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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Kareen022

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/22/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a Texas college student and am thrilled to have gotten lap band!
  • Interests
    I love politics (I am a huge Barack Obama supporter), reading, writing, history, volunteer work. Oh and of course I love video games (Gutair Hero <3) and Football!!!!! Go Cowboy!
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  1. Im taking a combination of gas-x dissolvable strips and infant mylacon drops. which both have helped somewhat. im not having the gas in my shoulders, thank god, just in my stomach area. today has been ALOT better and the only pain im having is right around the top of my stomach is (thats where the larger incision is). i havent been hungry but its like i just wanna eat, thats hard lol

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