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Everything posted by JillBengt

  1. JillBengt

    Stomach Bug????

    Exactly ten days after I was banded on 1-13-09 I started feeling nauseated. The stomach flu was going around my kid's school and I had been there for a play a few days before. I started to worry. I took one of those phenegren pills (and nearly threw up from the taste alone) but managed to ward off the vomit. I took the pills everytime I started feeling sick again and low and behold, after 24 hours, I felt okay again...no throwing up! Pretty amazing because I cannot recall one time in my life that I felt that way without ending up on the floor in front of the toilet. Here's to phenegran!
  2. JillBengt

    Feeling VERY hungry :(

    I understand what you mean by patience. When I diet, I really push myself. On the two week pre-op diet I lost 18 pounds because in addition to the 800 calories, I exercised alot. I have never had trouble losing weight...it is just putting it back on that I seem to excell at! Even though I am down 21 pounds now, I feel disappointed in myself that it isn't more. I know it is stupid but we are always our own worst enemies, right? So here is my thought on the lean muscle tissue. My husband, who is a doctor...albeit, a baby doc who doesn't know much on this subject, says as long as you get enough protein, the body will not attack the muscle tissue, it will go after the stored fat instead. It is when there is not enough protein in the body that you have to worry about losing the lean muscle. A low calorie diet with at least 70 grams of protein a day should ward off tissue damage. Of course, I have heard from this website that a diet rich in protein will actually decrease your chances of a speedy weight loss. What are your opinions on this?
  3. Sorry, I'll stop with the weather references. I don't want to put you in any more pain! :scared2: I lived in Sweden for 6 years so I sympathize. Actually, my kids would love you to send some snow our way. Last year it snowed in Malibu (30 miles away) but that is the closest we have come to snow in years. Yep, I am with you on the pain meds. There is no honor in suffering.
  4. JillBengt

    Feeling VERY hungry :(

    BamBam31, You are my lapband hero! 69 pounds in 5.5 months! Way to go! How many fills did it take for you to feel full? Has the weight loss truly been easier with the band?
  5. Could your doctor have a better name? Dr. Looser? How appropriate! That gave me a good laugh. Sounds like you are doing well. I am still a bit frustrated but I am hanging in there...finding humor wherever I can.:scared2: The shoulder pain is better. I am just hanging at home today sipping ice tea in the sun so I really shouldn't complain.
  6. I had some pain in my incisions last night and had to take Vicadin for the first time in two days. I think I just did too much this weekend. My husband went back to work Saturday leaving me to get my kids to a total of 6 games this weekend. I was driving all over the county as two of them are on travel basketball teams. When I got home the gas pain in my shoulders was intense. I plan on resting today to see if that helps. Realtoronthego I live in Ventura County, California (just north of Los Angeles County). The Santa Ana winds have blown in from the desert leaving us in the high 70's, low 80's. Deedles916 My doctor does not fill any saline in the band until 4-6 weeks after surgery. He wants all the swelling to go down before adding any restriction. So basically it is just a diet on my own for 4 weeks until I can see him and get my first fill. I can't believe how easy it is to get an appointment with your doctor. I had to make a post op appointment a month before surgery just to get in at 4 weeks post-op!
  7. Okay you win! Even though we have the same agonizing, anxiety-inducing symtoms, while you are holed up nursing a swollen knee from a slip on the ice, I just turned on the air conditioning! Do you hate me? HaHa Maybe this will cheer you up. While putting my 12-year-old son to bed tonight, he asked if I was ever going to be able to eat again. He had such a worried look on his face. I stroked his head and told him that this was only temporary and not to worry. I would be eating again soon. He sighed in great relief and said, "Thank God. I thought we wouldn't have a SuperBowl party this year!" Ahhh...such sacrifices my children are making!
  8. Premier Nutrition ready made protein drinks from Costco (160 calories, 30 grams protein, 3 grams fat). Trust me on this! I tried several different brands and I never would have made it all these weeks without Premier Nutrition! At a pre-op class, several people raved about these drinks but I didn't buy them until my friend let me try one of hers. They are NOT chalky, NOT disgusting, NOT gag-inducing. In fact, they are actually pretty tasty. And just to set the record straight...I am NOT....I repeat, NOT a fan of protein drinks. Despite that, I have soldiered through 3 of my 4 weeks on a liquid diet (1 week post-op so far) and I am still drinking three of these a day.
  9. Realtoronthego, I could be you! I barely recognize myself. I too am having mini anxiety attacks which come in moments of extreme hunger or extreme pain. The gas pain in my shoulder is excruciating at times. As I lie curled in the fetal position crying on the couch, my poor kids either run for the hills or creep toward me timidly in an attempt to console me. It is like one long PMS session. Needless to say, my husband is just happy to be back at work. On my pre-op diet, I was fine, even making every meal for my cooking-challenged husband and kids. I could sit down to dinner with them and "enjoy" my cup of broth. I even laughed when my teenage son pretended to remove my imaginary plate from the dinner table when he cleared the table. But now, post-op, I have no such sense of humor! I cannot even be in the same room as my family when they are eating. So hang in there, you definately aren't alone! Your comrade in crankiness, Jill
  10. JillBengt

    Feeling VERY hungry :(

    Brad and IWannaBeSkinny, I appreciate you comments. I think you are right when you say the rewards will come to me for waiting. Anything that is that easy can't last forever, right? Anyway, I am pushing forward...begrudgingly. I really am a very positive, friendly person but "Diet Jill" is not as nice...as witnessed by the hubby and three terrified children. I can say, however, that I am glad I did the 2 week pre-op diet because those 18 pounds lost are all I have to hold onto at this point. Greetings from warm and windy Ventura County, California
  11. JillBengt

    Feeling VERY hungry :(

    IWannaBeSkinny, I am right there with you! My surgery was on Jan 13th and I am SO hungry. My stomach is growling...no rumbling...and my misery is complete with head aches and cold sweats. The weird part is, I did the two week liquid diet before surgery and never experienced any of this. Now, post surgery, on the exact same diet, I feel like I am going to starve to death! Thank god my liquid diet at least includes protein drinks or I think I would have already perished! I think it so strange (and irritating) that everyone has such different post-op instructions. I find myself actually getting jealous :glare: at those ladies who got to start mushies and a 1200 calorie diet the day after surgery and the weight is just dripping off them like wax from a candle! And here I am, on this :huh2:-starving-myself-on-800-calories-diet and it is actually preventing me from losing weight. I have been told that the body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the stored fat for dear life! Sorry about the rant but...hey...I actually feel better! Thanks!
  12. Perfectforme, Have you tried the Costco brand protein drink by Premier Nutrition? It has 160 calories. 3 grams fat, 30 grams protein. My friends recommended it and I wouldn't have gotten through these last three weeks of liquids without it. It comes ready to drink and actually tastes good. Drink three of these babies a day and that's 90 grams of protein...no way your hair will fall out! In fact, mine has never looked better. HaHa
  13. My starting weight was 269. I lost 18 pounds in two-weeks on the 800 calorie pre-op liquid diet. I am now at 251. The strange thing is, despite getting only 300 to 500 calories a day the first two days after surgery and then back to 800 yesterday, I haven't lost anything more. This happened to my friend as well. She and I are doing this together although she is 2 weeks ahead of me. Until she started eating mushy foods, she didn't lose anything. The first week of mushy foods she lost 7 pounds. We theorized that the body just needs more calories. If you eat too little, your body rebels and holds on to everything. My doctor requires all his patients to stick to 10 days of liquids after the surgery. It is weird when I hear all these other lap banders from the 13th already eating. Maybe that is why they are losing already and I am not. Oh well, it will happen!

    Good luck today. I am off to my first sporting event. Jill

  14. Hi WendyMary, I promised to report back to you at 72 hours. That was this morning for me. I feel much better today and stopped taking my Vicadin because I wanted to get out and go shopping. I took a 25 minute walk without problem. My incisions are sore but are not throbbing. I usually only feel them after just standing up from a sitting or lying down position. They do, however, hurt when I go to the bathroom or laugh. This makes me worry about you at a funeral. The same muscles used for laughing are used for crying too, I think. I suggest, regardless of how you feel 72 hours out, take pain medication before the funeral. Let me know how it goes for you. Again, sorry for your loss. Jill
  15. cherbear75,

    How are you doing? I got a friend request from you but wasn't sure how it worked. I hope you get my message. I had surgery on the same day as you. I thought it would be nice to compare our progress and pitfalls. I am off the Vicadin today not because I am pain free but because my husband goes back to work tomorrow and I have to drive my three very active kids to a variety of sporting events tomorrow. I still have shooting pain up my left shoulder but swallowing is easier. In fact now I am hungry. I really wasn't hungry for the 2 week pre-diet and now I am, which scares me alittle bit. I live in California so depending on your time zone, my responses may be delayed. Thanks for thinking of me. Jill

  16. WendyMary, I had surgery two days ago. I am sore but my doctor perscribed Vicadin for the pain and while that is in my body I really feel very good. Of course after it wears off, I get the pain back. My suggestion is to take the pain medication before you leave (make sure someone drives you though). Then maybe take some more before the family gathering. Watch out for the hugging, though. My little girl keeps wanting to hug me but her head is level with my incisions so that can get uncomfortable. You comfort level will be affected by the amount of gas inside your body. My friend and I are doing the surgery together (she 2 weeks before me) and she had tremendous pain from gas. I only have minimal gas. I started walking right away though, even making a trip to the end of our long street and back. I have to be off my meds by Saturday because my husband goes back to work and I have three kids that I have to cart around to various sports all weekend long. I hope things work out for you. It is hard to go through surgery while grieving a loved one. If you'd like I'll post again at 72 hours and let you know how I am feeling.
  17. JillBengt

    pre op diet necessary?

    HeavensAngel1978, I think it is definately possible to shrink your liver. This is how it was described to me. When you go on an 800 calorie diet, your body rebels. It can't survive on those calories alone so it takes the fat you have stored and burns it in place of extra calories. Even a few pounds of weight loss will help rid fat from the liver. I did an 800 calorie diet with all liquids except for the addition of cottage cheese (I just needed something to chew). The two days before surgery however, I switched to pure liquids just as my doctor ordered. I experimented with several protein shakes (Bariatric Advantage and Atkins) but hated them. Then I discovered the protein drinks from Costco called Premier Nutrition. These drinks became my lifesaver. They have 1 gram of sugar, 160 calories and 30 protein. They actually taste pretty good too! What I did was have one for breakfast. One around 2:00p.m. and then another at 8:00 p.m. I actually wrote a thread a few days ago detailing exactly what I ate and at what times. Try clicking on my name and searching the post about a pre-op diet. If you can't find it write me back and I will detail it for you again. I think you are off to a great start! 8 pounds in one week is excellent. I bet you have already shrunk your liver so keep at it. Also try walking as much as you can. I walked for at least 30 minutes every day during those two weeks. Keep up the great work.
  18. JillBengt

    pre op diet necessary?

    I have the same BMI (43). My doctor suggests a low calorie diet 2-4 weeks in advance but only requires 2 days of liquid before the surgery. I was told that the pre-diet would not only help reduce the liver but it would also get your body prepared for life after surgery (which means 2 more weeks of liquid diet post-op). My abdominal ultrasound a few months ago showed a fatty liver. I did the 2 week 800 calorie diet, lost 18 pounds then had surgery yesterday. My surgeon said my liver looked perfectly healthy, no fatty tissues at all. For that reason, I think a pre-diet is a great thing. But I will be the first to say it wasn't easy. The first few days I felt like a drug addict in withdrawl. To make matters worse, I still had to cook meals for my three children and my husband. But I stuck to it and I am very happy with the results.
  19. Hi, I'm Jill. I was banded on the 13th too. I had a hernia repair at the same time and was told that may make things a bit more sore. My doctor told me before the surgery that hernias must be repaired to keep the lapband from slipping. I was feeling no pain yesterday but then the meds wore off by nightfall, and I was pretty sore. Every time I drink, I get a burning feeling that spreads then disappears within seconds. Sometimes I get a lump in my throat. It feels like bad acid reflux but my nurse said it was probably just restriction from the swelling. Does anyone else have that feeling? Hope everyone is still feeling good.
  20. Hi There! My name is Jill. I am a 40-year-old mother of three from Southern California. I am an avid reader of this discussion board but have never posted. I am getting banded on January the 13th. I have been on a pre-op diet for 11 days now. My doctor recommended a full liquid Optifast diet (800 calories a day) but I have modified it to keep myself and my family sane. The first three days of the pure liquid diet was...well, pure misery. I had headaches and mood swings. My poor 14-year-old son was talking me out of quitting like I was some kind of drug addict. HaHa. So in an effort to help all the others that might be struggling here is what I have done to stay on an 800 calorie diet, lose 14 pounds in 11 days and not go crazy. First, I drink 3 Protein shakes from costco daily. Each has 30 grams of protein (160 caloroes) so I find if I stagger them out through the day I don't get as hungry. Then to satisfy my chewing craving, I bought fat free cottage cheese (1/2 cup 80 calories, 14 protein). A typical day...wait...I mean EVERY day! 9:00 Protein shake 10:30 1/4 cottage cheese 12:00 1 cup broth(Better Than Boullion-Reduced sodium chicken broth. 15 calories) + 1/2 cup cottage cheese 2:00 Protein Shake 4:00 Jello cup (sugar free 10 calories) 6:30 1 cup broth + 1/2 cup cottage cheese 8:30 Protein Shake 9:30 Jello or sugar free popcicle This diet keeps me at about 700 calories so if I need to snack I can have an extra bowl of broth or an extra popcicle and not go over the limit. Since I eat every two hours, I keep myself from getting too hungry. Two days before the surgery, I will cut out the cottage cheese and be on a full liquid diet. My only concern with adding solids was that I wasn't sure if an 800 calorie diet with solids would not be as effective as an 800 calorie diet of full liquids. Luckily, I have a doctor in the house so I consulted my husband and he assured me that calories are calories so it doesn't matter how you take them. Of course, it will matter two days before surgery so I will definately switch to a full liquid diet at that time. I hope this might help someone out there who is struggling like I was. Hang in there. It does get easier!
  21. JillBengt

    Pre-op diet

    I am actually only required to diet two days before surgery (full liquids) but I am doing the extra two weeks because my doctor's dietician suggested it as a good way to kick start the weight loss process and give my body a chance to adjust to the lower calorie intake. The dietician recommened the Optifast but also gave me the nutritional criteria to look for in other types of shakes if I didn't want to specifically use Optifast. I tried a few different shakes, Bariatric Advantage (Chalky and not tasty), Atkins Dark Chocolate (too much fat, tastes awful), Atkins milk chocolate(too much fat, tastes okay). The Costco brand is the best by far and has helped me stick with the liquid for the most part. Sil, good luck with your surgery as well. Jill

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