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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Kareen022

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  • Birthday 11/22/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a Texas college student and am thrilled to have gotten lap band!
  • Interests
    I love politics (I am a huge Barack Obama supporter), reading, writing, history, volunteer work. Oh and of course I love video games (Gutair Hero <3) and Football!!!!! Go Cowboy!
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  1. i guess i have a bad memory...when did u have it done?? thats a great start!! =) yeah every morning my pain seems to keep moving up and up lol...maybe thats a good thing?


    Ehh...liquids...its ok i guess, i havent really been hungry but sometimes i just wanna eat something normal even though i know i cant. My brother turned 20 thursday and he wanted pizza..i never want pizza lol..but it was sure lookin good then! haha.


    omg it jus clicked..ur the kareen in the chat room last night..hahha i swear i should be a blond sometimes lol....

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