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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoveDK

  1. LoveDK

    Mother and Daughter Duo

    Thank you!! It's a tough road, but im so determined! I had shrimp thursday and I was really nervous about it, but i could only have three, it was great, went down smoothly. Other than that i've been on my liquids. I have my follow up tomorrow, and today I weigh 222. I'm nervous. But Im so excited. You will be just as successful, if you want it bad enough, I promise!
  2. LoveDK

    What to do??

    If you have medical problems, such as diabetes, hypertension etc.. then it is OK that your BMI is under 40. My mother's was 35, and she had a few issues to go along with it and she was immediately approved. My BMI was 42, and I am realitively healthy..Just 249lbs. I had super high bp during my pregnancy, but I was approved immediately as well. Good luck, I wouldn't worry about it, but if you need to binge on carbs and sodium..go for it, haha. Good luck doll!
  3. LoveDK

    Post Op Diet

    1. Does anyone else have problems with milk products? Im thinking that's what made me sick to my stomach for awhile this morning. - I Haven't had any problems with milk, I've only tried drinking it a couple times, I am sticking to Water though, it seems to be doing better for me for now. Try adding propel flavors to your water if you don't like water. 2. Does anyone eat baby food as part of their post op diet? I'm on my full liquids now until 14th and on my list from my surgeon I have cream soups, yogurt etc. and baby food is more liquid than yogurt so I was wondering if anyone has done this just to change up the taste a little. - I did not have baby food on my list, but that is fine, as long as it is soft and you eat it slowly, you can.. I however I have been on liquids since a week before my surgery, I was banded on Dec 22. I go to my follow up tomorrow, and tomorrow starts week three.. I had cocktail shrimp on thursday and saturday, it was wonderful i only had like three each time. I also had a slice of cheese, as long as you chew it up its fine. Shrimp is soft, and its pretty much fat free, cheese too, low carb. From our doctors our week three is when we can start the mashed potaotes, grits, and things like that. Youre doing great... I read some people who are eating rice on week two so.. just becareful and have soft stuff. baby gerber banana is good, and vanilla custard, but the sugars are whoa. Get sugar free Jello pudding, very good. 3. What Protein drinks do you all find to work the best? - I use Designer Whey, chocolate. It's great! I love it. - Good luck! And congrats.
  4. LoveDK

    Mother and Daughter Duo

    Hello! My mother and I also went through this process together. It was great to have her with me and go first, lol. She was banded Sept 12, and is going for her second fill tomorrrow. I was newly banded on December 22, so I'm 7 days post-op today. My mom was 197 and today she is 167. She is doing pretty good. I was 249, and today I am 227. We are both so happy for this. I think it is great that you will be able to share this experience with your daughter (s). Also to the previous post, my mother's BMI was 35, and she had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.. She was approved by our insurance immediately. As long as you have health complications, your BMI can be below 40. Good Luck
  5. Hey Everyone! Thanks For taking a second to read my intro! I just found this site today, and I'm so thankful because I had some serious questions today that needed to be answered!! And they were! I started this whole process in April of this year, and it was frustrating at times, but I really wanted this so I stuck it out and completed everything that needed to be done. I was approved immediately and had no issues with insurance at all, thank God. I had my pre-op on my birthday, 12/15, fun! It was a long day but it was nice to finally see that everything was going to happen for real! lol. I had my surgery on 12/22 with Dr. Titus Duncan, at Peachtree Bariatrics in Atlanta GA.. Everything went great and his staff was very friendly, he also banded my mother in September. I did really well with my pre-op diets and lost a few pounds prior to surgery, which was great! I started this process at 249. At the consult on 12/1 I was 245. and the pre-op day I was 238. Today, 6 days post-op I am 228, and I'm strickly on my liquids this week. Tomorrow starts week two, I'm pretty excited! I'm completely confused about how some people are eating already at 2 weeks post op and im still on liquids. lol. I know all doctors are different, and our stomachs are swollen and need time to heal. I suppose next week I'll introduce some applesauce, and some mashed potatos, which im excited about! I also only seem to watch foodnetwork. It takes my hunger away, weird! I didn't have any complications after surgery, although the pain meds made me completely drowsy and just unfunctional I didn't like it at all! I got some tylenol, and that has worked great! The second and third day were brutal, I've had a c-section before and it felt almost like that the second day. Man. Lol. I wasn't one of the few who don't have any pain, I'm pretty sensitive. I still have some soreness around the bellybutton but not TOO much. And my port site is still pretty tender, and tight. I'm so paranoid about it moving or flipping. I am actually driving myself crazy about it.. Like I'm just waiting for something to happen.. But so far everything seems to be fine... Nothing thats so bad I need to go to the doctor.. Thank God. I do have gas bubbles in my chest or something though, they come randomly.. I have regular BM so I don't know.. ahh. It sucks though, it kinda feels like something is stuck in the band.. I don't know. I also had the pain in my left shoulder, about 3 times. the first time was the worst, I couldn't move it hurt so bad that I was crying. but it happened twice after but not that bad Tylenol fixed it. Hopefully it passes. My follow up is on the 5th, next Monday. I cannot wait to get my OK to begin working out again! Congratulations to everyone on this journey!
  6. thanks for the replies! This is going to be a great support system for me! :tongue2:

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