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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jennaclift

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  • Birthday 07/23/1986

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About Me

  • Biography
    I just had my lap band done on Nov11th and ive lost approx 39Ibs!! :)
  • Interests
    Hunting, Goin 4 wheel'n, and goin out!
  • Occupation
    Nail Tech
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  1. hey hun, just saw your post and thought id say hi. im also 22 and have the band. sucks to be so young and have already had to deal with being so over weight. i know wheat you mean by nobody gets it because thats how i feel! ive been a big girl since i was young. never experienced being skinny or "normal". i know how you feel. good job on your weight loss, and keep in touch if youd like. ~Carol

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