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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KLEDWARDS

  1. I was wondering if anyone has ever had there lap band paid for by grants or things like that. I am only 25 years old with medicare and a whole page list of health problems. I can not afford to pay to get the lap band but really need it because think this will help save my life and live longer for my children. If anyone has any information please let me know. Thanks so much and God bless you!!!:redface:
  2. Hey found my account info again and got in and ask that question. Going to see if I can search it out more to and see what I can find. Going to have to push it before i find I have million more things I dont want.

  3. Hi Sherry, I am also obese and looking for a change. I have so many health problems just cant take them anymore and really want to see my children grow old together. Me and you are the same weight. I was smaller until I had my second daughter 19 months ago and then after having her I just keep going up in weight. Now I am ready for a change so I can see her grow up and to have more children. It is hard to do anything with them with out loosing my breath. I have united Health Care also but will have Medicare in Feb so wanting to see what coverage each of them have.
  4. Girl, I know you are starving but I have started to think about you when I eat and ways we can still eat some of the same foods like taking the broth off the food and drinking that. Hey got to think of the good ways for us to have the good taste but not the junk our familys eat..Just glad I get to be there for you through this. I know its hard but I am going to be there no matter what.

  5. I am new to LapBand but really looking forward to getting one due to all the Health Problems I have. My best friend just had one and excited about the changes she has already made. :confused:
  6. I am glad you had a good bday... I think the best present you got was the pounds melting away. Now I am jelious of you..But that is ok because soon we will be more then best friends we will be best lapband friends to...

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