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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rebeccayvone

  1. rebeccayvone

    Mexico or close to home?

    Dr Fox in tacoma, washington state does fills for post op mexico patients.
  2. Does anyone have messed up labs. Ketones in their urine? I think my labs are ok now. Just got worried.
  3. rebeccayvone

    Had to do it

    Had to get the lap band in mexico. My insurance wouldn't pay for it, because I don't have diabetes. I went by myself. I speak some spanish and the staff speak some English. I have done many things in my life, but I have to admit it was scary.:Banane59: I can honestly say it has almost completly curbed my apetite. I have lost 11 pounds and I have not had my first adjustment.:clap2: I had to work the 4th day post op because I had no time off.:think That really sucked bad. I told everyone I strained my muscles in mexico. Well my muscles did feel strained. Gotta go I'm at work.
  4. rebeccayvone

    Had to do it

    Had to get the lap band in mexico. My insurance wouldn't pay for it, because I don't have diabetes. I went by myself. I speak some spanish and the staff speak some English. I have done many things in my life, but I have to admit it was scary.:confused: I can honestly say it has almost completly curbed my apetite. I have lost 11 pounds and I have not had my first adjustment.:clap2: I had to work the 4th day post op because I had no time off.:think That really sucked bad. I told everyone I strained my muscles in mexico. Well my muscles did feel strained. Gotta go I'm at work.

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