I had the Lap-Band proceedure done in early July of 2008, with my most recent fill taking place in late August. I have lost nearly 70 pounds to date with no complications whatsoever until Mid-November. At that time I began experiencing difficulty with keeping food down. I could not understand why I was having problems all of a sudden, considering the fact that I have been eating slowly and in smaller amounts.
My ability to hold down food has progressively gotten worse, especially since December 1st. Since that time, I can barely hold down liquids. As of this date, I cannot even hold down saliva and must spit into a cup in order to prevent me from throwing up every minute. My vomit is NOT acidic, so I assume that it is not even making it into my stomach. SOMETIMES I can actually get Fluid down (like every two days during a 1 hour window with constant prepping with small amounts of fluids) and even some food, but it comes at a cost...the day AFTER getting some food down, my esophagus closes up and I cannot eat or drink a THING for at LEAST 24 hrs. I am very nervous. My doctor says to go on a 14 day liquid diet but I cannot even hold down SALIVA let alone liquids.
I cannot believe that this is due to my fill because I did not experience ANY complications until months after....Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?