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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vergie

  1. That's great!! I guess what we have to remember is you have to feel comfortable with your surgeon. I have not heard anything bad about Dr. Spivak, as a surgeon, only that he is not as aggressive with the fills as Dr. Spiegel. The point is we are all in this to lose weight and change our life some of us will do it quicker than others but ultimatley we all have the same goal. Good luck and hopefully we will be calling you "little David" very soon!

  2. Hey everyone! I just joined this group and think it's great! I was banded ny Dr. Spiegel in April of 2005. By November I was at my goal weight :clap2: . I flew in from NY specifically to have my surgery done by Dr. Spiegel. There were 2 deciding factors, first I spoke to several people who used him and second Lap Band is the only weight loss surgery he performs. Any Dr. who puts all his eggs in one basket must be great at it and believe in it very much. I flew home the day after my surgery and went to work right after that. I have been back three times since then for fills. I think Dr. Spiegels office was very courteous both pre-op and post-op. I've read in some of the posts that Dr. Spiegel is cocky, but I think it's more confidence then cockiness, he truly is amazing. I for one have gushed to Dr. Spiegel and about him to anyone that will listen LOL, that's bound to give anyone an ego boost. He has truly changed my life I have never been so thin and so happy. Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in :)

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