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Nancy Kay

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Nancy Kay

  • Rank
    Happy to be Banded!
  • Birthday 01/11/1955

About Me

  • Biography
    Wife, Mother, Grandmother to 4 Awesome Boys
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  1. Happy 58th Birthday Nancy Kay!

  2. Thank you so much for posting your success story! I really needed this tonight! I was banded 12/22/2008 and have lost 70 lbs. but just recently began feeling like I should be doing better.. It will be 2 years this December and I just felt like I should be more than 1/2 way there. 1/2 way is still better than where I was 2 years ago when I couldn't breath on exertion, had asthma, gerd, and most sadly... could not enjoy my grandkids. Your story reminds me that this is a journey. not a race! I can be proud of my 70 lbs. and know that I am not done. My journey is not over. If it takes another 2 years, 4 years, whatever it takes... I can succeed. I already have! Thank you for your inspiring story!:cursing:
  3. Nancy Kay

    So Upset

    I think a lot of us don't want people to know about our surgery because we have failed so many times in the past with weight loss and we don't want our critics thinking "oh this isn't going to work either". I know I didn't tell a lot of people, even my family... but when I started dropping the weight and started feeling better about myself... gained self confidence.. people would coment at ask what was I doing I was proud to say I had lap band surgery and It Is The Greatest Gift I Have Ever Given Myself!!! Trust me, ignore the hateful comments as best you can. Focus on the good you are doing for yourself! You will succeed and the negative people will all be eating crow!!! Hugs & Hang In There!!!
  4. Nancy Kay

    i hope so!!!! :D

    Insurance was the biggest nightmare of my whoe banding experience. But, it finally came through when I needed it most, so ... good luck tomorrow (monday)!!! Your taking a good step with the exercise so keep it up. I found when I wasn't losing that exercise brought my eating back into focus. I don't know why but it was like, when I excercised I didn't want to screw up the benefits so I made better choices. Right now I've stalled because I quit exercising so thanks for posting your situation as, by replying to you, I reminded myself to get back to it.... Keep it up! School and the other stressers are just part of life. They come and they go and we do our best to get through them... just like banding it is just one day at a time! Thanks again for posting... Good Luck to you!
  5. Nancy Kay

    Frustration Setting In

    I wish I had all the answers for you. I can tell you that I lost 30#'s really fast after banding and then nothing. My surgeon was very conservative and I never had a fill that was more than 1cc. It took a long time to finally reach a point where I had restriction that worked for me. After a little more than a year I have lost 60#'s. It has been a very slow process but it has been very well worth it. Even when I was very very frustrated at not losing anything I didn't give up. I always kept my appointments with my surgeon even when I felt like a failure and didn't want to face him. He was always very supportive. I hope you have a supportive sugreon. Talk to him/her about the problems you are haveing. Especially w/first bite syndrome. I had trouble w/nauseau until just recently... like until the last couple of weeks ago but I look at it as minor compared to where I would be if I had not been banded. Just know that you are not alone. We are all out here for you and this website has been very theraputic for me as I hope it will be for you. I know there is someone out there who may have answers for what you are experiencing. Don't give in to the frustration. You will get there! You are still so new into this journey! I will be your cheerleader! We all need one!
  6. Nancy Kay


    Betsy, Thank you. What you said about side effects of meds makes perfect sense. I too, am surprised my doc's didn't think of it. After a year of this it is getting old! The peanut butter seems to be working for the moment. Thanks again for the feedback!
  7. Nancy Kay


    For my surgeon and my primary care doctor I am an enigma. I never had a problem with nausea before but since my surgery I get nauseous every time I take my medications! I have tried everything to overcome this problem... take them w/food, w/o food, different times of day, crushed in pudding... you name it, I have tried it and always the same result... Nausea... uhggg! Nothing else brings it on except my meds and the docs can't explain it... The last 2 days I took them in a spoonful of peanut butter and that seemed to help. Anybody else experience this curiosity?
  8. Stuck! I hate it! I've learned to slow down, but the second I feel that tight feeling I just stop immediately and walk away. I've never vomited but I have slimed on more than one occasion and I hate it so much that.... like I said... I just stop and walk away... For me... no food is worth that belching up foamy slime experience... Bread and Tortillas cause me the biggest problem. I will say this, it is a learning experience. Trial and error. But I wouldn't change it for the world. The band is still the best gift I have ever given myself and after I year I still have no regrets. It has definitely changed my life!!! Hang in there and good luck!!!:Banane20:
  9. Nancy Kay

    Fill question?

    Take small sips and make the water/fluids last and hour to two hours if you can... The first day after a fill my surgeon would say to stick with liquids as the area around the band was swollen... the next day or day and a half I would be able to go back to regular diet.. The key was the small bites and chewing a lot before swallowing.. then about day 3 I felt restriction but not that uncomfortable feeling.. Just keep it sloooowwww!!! Hang in there! It get's better!
  10. Nancy Kay

    Need to exercise......

    If you like the gym then it sounds like your right on track. I hate the gym so my exercise the first year consisted of 3 days a week in a lap pool for an hour...just walking 20 laps in water then some aqua exercises for flexiblility and range of motion... On the off days when not in the pool I would go for walks around the neighborhood. It also took about 9 months before I reached a comfortable fill point ... Now I have to increase my exercise as my weight loss has stalled and I know that exercise is a vital component .... Thank goodness Spring is almost upon us so I can increase my walking and I am going to try Zumba next week!! Good luck to you.. I don't think you have to add anything to your plan as it sounds pretty intense... Thanks for posting. It made me think about what I need to do too.
  11. I was 1 year post op when I went on my 1st cruise. I had no problems at all with my fills during that year. I saw my surgeon 3 weeks before the cruise and was still getting fills at that point but he would not fill before my cruise as he said that if any problem at all arose a ship doctor may not be able to deal with it appropriately. I had to agree with him. Even tho I had no history of complications you just never know so why risk it. I agree with the others... a hernia repair is a reasonable explaination and is anatomically relative... Good luck whatever you decide!
  12. Hi Kimberly, Nancy Kay here. So you have had your band since 2003. How has your experience been? I have had my band for a little over a year now. Over all I have been pleased but I still push the envelope if you will... testing my limits... Will I ever get over that? Would love to hear your feedback!

  13. Nancy Kay

    Holy Mother of STUCK!!!!

    I have to agree with poppyred. Remembering to chew, chew chew is key!! Bread and pasta don't work for me either. Once you've slimed on it you don't want to do it again. Once I was almost late for work because I forgot the rules and ate to fast thus ending up in the bathroom for much longer than I should have been. It's been over a year since I was banded and I still forget once in awhile, especially if I have let myself get over hungery! If it's really bad I do go back to mushies for a day or two just to slow me down. Take it slow. It is, in my opinion, still the best gift we have given ourselves!!!
  14. Nancy Kay


    Thanks to "to be free" and "bearbandit" I have a better understanding of slider foods and restriction. I am so afraid of stretching out my pouch and since 12/12/08 (10 days prior to banding) I have been so focused and not binged. Now I know it can happen and I must be aware and be careful. I am greatful for this site and to all the support!
  15. Nancy Kay


    Thank BearBandit... it was all slider foods so what you say makes sense. I started working a new shift (3-11) and it's thrown me off. I'll go back to measuring and writing everything down til I adjust to new schedule. Thanks Again!

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