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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nessa22

  1. Nessa22

    Any regrets?

    hi I was banded 5th jan I regret it so bad nothing but pain depressed + crying all the time no energy! no support here in singapore. Because you pay for everthing they will band anyone no explaining I am thinking of getting it taken out all I can eat is scrambled egg + hot choc Dr says it is normal will settle
  2. Hi everyone it is 2 days after my banding now Doctor said he caught blood vessel on last stich he said it could caused swelling making entrance to stomach very small may have difficulty swallowing around 4/5 day anyone else had this getting a bit worried only allowed clear liquids for 7 days but struggling to get 2lts down lots of pain like traped wind is that normal? sorry if I sound a whimp! :thumbup:( on my own in singapore husband a way with work family back in england)
  3. Nessa22

    blood vessel damaged

    Thanks for the replies All the Doctor said to me was " because of the hematoma caused by the blood vessel been caught it could cause swelling at the entrance of the stomach on the 4/5 day just stick to clear liquids water, juice, broth"
  4. Hi everyone yes I am getting banded on 5th jan New Year - New Life - New Me ! Just moved to live in Singapore with partner Just might find it difficult to find low cal drinkd etc here everything imported If anyone in singapore can help I will be pleased Vanessa

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