dinner. By the time I am supposed to drink and I do then I get hungry again before bed.

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