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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hltwhite

  1. Hi everyone! For those of you who are now in their third week post-op, what is your diet for this week? I am in my second (and last!) week of mushies. 3 small meals and 3-4 Snacks. I have to admit though, for the past few days I haven't been pureeing everything -- I have just been eating little bites ofsoft foods and chewing them really reall well. Is anyone on solids yet at three weeks? Any oen still on liquids?? I get my first fill on March 2nd (and first follow up visit! Yes, won't see my surgeon since surgery until 6 weeks out!!)
  2. hltwhite

    Fill Updates!

    Hi everyone! How are your fills going? How often do you need to go back? How do you feel right afterwards and a few days afterwards? My doctor only puts in about .7 each time so I am already on my third fill (I have 2.4 in a 10cc band) My first two fills were great for the first day, maybe two, but after a few days it was like they never happened! So I have gone in every two and a half to three weeks. This most recent one (three days ago) really has me feeling some good restriction - for the first time since the initial swelling I actually feel like I have a lap band! So hopefully I can get a good couple of weeks out of this one! How about you??
  3. hltwhite

    Hows everyone doing?

    Hi everyone Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! I just got my second fill today and man did I need it!! I lost seven pounds in the three weeks since my last fill, but the last week or so I feel like I have been eating everything in sight! Now i have 1.7cc's in a 10cc band and I feel pretty tight right now! Scheduled another fill for 2-3 weeks out, so we will see how it goes!
  4. hltwhite

    Name Your NSV

    Hi everyone! THis is a very inspirational thread! I am wearing a size 18 jeans today - nearly three sizes smaller than back in january! (Before surgery I was squeezing myself in to my 22's each day and rally should have gone to 24's, just couldn't bring myself to!) And an 18/20 shirt instead of 26/28!! YEAH!!
  5. hltwhite

    Who Rewired My Tastebuds?

    I wish my "rewiring" was for things I should avoid! Unfortunately for me, since my surgery I can no longer stand the taste of milk!! Strangest thing. I used to love a nice glass of cold milk and now I can even taste the "ickiness" as the little ones in my family call it in pudding I am so sensitive to it! Strange!
  6. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hi everyone! Glad to see some folks checking in! I tend to spend more time on Sparkpeople.com nowadays where I can track my food and join challenges etc. I am down about 34 pounds. I had my first fill about 2 weeks ago -- I have 1cc in a 10 cc band. I have lost about 6 pounds since my fill so I am pretty happy with it. (The last three weeks before my fill I hadn't lost ANY weight!!) Knocking on wood b/c I have not yet had any sliming incidents - have found a few foods that are painful going down, but only for a few seconds. I will stay away from the, but pretty mch everything else is fine. Just eating WAY less than I used to and satisfied with it!! I was finally cleared for all physical activity at my fill in early march, but have been sick as a dog with a cold/sinus thing that won't go away so no gym for me yet. I am starting to feel better so I WILL start back at the gym the end of this week!!!
  7. hltwhite


    Hi there -- I don't think I can answer all of your questions but I wanted to relay to you something my doctor told me about straying too far from the post-op diet that REALLY helped me. I am big on LOGIC an dunderstanding WHY I have to do as I am told! I tend to get defensive when told to do somethign whithout a good reason -- lik ewhen I felt as if I could eat anything not long after surgery.... why do I have to stay on this restrictve diet.... here was his answer! Right now your stomach is helaing from surgery!! You may be ABLE to eat whatever you want, but you can't -- when you eat solid foods, or too much fat, your stomach has to work to digest that food. While your stomach is digesting, one thing it does is contract (like any other muscle when it is working) If you cause your stomach to contract too much too soon you risk disturbing the stitches (from where they took some of the stomach and stretched it over the band and secured it in place) and band placement in general. Ther are mor ethings to worry about then just stretching your pouch. You have to eat lightly and things that are already "mushed" (like, already chewed, not to be gross) so that the digestion will be as easy as possible on your stomach for the next few weeks while it heals. Hope that helps? It always helps me to have a mental image!
  8. hltwhite


    Oopps! Meant this to be a reply to someone, not it's own post! Sorry!!
  9. Hi everyone! I know we are still supposed to be experiencing "port pain" still, but is anyone feeling stabbing, burning, ripping pain?? It is not all the time, but when I stand up, bend, sometimes even when I just adjust in my chiar I get this type of pain in about a 4inch square area on my lower right of my stomach. Is anyone else's pain this bad?? Hopefuly???
  10. hltwhite

    Severe pain one month out

    Thanks ofr posting this! What ended up being the problem??
  11. hltwhite

    3 weeks out -- what is your diet?

    Would you mind sharing with us what your mentor told you about PB'ing? I have a very base knowledge of it and would love more info. My doctor did not mention this at all, i am just picking things up here and there about it! Thanks!!
  12. hltwhite

    Has anyone had a fill yet?

    If I could make a suggestion -- I have found a lot of valuable information by going to the december 2008 banders forum instead of the jan '09 all the time. I read their posts and it gives a lot of insight. Most of them have already had their first fills so it might be a good idea to go read their posts for some insight! It has been great for me to "read ahead" from people who are a few weeks ahead of me in this process! Hope it will work for you too!
  13. hltwhite

    3 weeks out -- what is your diet?

    I Guess I should edit the topic here -- I meant what stage does your doctor have you in for the thrid week after surgery, not what "diet" you will be using. Thanks everyone for your feedback so far!!!
  14. hltwhite

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Hi there! Were you able to eat the bun too? I was banded on the 15tha nd last week I was at a hockey game and had just a bite of my husband's hot dog. The bun made me feel so uncomfortable for quite awhile afterwards! I couldn't imagine eating a whole bun! Maybe I didn't chew it well enough? That does seem to be my issue sometimes.
  15. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    hi everyone! I am wondering the status of everyone's steri-strips?? Only one little set of mine have fallen off -- the rest seem pretty comfortable sticking around for a while!! Has anyone's already fallen off??
  16. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Two weeks out!! How is everyone feeling?? I am a little more sore than I have been - feel like ihave been punched in the gut a bunch of times, still can;t sleep on my side, and still sore when getting out of bed, up off the couch etc. I had to babysit my little neice yesterday = changing diapers and picking her up/carrying her, so that might explain some of it. Anyone else still achy/sore?? I think I am going to start back at the gym this weekend, mostly just walking on a treadmill. Can't wait til I get back to Water aerobics! SO, just thought I would check in - our group got pretty quiet! Hope everyone is doing well!
  17. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hi everyone! Just checking in! SOOO... I felt absolutely horrible on Thursday. Almost called out sick from work on Friday - I was runnign to the bathroom all night thursday and in to Friday morning. Fridya afternoon, I decided to have chicken soup - I usually just eat the broth, but I also took in some of the mushy soft carrots. I swear to you, it was like I was a new person!! Almost instantly I felt better! And I have been feeling like this ever since - like a whole new person instantly! I can take bigger sips, actually able to get all my liquids in, very little pain except for one incision that is bothering me and has a big black and blue all around it. I swear, I feel so good I want to order pizza tonight for dinner!! LOL On a serious note, I want to order pizza for dinner tonight.:thumbdown: I feel so good that I feel like I want to cheat, but I know my stomach is NOT healed well enoguth and i have to give it the full month to heal before I try ANYTHING. it is just hard when I feel this good and I am HUNGERY!!!! My second week diet does include mushies, but only VERY specific things and only 2 half cup servings all day - stillsuppsed to be on mostly Protein shakes. Ugh. So funny how different everyone is. Makes it hard to stick with what you have been given when everyone else's sound MUCH better!
  18. Hi everyone! I am still in my first week post-op but having trouble gettign enough Protein because the shakes fill me up to fast. I have some Special K Protein Water that I woudl LOVE to have, but they are not allowed on my list. Has anyone heard if they can have these or not? (I am finding EVERYONE gets told something different from their doctors!!) Thanks!
  19. Hi everyone! I am still in my first week post-op but having trouble gettign enough Protein because the shakes fill me up to fast. I have some Special K Protein Water that I would LOVE to have, but they are not allowed on my list. Has anyone been told if they can have these or not? (I am finding EVERYONE gets told something different from their doctors!!) Thanks!
  20. Hi everyone! So, here is my dilema - I m two days post-op and i am having trouble determining what I am feeling. I can't tell if I am uncomfortbale from the gas/pressure, from drinking/"eating" too much, or if they are hnger pains! How do you suggest I determine which it is? I don't want to keep drinking, as if they are hunger pains, but I am way down on my intake comapred to what the doctor's said I "should" have drank today so if it is just hunger, I want to drink more! lol - sorry for the rant, but this is the first time I have felt so uncomfortbae with no relief from drugs, walking, or food/drink. Any thoughts on how to tell the difference??
  21. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Mellygirl - i am SO jealous you can sleep on your side!!! Can't wait for that day! am pretty stiff and sore when I wake up after sleeping on my back... I am doing well, not as great as I had hoped (my family keeps telling me to drop the over achiever bit and just get better at my own pace! :wink2:) Up and about each day, feeling better each day. Not much pain, mostly just uncomfortable gas and a tightnees/soreness around my abdominals. I thought I would be out and about, to the stores, running errands, maybe even anxious to get back to work by today, but that is not the case. I am still quit happy in my sweats and in the house! I HAVE to be at work Thursday for a very important meeting that will last at least half the day so I am trying to tell myself to take is as easy as possible the next two days to allow lots of healing!! The scales says I have lost about 25 pounds (since begining my pre-op on the 5th) but I don't think that is true because all of my clothes fit exactly the same and I would have thought 25 pounds would make SOME diference! Actually, somethings are tight, pants that is, so i am wondering if I am bloated from the gas used in surgery still or from swelling?? Hope everyone is doing well!
  22. hltwhite

    My current dilema...

    Excellent suggestions Lena - and a great way to think of things!! THANK YOU!
  23. hltwhite

    Gettin banded on the 14th

    Hi thinner Kimmer - any relief yet? if so, what was it that did it for you??
  24. Hi everyone! Just checking!! Things went really well yesteday - started around 11am, back in my room a little before three, and they sent me home around 8pm last night. Only taking about half the cose of roxicet b/c I don't havemuch pain at all! I was shocked -t hey gave me pills, not liquid pain meds! but they said that's what they always give!! IThey said I could dplit the pills if I have a mental block about taking them, but that they are fine to take -- i couldn't believe it! (They said it was because they dissolve so quickly) SO.... doing fine, up and walking about. I slept downstairs last ngith b/c we don't have a bathroom upstairs and our bed is REALLY high. Eating my popsicles, Jello, and Water - looking forward to the next few weeks! I'll write more soon! SOOO glad I did this! So far, so GREAT!!
  25. hltwhite

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hi everyone! Just checking!! Things went really well yesteday - started around 11am, back in my room a little before three, and they sent me home around 8pm last night. Only taking about half the cose of roxicet b/c I don't havemuch pain at all! I was shocked -t hey gave me pills, not liquid pain meds! but they said that's what they always give!! IThey said I could dplit the pills if I have a mental block about taking them, but that they are fine to take -- i coudl;t believe it! (They said it was because they dissolve so quickly) SO.... doing fine, up and wlaking about. I slept downstairs last ngith b/c we don't have a bathroom upstairs and our bed is REALLY high. Eating my popsices, Jello, and Water - looking forward ot the next few weeks! I'll write more soon! SOOO glad I did this! So far, so GREAT!!

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