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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Britalian

  1. Britalian

    comment from my mom

    Friend, if you think that comment was bad, wait until you start really losing weight and then the haters will come out of the woodwork! People will be jealous and will make subtle jabs to undermine your efforts. IGNORE THEM. Have some good, practiced responses to blow them off with. "Thanks for the encouragement." "Let's change the subject." etc. Or, if they are egging you on to eat something fattening, say, "Please respect my commitment to my health."
  2. I am like MollyRN, I cannot drink with a meal, it feels like a stopped up sink and I feel like I am going to throw up. I can drink before and I can drink after as long as I wait 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Yes! I was diagnosed with band slippage in March. (Not sure how long it had been slipped but I am thinking since November.) Was re-banded in June. Have been getting filled incrementally and as of last week I think I am where I need to be. I think my band was filled too tightly the first time around, but I thought that is what it was supposed to be like. Now, I know better! I can eat a little and get full, I don't feel like the food is stuck and I am going to throw up. I did not get too far off track since I work out regularly, but I did gain about 20 pounds back since I had no restriction. Don't get discouraged! You might want to consider joining weight watchers or some other type of support to help you get back on track. I have a good friend who is a personal trainer, and he worked out with me every week throughout the whole ordeal, so I have been able to bounce back. Good luck!
  4. Britalian

    Is band slipping REALLY an issue?

    (Raising hand) My band slipped after 2 years. I am going to have it revised on June 27. I suspect my slippage was due to excessive vomiting. I got filled once right after surgery and once right after that. It seemed like an appropriate fill. There were times when it felt tight and I would vomit, but then other times it would feel fine, so I never did get it un-filled. I will definitely be more aware next go-round. I did lose plenty of weight though, so it's all good!
  5. Britalian

    Possible Band Slip???

    Thanks for your reply, hope it is working out better for you. I'm tight in the morning and at random other times...but never for an extended period where I would think I would need an un-fill.
  6. Britalian

    Possible Band Slip???

    I was never a drinker of soft-drinks, so the ban on diet coke hasn't been an issue with me in the two years since I have been banded. But there were a few days this week where I was running late for work so grabbed a diet coke out of the vending machine instead of stopping at Starbucks for coffee. Never again! I see why it is "forbidden." It's not worth the pain! Stupid question...my band has been at the correct fill for the past two years...why would it suddenly be tight and need a slight unfill? Does it have anything to do with losing weight?
  7. Britalian

    Oatmeal with protein powder?

    I don't add an entire scoop of protein powder, I add about 1/2 or 1/4, and I add extra milk. I like mine kind of "loose." Hope this helps!
  8. Britalian

    Possible Band Slip???

    I don't know, KimmieLou. I am paranoid as well because I have been having indigestion. From what I have read on here, if the band slipped we would be vomiting and in pain. I am loading up on Pepto Bismol and Gas X to see if the indigestion goes away. It's been 5 days and came on after drinking diet coke for three days straight. Did you eat anything that could have brought on the indigestion?
  9. Hi all, I hope one of you can help me. I was banded 22 months ago. I just now noticed a hard lump under my incision. I read some other posts where other people experienced this at their port area. I don't think it is my port...when I got filled, the port injection site was a lot lower down on my abdomen. Could this be scar tissue, and if so should I be concerned? Could this be the band that I am feeling? Just would like to get an idea from you guys before I call the doctor. Thanks!
  10. Britalian

    Hard lump under incision - 22 mos post-op

    Thanks for responding, I feel a bit better now
  11. In my pre- and post-op counseling, the nurse said I need to be on the Atkins diet forevermore. But I'm having problems eating chicken breast, steak, pork, and some vegetables (cabbage, the thick parts of the lettuce, the thick woody parts of the broccoli stem, etc.) They do not agree with me at all. Even salads are hard to digest sometimes. I have a problem with bread too, but I guess that's for the best. Anyway, my problem is that my inability to digest these things weakens my resolve to make good choices, and instead go for things that I know will go down easy. For example, brought a Lean Cuisine for lunch and had trouble digesting it, so I dumped it and got a bag of chips out of the vending machine. Had no trouble getting that down! I try to stick to fish and ground beef, but when that gets old it's much easier to turn to Pasta, etc. Any thoughts?
  12. Britalian

    Miracle Noodles

    Have you all heard of "miracle noodles," they have no calories, they are a noodle substitute. You can buy them online or at Asian groceries where they are advertised as shiritake noodles. I have read that they are kind of rubbery. Do you think those with lapbands will be able to swallow these noodles? They do come in different types, such as pearl noodles, "orzo," and angel hair. Thought this would be a great thing to eat once I get the lapband, but not if I won't be able to swallow it! Thanks for your input.
  13. Britalian

    Raw Oysters?

    I'm guessing these are a no-no, since they cannot be chewed into small bits...I guess if I slurped down a whole one it would have no way of getting through the stoma. Does this mean I can never enjoy a good, cold, fresh, raw oyster ever again?!?
  14. Has anyone else had this problem? I was banded on 1/12/09. I can only eat a small portion before I feel my chest getting tight like something is stuck in there. But my problem is, I want to finish eating what I'm eating! Then I end up making myself sick. I didn't realize that there would be such a strong psychological hurdle. I just want to be able to finish one piece of pizza! I don't need to eat 4 pieces like I used to, but I at least want to enjoy a whole piece and not just bites of it. How do I get over this? Even when I have dieted in the past, I'm used to having a big salad or a big turkey sandwich on sugar free bread. I'm not getting mentally satisfied with just a few bites. Any suggestions? Should I put a tiny portion on a plate so I can feel like I finished it? That way maybe I won't feel like I still have food to finish.
  15. Britalian

    Raw Oysters?

    Thanks, Jazlady, that makes me feel better. I'm in New Orleans too, so you know how important oysters are to my well-being!
  16. Thanks, all! I love the ideas about cutting the slice of pizza down first and using small dishes. Maybe I'll try to find a kid's tea set or dish set I can use, that sounds fun. Maybe I can convince myself that a chicken wing drummette is a big drumstick, lol! Also, I think once I start seeing results I won't care as much about the food part. Thanks for your input!
  17. Hi all, I was banded on 1/12, and for the past couple of days I have been having a weird taste in my mouth. Is that a sign that I am dehydrated? Also, I am craving tomato sauce...there must be some kind of Vitamin in there that I am lacking! At lunch today I was a bit worried, because I drank a whole cup of cream Soup, and was hungry two hours later. (Yesterday I could barely finish half a cup.) So, I ate two tablespoons of sugar free Jello and I feel like it is stuck or something. Am I supposed to chew up the jello until it is liquified? My post care instructions don't address chewing until I get on solid foods so I didn't think I had to watch out for jello.
  18. Britalian

    Slider Food Question

    thanks Kiz, that makes sense!
  19. My mother is going to stay with me while I'm in the hospital, and I'm planning to stay at her house to recover afterwards. However, I'm dreading it. I've recovered at her house for another surgery, and it was terrible. We don't get along and she's a cruel control freak, so if there is any way I can go back to my own house after surgery, I would like to. Does anyone know how much care I will need afterwards? Will I need someone to stay with me after the first day, or is it okay to stay by myself? Will I need someone to help bathe me, etc? I have friends that can pick up prescriptions for me if needed. Thanks for your advice.
  20. Britalian

    Slider Food Question

    Camping, this is my question too. If we're supposed to chew solid food until it is a liquid consistency so it can fit through the band, wouldn't is slip right on down to our bigger bottom pouch, where we don't feel as full?
  21. Thanks for replying. I have only taken Loratab sporadically, haven't had any acid reflux, and am definitely not getting enough Protein, so I think the taste in my mouth is probably ketosis. Kat, thanks for your advice about the Gelatin. I ran out of the office last night without putting it in the fridge, it is still sitting here, solid. I'm throwing this one away but the next one I eat I'll be sure to chew, chew, chew! I did have some tomato sauce, and I perked up like Popeye after eating spinach!
  22. Hi, I was also banded on Monday, and had the same fear...and for good reason! I started on mushies on Sunday night, 1/18, and have been eating like a pig. I ran out and got hummus, guacamole, ate homemade chunky spaghetti sauce, sucked the filling out of two deviled eggs, and have eating cream soups. (Not all at one time.) I am very hungry today, and was not before. So proceed with caution! Do the liquid diet as long as you can!
  23. I just checked in on our old thread! Hope everyone is doing well!
  24. Britalian

    January 12th bandsters

    Hi ladies, I am so glad you all made it through! I am doing great, just still have gas pains and feel very very bloated. The heat wraps help a lot - bless whoever suggested bringing them. I started on full liquids yesterday - that first sip of coffee was heaven! I'm not worried about the food too much, I really wanted the coffee. I did eat some homemade cauliflower Soup but could only sip half a teacup full even though it was liquid. It must have a lot of Fiber. I am only taking my pain meds at night. I have taken the liquid tylenol a couple of times. I have been coughing a lot b/c of allergies, so it hurts my incision to cough, that is mainly why I am hurting. I have not lost weight either. Well, one scale said I lost 2 pounds but that can't be right! My clothes are not fitting any looser, which is discouraging. But I think it's bc I am bloated with gas. Gas X strips are not really helping. My fellow 1/12 bandsters are in my thoughts, and I send my best wishes for your speedy recovery! Good luck!
  25. Britalian

    January 12th bandsters

    Lisa, what a great idea. Would you mind sharing these?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
