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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sweda7

  1. Hi, I had the Realize Band surgery in late May 2008. I have lost 66 lbs to date and I am feeling terrific about my progress. However, my current beau sees fit to comment on my weight all the time. It almost seems he is purposely trying to take the wind out of my sails. Despite several attempts at explaining that his comments seem unsupportive and are hurtful, he continues. Has anyone else encounter this difficulty? Any advice you can give?
  2. Sweda7

    Support from Partner???

    Kathy, Have you any idea of where that support may reside? Thanks for any advice you can give. ~Sweda~
  3. Sweda7

    Support from Partner???

    Thank you gorgeous women! I was leaning in that direction. I don't think he actually realizes how short his tenure is. Bless you both and much continued success.... HAPPY NEW YEAR! ~Sweda~

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